George of the Jungle (1997) Poster

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It's so stupid, it's hilarious!
Budd-530 August 1999
Thumbs up to the director and the stars of George of the Jungle. They have made one of the funniest children's films that you will ever see. You know that they had a great time making it because it's clearly evident on the screen. George of the Jungle is simply just a Tarzan parody. (Ape-man meets girl, falls for girl, leaves for city, returns to jungle). But the predictable plot doesn't destroy the performances and the movie is peppered with some laugh out loud jokes.

Of course the special effects are impressive - a talking ape, an elephant that thinks he's a dog - but it's the humans that steal the show. Fraser is fantastic as George - he is one of the most talented actors out there at the moment - though this film doesn't test his range much, he shows a nice comic flair. Mann is a lovable foil for our hero, though her squeaky voice is at times too cute. None of the other characters disappoint. Both Mann's parents are great in supporting roles and Lyle as Mann's nasty fiance is sensational.

Kids will love this. Adults, I think will find a lot to enjoy in it also, but don't bring along any cynics. They'll miss out on all the fun!!
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Laugh of the Jungle
albechri4 May 2000
Brilliant smashing comedy movie! The characters are original and fun. As if you're seeing a big family in a movie, everyone's interacting perfectly.

The animals are definitely the best. The ape, especially the elephant. Very funny and spectacular!

Just watch it with the whole family. It's really fun. I promise.
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A Few Twists Make This A Fun Movie
ccthemovieman-16 June 2006
This was a pretty entertaining comedy with a few twists added, such as a talking gorilla, which made it fun to watch. We also see an elephant act like a dog and along the way our hero (Brendan Fraser) is a likable boob. Sometimes it's just plain stupid but that's what you get with any comedy.

Disney has this in the "PG" mode so we get some of the standard peeing, farting, sex jokes and innuendos, kicking people in the know, all those supposedly-hilarious gags that have become so commonplace in modern family comedies. There is enough original material in here, though, to enjoy this a couple of times.
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"Run Shep! Run for your life!"
DarthBill27 April 2004
Big screen adaptation of the much beloved cartoon character recounts how George (admirably played with affable density by Brendan Fraser) met his wife Ursula (played by the adorable Leslie Mann). The only thing standing between them being Ursula's mom (played by Holland Taylor), Ursula's obnoxious fiance Lyle (Thomas Haden Church) and poacher duo. Helping George is his loyal elephant/dog Shep, the toucan, and the Ape Named Ape (voiced with biting cynicism by John Cleese).

Yeah it's not great cinema but hey, it's not a misfire either. It's funny most of the time and it shows that Fraser has cornered the affable stranger in a strange land market. Very few actors can play characters who are essentially idiots without losing audience sympathy or credibility, but somehow Fraser manages to do it.

Best gags include include the smart ass narrator, George getting hyped up on coffee, the women at Ursula's party fawning over George's deep spiritual connection with animals, George swinging into various objects (most notably the San Francisco bridge sequence) and George's climatic battle with the poachers.

"My noble kinsmen, thou has served me well. Now stand aside while Shep doth dispatch these villains." - George speaking ape
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George! George! George of the Jungle, friend to you and me! Indeed, he was. This movie is a guilty pleasure of mine.
ironhorse_iv2 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
'George of the Jungle' is one fun goofball movie that most people will love. After all, the movie humor is based off the 1960's cartoon of the same name made by Jay Ward & Bill Scott, the same guys that help made 'the Rocky and Bullwinkle show'. A parody of author, Edgar Rice Burroughs's novel, 'Tarzan of the Apes'; the show and film tells a fish out of water story of an extremely clumsy and dimwitted, wild man named George (Brendan Fraser) trying to live with his wealthy love interest, Ursula (Leslie Mann) in the big city. However, the call of the wild is calling him back, to save the jungle, from some unwanted poachers wanted to capture, his friend/mentor Ape (Voiced by John Cleese). Without spoiling the movie, too much, if this plot sounds familiar, yes, it nearly a carbon copy of the plot of 'Jungle 2 Jungle', also released by Disney on the same year. Honestly, if you take away, most of clever take itself not so serious, self-aware humor from this movie, you're left with a generic somewhat cheesy tiresome plot with bad CGI, and men in badly made ape costumes. Thank goodness, the movie directed by Sam Weisman is so funny, that we can overlook that, and see it for what it is: a light-hearted parody. It's as close to being a live-action cartoon as possible. Surprising, that's a good thing since the plot is so plain. The way the movie was shot in slapstick form remind me, of the Looney Toons shorts with the Roadrunner and the Wyle E. Coyote. As the narrator explains, in this film nobody dies, but they will "get big boo-boos". George smashing into trees is particularly a Running Gag. Even without the dialogue jokes, the physical comedy is that universal. While, yes, the violence might led to kids accidentally hurting themselves emulating moves learned from the film, but I have to say, it's a risk worth taking, because physical comedy in a live action Disney movie has never been so funny. While, yes, there is some cringe-worthy dark moments, like apes wanting to rape the villain, Lyle (Thomas Haden Church) or a bird getting shove in somebody ass. For the most part, the childish slapstick and toilet humor, are used correctly to the point, that it's not too annoying, or offensive to watch. Surprising, most of jokes are not even that low brow. I like how the film has some wily humor to counteract the few amounts of juvenile absurdity. The way the film used cool, 'breaking the fourth wall' moments, risky sexual innuendos, exaggeration narratives, smart wordplay and puns, and some fun surrealism were great. Not only, did those jokes hit the funny bone for adults, but it was clear enough for kids to understand as well. Perhaps, that might turn off, some viewers off, but I do like comedies which the whole family can enjoy together. Also, I like how the actors delivered the jokes, throughout it. Fraser, Cleese, Mann & Thomas Haden Church gave us, some of the best facial reactions ever. I wouldn't call it, the best acting, but it was fine, for what they were given. All of the characters were pretty likable. Nevertheless, I like George the most. He's sweet, soulful, courageous, in touch with his emotions, and spends most of the movie running around in nothing, but a six pack chest and small loincloth. So, it was no surprise that most women love this movie. The title song is catchy, however, I can do, without the flashing light, title opening, after the cartoon, as it can potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. I also can do, without the fake looking locations mixed with the real-life locations. It was a bit distracting. Plus, I didn't like the whole shooting in the head gag. It probably should had been change. Better yet, have it cut like the delete scenes, where George saving Ursula from a quicksand pit, George exploring the mall and Lyle returning from jail with a shaved head and eye patch. It was not funny. It was a bit disturbing. Still, it's weird that everyone thought this movie was going to flop, but its things like what I listed, that made this movie into a box-office success and relatively well-received with critics. Even Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert love this film. Indeed, Disney presents the smash hit comedy that families everywhere went bananas over! Overall: For a movie that clearly should've been dead on arrival, it's actually very enjoyable. Kids love it, adults seem to like it, what's not to enjoy? In the end, go ahead and swing on it. It's that fun to watch. Highly recommended.
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Not nearly as lame as I thought it'd be.
Chrissie9 September 1999
Actually, a lot of fun.

Sure, it's lame. It's supposed to be lame. It pokes fun at itself for being lame. ("George can't die -- he's the hero.") Don't expect great special effects, real Nature, a solid plot, or Oscar-caliber acting. This is mind candy.

In a lot of ways, the plot is like "Titanic" -- nice new boy steals girl away from sleezebag fiancée she's just marrying to please her mother. However, since Ursula ditches Lyle before taking up with George, there's none of the moral bankruptcy that made Titanic such a stinker. "George of the Jungle" has the added benefit of not taking itself seriously.
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Poor hardly funny family flick
harj-41-60709029 December 2011
This promised to be an entertaining family flick. The ingredients seem just right, talking animals, lady falls in love with a jungle man, fiancé gets jealous etc. Brendan Fraser pulls of the role reasonably well. John Cleese is well cast as the voice of an ape. However the rest is pulled off terribly. Barring the special effects (which are actually very good), there is little more in this film that might move it up the 'must watch holiday family flick' list. A lot more could and should have been made of this and what little slapstick there is could have been even funnier. the action however is reasonably well choreographed. The problem is that most of it is quite 'reasonable' and not a single element is outstanding.
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Watch out with that tree!
Lady_Targaryen31 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
'George of the jungle'is a silly movie,but we can have some laughs. One of the reasons why the movie is worthwhile is Brendan Fraser's hot body,because in all his career I personally think this is the movie that he is in his best, physically speaking.

This movie is a Tarzan's parody, where the baby George,after an airplane accident, gets lost in the Africa (specifically in the jungle) and is raised by apes. 25 years later, he is a beautiful and strong man, and he turned to be the king of the jungle, even being a little clumsy and naive in many times.

Ursula and Lyle are the rich couple who are walking in the Africa's jungle where Tarzan lives. They are engaged, but Ursula is not very happy with that decision. (What I personally think is very acceptable, once Lyle is a stupid materialist coward)

But when Tarzan saves Ursula and they start to get close,many things are about to change, and Ursula's marriage with Lyle is one of them.

Ps: funny facts: 1-The talking monkey, who is an intellectual with British accent 2- Shep, George's ''dog'',who actually is an elephant.
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Stupid smiling ape-guy swings into ( fake ) trees.
flickaddict10 August 1999
I'm sorry, but this film is one of the worst I have ever seen. I rented it because of Brendan Fraser ( who plays George ). I saw him in ' School Ties ' , a delightful film and one of his earlier ( and I think best )roles. Because of that film he caught my attention as a great and promising young actor. After seeing this horrible, not-funny-at-all copy of the Tarzan movies, I'm beginning to have second thoughts about his acting talents. Why does an actor with so much talents agree to star in a film like this ???? That's what I asked myself the entire 88 minutes of this absolutely boring film. I've seen a number of other films ( like ' Still breathing ' or ' Blast from the past') in which Brendan Fraser is really great, so why on earth did he need to accept a role in which the only thing he seems to be doing is smiling stupidly, flying around in a jaguar-print bikini and making irritating attempts at being the funniest guy in the jungle ?

And not to mention the 'special effects'.....fake trees, silly puppet lions, and actors in shabby gorilla-outfits............. The only thing that I thougt could be called a ' special effect' was the computer generated elephant Shep, who thinks that he's a dog. It was the only thing in the film that looked ( sort of ) realistic to me.

For little kids it might be entertaining, but I actually found this film in the adult section of our videostore, and thought it to be a little bit out of place there. As I said, I only rented it because of Fraser, and expected it to be silly, but at the end it proved to be even more stupid and meaningless as I imagined. Not funny at all, and a real shame for such a promising actor as Brendan Fraser !

I give this wouldbe comedy 1 out of 10 for adults, and 6 out of 10 for children.
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Even though it's a Disney movie...
cToTh-229 April 2001
Even though it's a Disney movie and can be viewed by the whole family, the movie was quite funny. Not Naked Gun funny, but still funny nonetheless. It is definitely worth the price of rental or purchase, so long as you like silly/unrealistic circumstances, talking animals, etc.

For those of you keeping score, this movie was much funnier than Dudley Do-Right, which had some similarities.
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5 on a scale of 10
len-219 January 2000
Please recognize that my unbelievably generous 5 is based on a rating a kid would probably give this movie. I realize most kids will like it, but most kids will like almost every kid movie. I am claiming that GOTJ is a very weak movie on the kid-o-meter, though I am light years from being "kid-o-meter" hip.

As an adult, it is the worst piece of stupidity I have seen in a long, long time - probably ever. I generally like kid's movies, but this was just junk. I'm not fond of talking animals, humans in gorilla suits, the same gags repeated at least 100 times, subtitles, slapstick, idiot behavior, etc. The problem here is that it had all of those things - and I really hate the compounding effect miserably created.

Actually, to be fair, I only watched the first half. It is a metaphysical impossibility for the second half to be worse than the first half. But as bad as the first half was, I think it is also (strangely) a metaphysical impossibility for the second half to be any BETTER than the first half as I believe both halves were written, directed and produced by the same persons.

I have not seen a movie that I would rate less than a 4 in years. I try to be reasonably careful before I spend my time. However, I would rate this movie at about a 0 (negative, if allowed) for adults - easily the worst movie of all time! I hate to use up such a wonderful stigma on such a meaningless three year old film, but I have waited for many years to assign such a lowly title and now I feel really, really good!
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What is it with chicks and horses?
eklyvaldur-139471 May 2022
The people who don't like this masterpiece have gone full-Karen in their reviews😂

This movie definitely helped to shape millennial humor. It raised our standards for men by giving us the amazingly beautiful, amazing, strong and soft Brendan Fraiser. He's fantastic both in his element and as the fish out of water.
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Kinda grew on me
Wraith7315 October 2002
At first, I was not really struck on this movie. I enjoyed it enough to buy it on DVD, but it spent most of it's time on the shelf. That was until my 6 year old niece watched it with me. Twice in a row. One of the few movies she will actually sit there the whole time for, just staring at the screen. After seeing the enjoyment on her face I began to look at the movie from a child's perspective. Take your mind back to when you were a kid. Then press play. You'll enjoy it a lot more. And you'll also get to spend more time with your kids!
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A monotonus movie
CharltonBoy10 October 1999
George of the jungle could have been a quite good Childrens movie if the editors or script writers hadn't decided to replay the same jokes over and over and over again in the film. i lost count how many times the stupid and irritating george hit the tree when swinging from his vine but i do know that after the 34th time it lost it's appeal! My advice would be to stick this movie on for the kids but get the hell out of the room if your an adult , it will do your head in! 5 out of 10
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Unrelentingly silly but quite fun if you get into it
bob the moo28 May 2006
Years after a plane crash in the heart of Africa saw him separated from his parents as a baby, young George has been brought up by the animals, specifically his friend Ape (who is an ape). Many decades have gone by when George's quiet existence is interrupted by a group of explorers and their guides. When two of the party get attacked by a lion George is forced to intervene and carries the unconscious Ursula back to his tree house. As her boyfriend tries to track down the mysterious "white ape", George and Ursula get to know one another.

Opening with a cartoon opening sequence and a wonderfully absurd and catchy theme song, the switch to live action doesn't affect the tone of the film at all as it remains as silly as the opening. Of course in many ways this is a problem because the whole thing is very silly and you really need to buy into it to stop yourself being annoyed by it. But if you do get into it then it is actually quite a fun little piece of nonsense that can be watched in mixed groups of adults and children. The material is very obvious but the knowing humour and cartoon-style delivery make it work on this level and although I laughed only once or twice I generally found the energy of the film quite engaging. The plot is not really important but it does just about enough to hold the whole thing together.

The cast are very much secondary to the whole air of the piece but they do well to buy into it. It is strange to see Fraser in this now as he has since been a "good actor" and also an "action star", but here he is a good sport and takes to the role pretty well even if he is found wanting in anything other than daft moments. Mann is obvious and lacks the material to have a good time. Church is the butt of many a joke and wears it well, matching the material and tone. Cleese is always welcome and is amusing while minor support from Taylor and Roundtree is good fun. Scott's narration sets the tone well and he has nice lines to deliver.

Overall this is a very silly film that will annoy anyone who doesn't get into the right mindset really early on. However to those that enter its own daffy universe, it is actually quite good fun – unrelentingly childish and silly, it does have a cartoony energy to it that somehow manages to work, producing a film that will please children and some adults.
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The Worst Movies of All Times
theklek11 August 2005
George of the Jungle is hands down the worst movie of all times. Here you have it all rolled into one: incredibly bad acting, yawnfully unstimulating story, flat characters, hollow jokes, cheap sets, budget television cinematography, and half-hearted stunts.

This movie doesn't offer any of the appeal of the original cartoon which was funny and charming for what it was. In typical Disney fashion, beloved concepts are smashed and rendered into something that can be singularly translated into mass marketing. From videos to fast-food kid meals, we're served up a dish of slop that used to be a tasty confection of light entertainment in it's original form.

Watching Brendan Fraser (who's budding career was luckily not destroyed by this movie) and Leslie Mann do the jungle dance to an uninspired Disney tune was terribly painful. One can only imagine the conditions in Hollywood that lead actors to gleefully sign such Devil's pacts.
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sandiesh-867197 April 2020
Such a fun family film to watch, lots of laughs and adventure- a classic!!
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Just when you thought dumb couldn't get any dumber
mdm-1121 May 2005
I teach 4th grade and have opportunities to treat my class to down-time in form of "video afternoons" about once each month. When I screened this "comedy" for possible viewing in my classroom (I can't afford unpleasant surprises), I was soon convinced that 10 year olds' intelligence would be insulted if presented with this nonsense.

This "big budget" film version can't hold a candle to the cartoon series I remember from my childhood. What happened? Why do Hollywood executives assume that today's kids are a few notches behind their parents? The jokes seemed "dummied down", which makes them appear "forced" and completely unfunny.

This film, obviously, did not "make it" to the show. The only film I've "screened" lately even worse than this one was "Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls". Destroy that one on sight! This year's biggest hit with my 4th graders: "Dennis The Menace" (with Walter Matthau) and anything starring the character "Mr. Bean" (available in bite-size TV show format, 2 30 min. episodes per video).
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Bothers about nothing
Mort-316 April 2001
This movie is so exaggerated that it's good again. Maybe adults will enjoy it more than kids. The characters are so flat that it doesn't disturb you any more. The jungle looks so artificial that you can't believe it was supposed to look real. But the whole story, though easily understandable for kids, is completely crazy and freaky and bothers about nothing. „George` is a cheap little trash movie, happily spoofing not only the Tarzan movies but also some Disney cartoons. 7 out of 10!
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Another Cartoon That Didn't Translate To The Big Screen
bigverybadtom5 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The only truly memorable scene in this movie was the stunt at the Golden Gate Bridge-it was actually rather impressive. The rest, however, was trite, dull, and repetitive. George, an inept Tarzan-like man, is found by Ursula in the jungle, and she takes him to the city, and of course there are problems with that.

The original "George Of The Jungle" episodes were short cartoons, not necessarily suited for conversion to a feature-length film, as other such efforts such as "Dudley Do-Right" have proved. Though the movie does make a real effort to keep as close to the original cartoon as possible, the sad truth is that the whole thing just didn't work. Fortunately, the fad for such efforts has long died off, so we don't have to worry about seeing Hong Kong Phooey or Tennessee Tuxedo getting such treatment.
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Good Family Movie
jewelllela26 November 2000
I thought that George of the Jungle was a good family movie, because it is family oriented. The movie was funny and Brendan Fraiser did a good job as playing George. I thought everyone involved with this movie did a good job and should be watched for family entertainment.
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dumb and awful and solely for kids or those with very low standards
planktonrules10 June 2007
I was very surprised when this movie debuted, as the reviews were generally quite good. And, since I had kids who were seven and three at the time, I took them to see this film. Unfortunately, while they liked it, I thoroughly hated it and felt that the film was designed almost exclusively for kids or those with very low standards. The problem was that Brandon Frasier was NOT enough to carry the film--even with the assistance of John Cleese as his best friend. And to make matters worse, the writing was just stupid and awful. The original George of the Jungle cartoons were pretty bad and it's a shame that this film didn't do much to improve on this. This film is strictly for young kids, as even teens will most likely think that this is a hokey mess.
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My children have never grown tired of this movie.
Scurfield18 January 1999
This is a great family movie! My children, aged 4-8, love it and it has become one of my all time favorite live action family films. I have enjoyed watching it many times and it is a welcomed addition to our family video library. The drums beats never fail to get me in the mood for George.
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Disney blandness weakens this film
SKG-221 February 1999
I never saw the original series as much as the other, more famous, Jay Ward cartoon ROCKY AND BULLWINKLE, but what I did see had that show's same inclination towards subversive humor and bad puns (like when a white hunter named Weevil was tracking George, but George thinks he's thrown him off the trail because "See no Weevil, hear no Weevil, speak no Weevil"). This movie, however, blunts that edge. The narration by Keith Scott is funny in of itself (like when Thor wonders why he's taking glee at the misfortunes of the bad guys, and he replies, "Because I don't like you"), but I would have liked to see more interaction between him and the other characters. More importantly, there's more emphasis on "Watch out for that tree!" and other physical gags than on the verbal humor. And while the film is on solid ground in the jungle, the CROCODILE DUNDEE type second half is a retread.

It should be said that Fraser and Mann make an appealing duo, and Greg Cruttwell and Abraham Benrubi (from ER) are good villains, but Thomas Haden Church quickly becomes tiresome. John Cleese is droll as the Ape named Ape, but that joke is stretched too thin.
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George of the Jungle
jboothmillard6 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
When I was young this used to be quite a funny Walt Disney Pictures live action comedy about a young boy dropped in the jungle and becomes like a Tarzan type character. Brendan Fraser plays George, the King of the Jungle and Leslie Mann as Ursula Stanhope is the woman who "finds" and takes him to the city to try and become like a normal man. After a while George becomes quite used to the city, and falls in love with Ursula, her parents obviously don't approve. Meanwhile, the bad guys including Lyle Van De Groot as Thomas Haden Church, Max, Van De Groot's Sidekick Thug (Greg Cruttwell) and Thor, Van De Groot's Sidekick Thug (Abraham Benrubi) plan to kidnap an ape. John Cleese also voices An Ape Named 'Ape' who is quite amusing in places trying to explain to George about things. For a live action comedy, this used to be quite fun. Worth watching!
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