Freddy Got Fingered (2001) Poster

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Flawed but ambitious. If anything, its certainly unforgettable.
jonsefcik23 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I genuinely believe that if this movie had better dialogue, better acting, and a more grounded script, it could have been one of the most groundbreaking comedies of the decade. While it has a reputation as one of the worst movies ever made, I've seen way worse. At its core, this movie is all about Gordy, an immature man- child who wants to prove to his father that he is a man. This simple and age-old setup is turned upside down and told through the veil of a sadistic anti-comedy. He goes to absurd, even grotesque lengths to prove that he is independent and self-sufficient. Gordy masturbates a horse and an elephant to prove to himself and his father that he has "grasped manhood". As he grabs the horse's penis, he shouts "Look at me, Daddy! I'm a farmer, Daddy" indicating he wants to prove his independence to his father, the farmer symbolizing a hard worker that produces something valuable to society. The fact that he makes the elephant ejaculate all over his father and right after that his father accepts him shows that he has succeeded.

If you couldn't tell from that last paragraph, the film is blatantly offensive, and if it offends you or grosses you out, then it has done its job. Its something of a satire on the increasingly gratuitous and stupid R-rated sex comedies and dumb teen comedies of the 90s. Some of the random celebrity cameos are just there to bring the movie some credibility, just like the movies its making fun of, but also seem to be poking fun at them (like Shaq's cameo). The sheer ridiculousness of everything that happens is itself pretty entertaining and funny. Some people find this movie absolutely hilarious, and I'll admit I'm one of those people.

Don't get me wrong, this movie is FAR from a masterpiece. The acting is mostly pretty bad, the story drags at points, and all the dialogue sounds like it was written my Tom Green himself. If the movie was more realistic, Gordy would have been fired twice and arrested at least three times. There are a lot of jokes in the movie that Tom Green has admitted are just inside jokes between him and his friends. That's great for you and your friends, but the general movie going audience won't get half your references. In my humble opinion, this movie had a lot of potential, and in some ways Tom Green may be some kind of comedic genius, but the film's sloppy execution holds it back from being anything more than a fun novelty movie for me to troll my unsuspecting friends with on movie night.
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The Best Terrible Movie Ever Made
Grahamsky27 February 2006
If you are looking for a moronic, low-brow, hilarious movie, "Freddy Got Fingered" is absolutely immaculate. It has enough of a plot to keep you interested but is so absurd that no one could ever take it seriously. "FGF" is completely random, which I really enjoyed, and Tom Green is as spectacular as ever. If you liked "The Tom Green Show" that aired on MTV during the late 90's then you will enjoy this film; if not then you will find this motion picture completely asinine and abhorrent. There is lots of gross-out humor that is not for the faint of heart and the ending is absolutely priceless. I recommend that everyone spend a Saturday night with a six-pack of cheap beer and "Freddy Got Fingered," you will never forget it.
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Pretty Funny
corneliusscrotumbottom24 April 2018
This movie is pretty funny, but you need a very peculiar sense of humor to appreciate it. If you're like me and burst out laughing at the idea of wild animalistic clowns making honking noises with their red noses to signal their attack, Freddy Got Fingered will make you laugh so hard green goo will spurt from your nipples!
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Not nearly as horrible as you've been led to believe
uglykidmatt1 June 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Comedy is perhaps the most subjective of all forms of entertainment. Judy Carter, in her wonderfully insightful "Stand-Up Comedy: The Book", summed it up best: "Some people will laugh at a guy slipping on a banana peel. Some people will only laugh at Hitler slipping on a banana peel." What kills with one crowd will die with the next, and no two people will laugh at the same thing for the same reason. Comedy, in many ways, says more about the laughers than the comedians themselves, and it is no wonder that comedy shop talk is filled with violent images ("If I don't bomb, I'm gonna murder that audience"). Comedy, to put it mildly, is DANGEROUS.

"Freddy Got Fingered", Tom Green's scabrous black comedy, illustrates this principle to a T. Since his earliest days on Canadian cable-access television, Green has based his career on pushing the envelope. Like Andy Kaufman, his bizarre stunts (many involving animal carcasses and the sexual humiliation of his parents) are primarily about the reaction of both their hapless victims and US, the audience; if you don't step back and consider how you're taking this humor, and why, you're not really getting the whole Green experience. "Freddy" carries this sensibility into a fictional format, giving us the strange tale of a man who lives his life as an experiment in riling people up.

Gord Brody (Green) is a young aspiring cartoonist who fails miserably in his attempt to break into the Hollywood big time. He is forced to move back home with his parents, setting off a titanic battle of wills with his stentorian oaf of a father (Rip Torn), an escalating conflict that involves accusations of child molestation, sausages on strings, elephant penises, horse penises, Green's penis, and really badly made cheese sandwiches.

Of course, all of this story nonsense is just that: nonsense. It serves no function but to provide Green and co-writer Derek Harvie with a framework for grotesque, deliberately shocking set pieces, many of which work surprisingly well. There's a brief sojourn at a stud farm, where Gord lives out an apparently lifelong fantasy, wagging a horse's genitals while yelling "I'm a farmer!" like a drunken barbarian. In another scene, Gord delivers a baby, ripping the bloody umbilical cord with his teeth. He picks up a wheelchair-bound girlfriend (Marisa Coughlin) who gets her jollies by being caned in the legs with a bamboo stick. And there's the wonderful little boy who spends the whole movie getting accidentally brutalized, hit by cars and running into airplane propellers, always with much blood and flying viscera.

Now I know this may not sound that funny, and indeed, "Freddy" has gotten the most dastardly reviews that I think I have ever seen for a major release. Critics don't just hate "Freddy"; they seem personally hurt by the film, as if Green had made the picture just to upset them and get their goat. What they don't seem willing to acknowledge is that Green made the film for EXACTLY that reason, and is getting exactly the reaction he wants. Therefore, his film can be regarded as something of a great success.

Personally, I agree with many of the critics who have described "Freddy" as surrealist. There is no attempt to integrate this action into anything resembling the real world. Gord is not a human being, but rather a collection of characteristics. Green plays him as a bizarrely aggressive man-child, a mishmash of helplessly repeated words and phrases, slack-jawed willful stupidity, and screaming, utterly pointless hysterics. Frankly, I admire this approach to the characterization. After seeing so many recent comedies ruined by the filmmakers' need to make their characters both laughable and likeable (most recently with the stultifying "Joe Dirt"), it is refreshing to see Green so willing to come off as annoying, hateful, cruel, UNLIKEABLE. This lack of relatability allows us to laugh at him without feeling like we're also laughing at ourselves.

I am not making the claim, as some on this page have, that "Freddy Got Fingered" is any kind of masterpiece. Green's direction is not the equal of his acting bravery. The film suffers from too many muddy visuals, and many moments just lie there on the screen, wriggling when they should fly. Still, the film does what it is supposed to. Half the time you're laughing, the other half just staring at the screen in goggle-eyed shock. You may hate "Freddy", you may love it, but either way, you have to admit that you've never seen anything like it before.
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Worst Movie I've Ever Seen
bigdottawa20 April 2001
Oh my God, was this movie bad. Is it supposed to be a comedy? Nobody laughed in the theater I was in. The National Post gave this minus one star, and that's bang on. Tom Green, you are disgusting.
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had i not needed them, i would have put out my eyes
Sherlock-323 March 2004
the fact that i even know the name tom green is proof that with the right publicity anyone could make a movie. i never found his show funny, and saw this movie more out of morbid curiosity than desire to see a comedic genius. (to ensure that he didnt get a penny, i used a free movie pass).

i have seen bad movies. in fact, i love some bad movies. traxx. hysterical. uhf. my tastes run far and wide. but this movie was worse than i had ever anticipated. the last time i laughed this little was first wives club.

avoid it. don't rent it. i know that i'm doing my best to avoid the memories of it.
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Rated it a "1" because "0" was not a choice
vpa2113312 January 2002
This amazingly awful waste of film tries to be gross-out humor, but it is not funny, its just gross. Unless, of course, you think masturbating large animals is funny. The only possible target audience, young teenage boys, should not see this R-rated dreck. Any adult who would have brought a teenager into this movie should be arrested by the good taste police. Compared to "Freddy Got Fingered," the worst Adam Sandler p***-fest is sophisticated, urbane humor. Compared to "Freddy Got Fingered," "Drowning Mona" is a hilarious, light comedy. Don't waste your time watching this. It isn't worth the wear and tear on your senses.
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bevo-1367830 March 2020
Delightful drama with subtle comedy makes this film very classy
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This movie deserves a much higher rating..cult classic
thagza953 June 2021
If your a fan of Tom Green, this is a must see. This movie was a favorite the 1st time I viewed it nearly 20 years ago. Very odd and just plain bizarre..but thats expected of him. Rip torn was great in this as well as Paul finch..Backwards man I can walk backwards fast as you can...timeless comedy..Tom Green is one of a kind.
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A first for me in 30 years of movie watching
BobTop1 May 2001
I saw "Dude, Where's My Car". I saw "It's Pat". I saw "Wagons East". I was entertained by all of these, at least minimally. I have seen many very bad movies. I've seen a few very VERY bad movies. But up until last night, I had never walked out on one.

I went to see Freddie Got Fingered with little expectation. The trailer looked mildly entertaining and I've seen a few skits with Tom Green that were funny and thought he was pretty funny in "Charlie's Angels". So I went in figuring that there would be some chuckles and maybe even a couple of knee slappers. If there were any after the first 30 minutes (past the swinging-baby-on-the-umbilical-cord) scene, I missed them.

I watched, and kept hoping it would get funny. Maybe it'll get funny after he guts the deer and wears the carcass. Nope? Maybe it'll get funny after he jerks off a horse. Nope? Maybe it'll get funny after he licks an open fracture on his best friend's leg. *sigh* Nope. Maybe it'll get funny after he swings the baby around on the umbilical cord. I'm not sure. That's where I walked out and went to see the last half of Joe Dirt. (Which I had seen in its entirety on the weekend before) I felt better about switching movies but felt badly that I couldn't have taken my money back from Tom Green and given it to David Spade, Dennis Miller, Kid Rock and Christopher Walken, who actually made a movie that was both funny and entertaining.
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No Way This Is Below 5 on IMDB
peeedeee-9428115 January 2021
Freddy Got Fingered is brilliant. I've enjoyed it since seeing it on video cassette around when it left the theater. It wasn't a movie I wanted to see because I didn't care for Tom Green at all. I thought his type of comedy was lame, just pranking but in an offensive way. This movie is NOT about him pranking. In fact, it's a fairly well-thought out, well-shot movie. The dialogue is absurd, but quote-worthy. That's if you enjoy the film. It's garnered a love-hate relationship with movie audiences since it came out. I'm disappointed it hasn't gotten the cult status the movie like The Room has gotten. The Room was just plain bad, terrible acting, directing, etc... Freddy Got Fingered on the other hand, was sharp, witty, and yes, offensive, but in a movie way. Why does Freddy Got Fingered really work. Think of it as Tom Green's f-u to Hollywood. Not that he hated Hollywood, at least I don't think he did. But he did EXPLOIT its excesses in the movie. I mean, the giant explosion alone is an example of this, probably blowing a huge budget on that scene, which I highly doubt was in the original script the way it turned out. He's not only exploiting Hollywood on the budget, but also on what is considered offensive. How did he get away with all the stuff he did? I'm surprised it made it through with an R rating. Tom really pushed the boundaries of decency all for comedy, but looking back at it now, it's almost like he foresaw the way things would go in real life. I mean, everything today is about hyperbole and over reaction, or instant gratification. I also look at the movie as a parallel to Tom Green's life, and how he got the money to make the movie. If you're easily offended, then of course you will hate this movie. The casting was also perfect. Harlan Williams as the best friend, Rip Torn as angry dad, Marisa Coughlan as the girlfriend (she had to say and do some crazy things). The title character 'Freddy' doesn't appear much in the movie and isn't really a huge part of the film, because it's all about watching Gord's journey. But he was still important but he never really takes front and center in the film. I have watched this movie more than a dozen times, and I expect to watch it many more!
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Dreadful but brilliant in parts
lucy_brindley27 May 2021
I understand that this is a terrible movie but it's also incredibly hilarious and so quotable. I usually avoid these types of films until someone forces me to watch them - but Tom Green is an absolute genius. The sausages, honestly. The psychologist's office. The cheese sandwiches. The horse. I've laughed so hard at moments in this movie. Much more than I've cringed at the parts that fell flat. Please don't think you're too good to laugh at Tom Green until you have given him a go. He isn't for everyone but he might surprise you.
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Just look away and you won't be hurt.
lifft25 December 2001
If you think, "I'm not going to turn off this movie, it just has to get better!!"..... It doesn't. Just turn it off, the sooner the better. Better yet, don't even allow your friends to be subjected to it. This movie is so bad, the powers that be should pull the copies off the shelves to protect the innocent. I forgive Rip Torn. We all should be allowed to make mistakes.
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Really, Really BAD
vertigoness26 April 2001
Sigh. I can't believe I saw that movie. It is, of course, the worst I've ever seen. Humor, by its nature, works using circumstance and relationship to cause laughter. While these are not necessary for humor to be present, they are quite helpful. If this movie had a coherent plot, and tied together some of the scenes, the gross-out jokes could actually be quite funny, because we as an audience would develop a relationship with the characters, and their persistent humiliation onscreen would mean more to us.

As it is, we care about no one in the movie. The penises and blood and death, shocking and in some ways funny though they are, don't really mean much. The majority of the movie I spent groaning through stupid scenes that I didn't understand, most of which didn't even have shock appeal. The movie is just bad. It's not that you can't make a disgusting and funny movie with this material. It's just that they didn't.
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This movie so damn suck!!
dantesparda9 October 2003
The title sez all. Watch this movie and u will regret it for whole ur life because I do. Should have fill my time with more good film other than this. Avoid it at all cost. This guy tryin so hard to make ppl laugh at his not-funny-lame-stupid-joke. Friggin movie!
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Tom Greens Highly Anticipated First Starring Role Delivers Crap
thefatmanwalksalone16 February 2004
This movie came out at about the height of tom greens popularity. I used to watch his show religiously and always thought that tom had a unique take on comedy. I rented this shortly after it came out on video expecting big things from green. Instead he used in plot so oversimplified and cliche that a small child would find it immature. And instead of trying to bring something new to the screen comically green attempts to recycle successful and controversial parts of his show. If you spend even a penny to see this movie you're being ripped off.
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Beyond bad.
edwjoolee11 March 2002
To say that this film is bad would be an understatement. This film is probably the worst film I've had the misfortune of watching. It is so indescribably bad that no amount of criticism I could dish out could even remotely come close to describing the true nature of this insipid piece of putrid filth.

Tom Green ,in my opinion, is probably the worst actor/comedian to ever appear in cinema. Heed my warning, avoid this turkey like the plague.
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Don't waste your time.
cbvester27 April 2001
Can I put in a vote for less than 1. This movie not only had no plot but it wasn't funny. I normally like dumb funny movies but this was terrible. I felt stupider just having saw it. (yes I know stupider is not a word but that is how I felt it was spelled after seeing this movie.) If your tempted to see this movie tear up a ten dollar bill and then stare at a blank wall for 2 hrs and you will get more enjoyment out that.
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One of the most insane things I have ever seen. Period.
Quinoa198420 April 2001
Freddy Got Fingered is an opus of insanity that would make Bluto from Animal House dry heave. It is a film where the boundaries are not only broken through (like before with other gross out comedies), but done with a cheese helmet and a sausage organ.

The film stars Tom Green as a guy who wants to become a cartoonist, but is constantly put down by his father, played in one of the best villain roles in a decade by Rip Torn. While Torn goes crazy here, it is Green here who takes the cake (much like he did in Road Trip), by bringing on a barrage that had me after the movie was over awe.

Not in awe though like I have after seeing GoodFellas or Apocalypse Now, but in awe of what people can do. I was amazed at the scenes (I don't even know if they'll get in here) in which he dances in moose skin, gives hand filled pleasure (so to speak) to a horse and then tops itself (in one movie which always is a amazement) by getting off a elephant and spraying Torn in the process, and also licks the wound of a broken leg. Now, if this had been done wrong, like a flop known as Tomcats, it wouldn't work well. But Green brings on a good timing for his insanity (he directed and co-wrote) and makes it watchable and actually hilarious, if only for myself and the people watching with me.

But that is not to say this film is for everyone; I'm sure there will be people like the Ebert type who will want to blow chunks at the sight of the visuals that Green gives. But if you think you can take it, or just want a disgusting laugh, this film is reccomended. One of the funniest movies of the year, and oddly enough might become a classic. A-
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The Tom Green Movie! (no, its not about the mormon named Tom Green with 5 wives)
SolarFlux28 December 2001
Tom Green is actually very funny and does funny things. Despite what everyone says, there isn't really too much offensive material in this movie. It might be offensive in the context or our ignorant American society. Its like all those people who said that fight club was too violent when only one person died in that movie. Gutting a deer and wearing its hide? Geez, that sounds like standard human practice for about the last 10,000 years. Of course, if you a person who is obligated, by law to protest any film or music with even the most remote, questionable material (such as a politician-public servant or leading member of an organized religion) often times without even veiwing the material in question, then by all means, hate away! Its your job after all. But if you can understand that a joke is just a joke and movies like Freddy Got Fingered are just joke movies that don't advocate anything, merely wishing to entertain, then you should be alright and enjoy this film. But beware, if you are offended, you might just be a moron, because thats probably how Tom Green wants you to feel, and thats what he expects, besides that you laugh of course.7/10
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I got to see this movie for free but I want my 90 minutes back.
carl_incognito26 April 2001
I saw this as a sneak preview and got to see it for free. Even so, I want the 90 minutes of life I spent on this movie back. Besides Road Trip, this is the only thing I have seen Tom Green star in. Why anyone would find him funny is beyond me. This movie has no plot, and is absolutely disgusting. I feel sorry for Rip Torn and all of the other established actors for being seen in this movie. Hollywood has reached a new low.
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A classic
jehovahdictator2 March 2004
I recently found this on DVD for $10 and I'm glad I did. I'd already seen it once before, but subsequent viewings proved to me the genius that this movie is. Nothing is certain in this movie and its humour is beyond compare. The thin plot is a perfect vehicle for Tom Green's style. Random event after random event flies by and it gets funnier all the time. The plot line that eventually explains the title is ridiculous and hilarious. I highly recommend this movie. I don't feel like getting redundant, so I'll just say this: One of the funniest movies ever, perfect for viewing again and again, especially early in the morning. Favourite scenes: the baby being born and the cheese sandwich factory.
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I laughed, so somehow it works.
Boba_Fett11383 April 2006
first of all I can understand how someone could love this movie but I can also understand how someone could totally hate it. This movie and especially its humor is really a matter of taste more than anything else.

I wouldn't dare to call this movie a good one. In fact it's far from it. Most of the moments in the movie make absolutely no sense and there is almost absolutely no story present. Most of the humor is also very vulgar and just totally over-the-top gross and visual. But yet this movie also really made me laugh. So how could I, when being completely fair and unbiased, possible call this movie a bad one?

I think that this movie is so bad that it becomes good. The jokes in the movie really aren't that strong but because they are delivered so incredibly over-the-top and stupid, it becomes truly an hilarious movie at times. Yes, so basically the movie is so stupid that it becomes a good one.

The story is just totally weird and stupid and lacks some consistency. All of the events occurring in the movie don't really always feel connected. The comical situations are far from believable and they almost have nothing to do with the main story. In fact most of the time they are completely tasteless. Some, if not most people will probably not be able to handle this not so subtle sense of humor (also hence the low rating here). No it absolutely is not the most subtle and consistent comedy ever made.

Tom Green is totally over-the-top and crazy. He is not always funny but his character makes the crazy story somehow work. Rip Torn also shows his comical talent and he perhaps plays the best part of the movie. All of the other characters are somewhat muddled in to the crazy story.

A comedy that doesn't make any sense but because of that becomes quite hilarious to watch at times. Clearly not a movie for everyone's taste obviously though.

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This is so bad, you wont know how bad
Sunny-2210 March 2002
Wow, this is so bad. Although I had a few laughs at The Tom Greene Show at MTV, this I can't sit trough. He cuts open a deer, licks at the bone of a broken leg and eats 10 sandwiches at one time while he watches how two horses having sex. And that's just the first 20 minutes. One out of ten for this crap!
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