Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell (Video 2001) Poster

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bad:yeah pretty crappy
canadianmovieman10 July 2003
what this movie needs is a good screenplay, but no they stuck with this piece of crap. on a review i did before on the movie ripper(good=7/10), i said a movie needed to be bloody, gory and fun, they got the blood and gore they just need fun, and that ruined the whole movie, and it's sad because i'm a fan of a.j. cook and horror movies, this just didn't work, sorry a.j. but i must tell the people to skip it.

Bad=4/10 (sorry a.j.)
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What u get beyond the gates of hell is mostly boredom.
Fella_shibby9 November 2019
I first saw this on cable tv in the early 2K. Revisited it recently on a dvd which I own. For the third time our unlucky genie/demon gets a chance to come out of the stone but this time there ain't no collection of 1000 souls. In this he does a "face off". He peels the facial skin of a professor with his bare nails to take over his identity. The conclusion in this one is very lousy, the awaker (person who released the demon) wishes for an angel to protect her. The angel gets many chances to impale the demon with his magical sword but misses so that the awaker can finish the job.

The film has terrible music. The music during the final chase is that of some party music. A girl falls from a tall building n ther is no bleeding. For the first time ther is brief nudity. No good kills except for the rats one.
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The series becomes gradually worse.
Snake-66615 October 2003
Diana Collins (A.J.Cook – ‘Final Destination 2') unwittingly awakes the malicious Djinn (John Novak) who quickly assumes the identity of college professor Joel Barash (Jason Connery). The Djinn then enters a cat and mouse game with Diana in a bid to persuade her to make three wishes and thus condemning the world to an eternity of suffering.

This second sequel is the first movie in the series not to feature Andrew Divoff in the role of the Djinn. Instead, two people play the role, Connery plays the Djinn in human form and Novak assumes the character of the Djinn in demon form. Connery, to his credit, was not as bad a choice as I had first suspected. He managed to portray the Djinn with almost the right air of malevolence. However, Connery's near-powerful performance was let down by the performances of the rest of the cast. Even A.J. Cook, who put in a fairly good performance two years later in ‘Final Destination 2', really failed to impress as she came off as dry, unenthusiastic and generally monotonous.

The movie itself started off reasonably well enough but eventually degenerated into a tedious and overly dragging example of bad horror filmmaking. The plot became very predictable and the screenplay just did not flow well and left the film with continuous moments of pointless, and forced, dialogue. On top of this the script seemed to show little tangency with the previous instalments and, as with ‘Wishmaster 2', the `rules' of how the Djinn can interact with humans was changed. Also added were some unnecessary and (in many cases) ludicrous plot twists that made ‘Wishmaster 3' all that more difficult to watch. There was however some impressive (and plentiful) gore effects, though these were overshadowed by the overuse of cheap looking and unnecessary CGI. Chris Angel's direction was also of a very low standard as it showed little inspiration or creativity. In fact, the scenes stolen from the previous two instalments were robbed of any darkness that was evident in the other movies.

Overall this is a very poor movie and only just on the same level as the previous instalment. Up to now I have not been a fan of the ‘Wishmaster' franchise, and this movie has done nothing to change my mind. Fans of the original might enjoy this more than I did, though many may not be very accepting of the new Djinn. This movie is not one I would recommend and probably only worth watching if nothing else is on TV. Uninspired, poorly directed and generally dull. My rating for ‘Wishmaster 3: Devil Stone' – 3.5/10.
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The Djinn Has Placed Himself in a Major Rut of Shame
patrick_bateman_9002930 January 2003
I'm going to be frank. When I first saw Wishmaster back in 1997, I was greatly impressed. Here was a brave little film that: a) Stayed away from the teen horror genre (hiring hip teens to be butchered left and right) and hired unknowns. b) Was an homage to the splatterfests that haunted the screens from the late 70s to the early 90s (including the Freddy, Jason, and Pinhead films) c) Had some interesting cameos by some of the biggest horror stars, including Robert Englund (Freddy Krueger), Kane Hodder (Jason Voorhees), and Tony Todd (Candyman). All you needed was Doug Bradley (Pinhead) and Gunnar Hansen (Leatherface) and you would have a full house! d) Introduced us to a frightening screen villain that joined the ranks of the classics: the Djinn.

What made the Djinn so eerie was his cruel wish-making and, of course, the voice and presence of Andrew Divoff.

When I first heard that they made Wishmaster 3 and Wishmaster 4 together and with a new actor as the Djinn, I was a bit disappointed. How could they replace the best actor to play the Djinn? It's like replacing Doug Bradley and Robert Englund and having Pinhead and Freddy played by Ewan McGregor and Seann William Scott. And when I finally saw Wishmaster 3, my worst fear had come true. I thought that Wishmaster 2 was pretty bad enough, especially with the Djinn design change, but when I saw this one, I was so insulted by it, I started thinking that Wishmaster 2 was a masterpiece.

I had a few main problems with the film.

A) The lame wishes. If the wish was grotesque, it was ridiculous. The exploding heart, grotesque. The professor being ravaged by the demon women, ridiculous.

B) The acting. The actors are talented people, but they acted like they didn't even WANT to be in the movie. A.J. Cook (talented, but bad material), Tobias Mehler (good actor, bad projects (especially that Godforsaken Carrie remake!!!), and Jason Connery (who doesn't seem to have as great an acting capability as his father) just never seem to be believable.

C) The Djinn himself. With Andrew Divoff, even in the most ridiculous scenes imaginable, he always found a way to make the Djinn dark and scary. With John Novak filling his shoes, he's degenerated the Djinn into a second-class jokester (think of Freddy in the later sequels).

D) St. Michael being the Djinn's nemesis? Does this even need to be talked about?

If you want to rent a good horror film, rent either Jeepers Creepers, the original Wishmaster, or Jason X (not 100% horror, but it's much more entertaining), or go to the theaters and see The Ring, Final Destination 2, or Darkness Falls. Just avoid Wishmaster 3: The Sword of Justice (or Beyond the Gates of Hell, whetever the Hell they decide to call it this week) like the plague!
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Awful, just terrible!
pinkeye15 April 2002
I thought WISHMASTER was really, really good...especially since Andrew Divoff did such an amazing job...WISHMASTER 2 wasn't much but DIVOFF still made it very entertaining. I can't tell you how awful Wishmaster 3 is...It's not Divoff and the new Wishmaster isn't scary or even intimidating. The story sucks...Watch the first one again...it's not even worth the rental price.
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What in living sh*t did they do?!?!?!?
Lando_Hass13 July 2002
First of all,Wishmaster 1 and 2 were great movies,but Wishmaster 3 sucks ass!The one thing I didnt like about this movie,was that they ruined the whole concept of the Djinn,his make-up looks like it was from a low budget horror movie that came from the sixties or something.Another thing that they messed up on,was the Djinn's voice,it doesnt sound original anymore,it just sounds like a classic devil voice.When you look back to Wishmaster 1,you'll see that the plot is original,and that it was a masterpiece,but in part 3,the story is cheap and corny.In the first movie,the main character was smart,she used the three wishes to destroy the Djinn,in this one,they have to impale him with a sword from heaven in order to kill him,but really,that doesnt work at all!!The acting was very very crappy,none of the actors give any felling to the movie whatsoever.It seems like the director wanted to spice up the movie by adding lots of blood and gore,but really,all the gore effects look really bad,the scene where the Djinn slices off the professer's face,looks very crappy.I should also mention that the special effects was a joke.I'm serious about this,the movie made me depressed for a short period of time.I hate this movie with all my heart. I wish that every single copy of Wishmaster 3 would just banish into a crap filled sewer.I give this movie a 0 out of 10,I hate it that much.
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Beyond the gates of boredom!
willywants17 February 2004
For the third time, the evil Wishmaster return with more evil and grotesque to wreck the life of more innocents. This time, his victim is a beautiful, innocent and studious teenage girl named Diana Collins who accidentally opened up the Djinn from his tomb and released him. After the freedom, the Djinn went into a murderous frenzy though her college campus and he is trying to find Diana to fulfill her three wishes. Whilst Diana is in the run, she must endeavor to prevent the Djinn and complete the heavy task to free the entire world from Hell's wrath. Really, really lame. Wishmaster was a pretty decent horror film, but part two was garbage and this...Well, words fail me. The acting is atrocious! John Novak is terrible as the Djinn! How he's starred in so many films I don't know. The gore is plentiful but unconvincing (Done by SOTA effects, there kind of like a poor man's KNB FX. They also did the effects for 'Amityville: Dollhouse')and the Wishmaster himself is looking as fake as ever. A very bad, unwatchable film. Proof that you don't have to go to film school in order to make movies. 1/10.
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the Wishmaster is back with more wish granting
gothicpimp6663 January 2002
this movie is a disgrace to the Wishmaster series it falls into the new age teen thrillers unlike the first two that were purely and simplely horror without even bothering with teen relationships. Andrew Divoff will always be the Wishmaster to me.
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takeachance29 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
CAUTION: SPOILERS!!!!!!!! This movie is about 12 steps down from the first one. First of all, I don't care what anyone says, the actor who plays the Djinn in this one, John Novak is totally NOT intimidating at all!!!!! In the behind the scenes extras on Wishmaster 1, Director Robert Kurtzman specifically says that he wanted to stay away from a story that revolved around teenagers and 20 somethings who were merely cannon fodder for the Djinn to go through like Kleenex. So as you can imagine, I was saddened to see that the setting is on a college campus, and that the story revolves around young 20 somethings. They basically did the complete opposite of what made the first movie so awesome!! Plus, the Djinn barely appears in his true form at all through this sleeping pill of a film. The story also takes an unexpected, yet unfortunate turn when the waker, A.J.(Diana Collins), wishes for the spirit of the archangel Michael (no I'm not making this up) to come and help her defeat the Djinn. MY GOD, I wish they had never made this movie!!!!!!!!!
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Absolutely Wretched!!
FiendishDramaturgy5 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This installment just didn't do it for me. The wonderfully rich, well-researched story line has gone to h3ll in a hand basket. The acting quality is not up to par and I find the whole production to be quite disappointing as a whole.

It rips off Hellraiser with the "puzzle box" and a plethora of other movies. I really found the Djinn's constant metamorphosis to be unsettling and just wrong. He looks different in each and every installment. That's messed up.

And the fake accents throughout this production are BAD; obviously fake, and they don't seem to care. Sex is used as a sorry substitution for a good story (something used as a distraction device by lesser directors and those lacking in talent and creativity) and the effects were better in "Howard the Duck," than in this.

The invocation of the Archangel Michael renders this one a rip off of the movie Michael, as well, which done around the same time, and the flaming sword is really idiotic. I was very disappointed in this installment. I enjoyed the first, but as usual, the third movie in the set just reeks of bad acting, horrid direction and a total change in cast members. Apparently they thought that by keeping the Djinn mainly in his Djinn form, we would not notice the disappearance of Michael Divoff. You can sure tell that Wes Craven did not produce more than the first of these awful movies. That, and the obvious mainstream socioreligious connotations just ruined this whole series for me.

Actually, Howard the Duck was a much better movie!

It gets a 1.0/10 from...

the Fiend :.
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Oh my god what crap!
benny-415 June 2002
The first two were some of the best horror I have seen but this one....UGH...I wish I had a wish cause then I would rewind time and stop myself from renting it! The "Djinn" in this one doesnt even sound evil! Costumes are not worth mentioning and the setting....OMG how much worse can one film get! It has ruined the whole bloody series! The Djinn in the first and second ones sounded so satanic I was glued to my seat but this new guy is pure sh*t...Also the special effects and gore can be easily equaled by any childrens cartoon or movie. I mean come on it was 2001 and thats ALL they could come up with??? I've seen more realistic effects created by my 6 year old cousin in his backgarden with a sparkler! And he didnt have a budget of a film company! If the 4th one is like this someone please kill me!
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Wishmaster is awesome
cgoofies28 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The best villain to have a franchise in a while. I hope the original Wishmaster returns in a 5th movie. And bring the Wishmaster from part 3 and 4 in to part 5. For me, it seems reasonable for there to be more than one Wishmaster since his goal is to take over the world with all his bros. when he gets the summoner to give him the three wishes. And what if on part 6, the Djyn get the wishes and have to be stopped some way by God since he seems to be the Djyn enemy who had him live in the world of fire. Maybe they can travel in time and being back Merlin or even all the way back to creation and help the Djyn to not be sent to fireworld and the Djyn would never exist! Perhaps he wasn't such a bad guy before he is casted out. Maybe Greek Zeus created it all and they goto Mount Olympus! If you use this idea make sure I get royalties for my intulectuql property.
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An alright film.
Rautus9 February 2007
This was the first Wishmaster film I watched on TV and I liked it, it actually got me into the Wishmaster films. I like Andrew Divoff's performance as the Djinn because he gives him a real creepiness while John Novak gives the Djinn a Freddy type character but I still like it.

The only disappointment was that we don't see the Djinn as much as the previous films but it still doesn't make a really bad film. Jason Connery tries hard to live up to the Djinn's performance when his in human form.

Wishmaster 4 is slightly better than Wishmaster 3 but check this one out if you're looking for something to watch on a night.
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Djinn'nt like it
Remster20 July 2004
This movie was a real disappointment. Without the presence of Andrew Divoff playing the Djinn, every other good aspect of the previous two movies seem to have left with him. There sincerely isn't anything good I can say about this movie. The plot is full of holes, the acting is very, very bad and the special effects, well, let's say they're even worse than the acting. Moreover, it's boring, boy is it bo-ring.

My advice is to leave this one on the shelf and watch the first two movies instead, they really can't be compared to this stinker.

Avoid! 1/10
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Shouldn't have happened...
Reel_entertainment25 October 2001
Now after seeing the first 2 'Wishmaster' movies, I had high expectations for this movie. Apparently, they were too high...what hurts this movie, is that it's a total 360 turn from the first 2 movies. What this movie tries to be is a 'Scream' & a "I Know What You Did Last Summer" movie...which isn't saying too much, since they were mere silly movies, than horror movies. Too many just average actors & no pazzazz to it. Jason Connery as the human form of the Djinn isn't convincing. Andrew Divoff, who played the first Djinn character, was great. Such evilness to him. If you're a fan of the first movies, go see it, but don't expect a horror movie.
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Wishmaster goes to college
Dr. Gore14 February 2004
Warning: Spoilers

I saw this the other day with a friend of mine. He HATED it. Despised it. There was just something about the Wishmaster that rubbed him the wrong way. I think he may have been too goofy for him. The ending was pretty weak too. I didn't think "Wishmaster 3" was that bad. But I was shouted down with "WOW! That movie sucked! I wish it away!" I had to protect the movie before it was thrown against the wall.

The Wishmaster is released from his prison and goes about being all the demon he can be. He prowls around a college campus looking for the girl who let him out. If he can grant her wishes, the world will be destroyed. Of course it will.

The Wishmaster doesn't play fair with his wishes. No matter what you wish for, you will pay dearly. Even the most innocuous wish will result in an extremely painful death. You can wish for a cute puppy and a little dog will spring out of nowhere and lunge for your throat. But he's so cute! Even if the Wishmaster doesn't ask for a wish and you're just standing around mumbling to yourself, "I wish I had some more money", a gold bar will land on your skull. Didn't see that coming did ya?!

Maybe the movie is trying to say we should stop wishing our lives away. We daydream of a better life and the Wishmaster gives us a fatal reality check. I kind of liked the Wishmaster and his unfair Death Wishes. It worked for me.
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What a load of rubbish
filmbuff690073 January 2002
The fist movie i saw at the cinema and enjoyed the second wasnt as good but the excellent Andrew Divoff made it still worth watching.this third movie does not have the star of the first two movies.its like having freddy played by someone other that Robert Englund.Jason Connery is no match for Divoff.I dare say that Divoff didnt like the script,i know i didnt.the acting was lame the fx even worse.i own the first two on dvd but this rubbish will not grace my dvd shelf.
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Wishmaster 3: Devil Stone
jboothmillard29 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The first film is good fun, while the second film was awful, but that didn't stop them making another made-for-TV sequel, even when they were forced to replace original lead actor Andrew Divoff. Basically, once again the fire opal is found, inside a hidden compartment of a strange box, and it is rubbed by university student Diana Collins (Final Destination 2's A.J. Cook). Following this, the Djinn (John Novak) trapped inside the jewel is released. The evil creature first encounters Professor Joel Barash (Jason Connery, Sean's son), and he offers to grant him anything he wishes for. The professor wishes to be loved by two of the most beautiful women, and in moments, two She Demons (Ruth Dubuisson and Angela Jackson) appear. However, after undressing and pleasuring him, they soon turn vicious and start biting him, and he is killed. The Djinn removes the face of the dead professor and is able to steal his identity. Wanting to find Diana, who freed him, the disguised Djinn visits university secretary Mrs. Kauflan (Muriel Hogue) to access Diana's file, she declines to do so. The secretary being bored of paperwork wishes for "files to burn up", her wish is granted, but it is her that is burned to death. The Djinn takes Diana's student file in an effort to find her and force her to make her three wishes, and, upon the granting of the third, release his hellish army upon the Earth. Diana realises there is something strange about Professor Barash and does everything she can to avoid him. She goes to a church for safety, but the Djinn is already there disguised as a priest. Diana's friend Anne (Daniella Evangelista), who is now the "professor's Teaching Assistant" makes the wish of "wanting to lose a little weight", to which she pukes up her guts in pain. Diana uses her first wish for her to stop having pain, the Djinn grants her wish, killing Anne. Wanting to find a way to stop or kill the Djinn, Diana uses her second wish to summon the archangel Michael, who was about to enter her body, but possesses the body of her boyfriend Greg Janson (Tobias Mehler). Michael and the Djinn fight, with the Djinn almost winning, until Michael and Diana escape to a theatre. Whilst trying to follow them, the Djinn (as the professor) encounters student Elinor Smith (Emmanuelle Vaugier) who makes a move on hi. Wanting him to seduce her, she wishes he would "break her heart", he takes this literally and kills her. Next, the Djinn goes to Diana's room and meets her friend Billy Matthews (Aaron Smolinski). Billy refuses to help him and tells the Djinn to "blow him", so the Djinn blows his body onto the head of a wooden bull on the wall, piercing him with its horns and killing him. Diana eventually returns and the Djinn threatens to hurt her friend Katie York (Louisette Geiss) unless she makes her third wish. Michael arrives and tells her that she can kill the Djinn, giving her the sword to do so, but she is not ready to use it, and it burns her arm, which Michael heals. Katie happens to find Billy's body and is pursued by the Djinn into a science room. After tricking her, Katie wishes for "a place to hide", and he sticks her head into a cage of lab rat, that bite her head and kill her. A second battle between Michael and the Djinn ensues, during which the Djinn's hand is cut off by the sword, but it grows back. Michael escapes with Diana in a car, but the Djinn jumps onto its roof and tries to hurt them. Diana is able to cause the Djinn to fall off, but also flips the car, mimicking the car accident that killed her parents years ago. In the end, Diana is tired of running and believes that if she kills herself, the Djinn will not get her third wish and cannot release his army of evil. Diana attempts suicide, jumping from the roof of a building, but the Djinn stops her from doing so. However, she gains the ability to wield Michael's sword, allowing her to kill the Djinn, and they fall from the building together. Michael heals Diana before returning to Heaven, the Djinn vanishes after being defeated, and Greg is returned to normal, and Diana declares her love for him. Also starring Kate Yacula as Young Diana, Rick Skene as Ted Collins, and Jan Skene as Mary Collins. Connery is slightly lame as the villain in human form, Cook is okay as the leading heroine, and Novak is nowhere near as good as Divoff. The few special effects are silly, the make-up for Novak is daft, the story and script are ridiculous, and there are hardly any twisted wishes, most of the film is filler chat in between, the only bit that got my attention was the two gorgeous demon women with their tops off, apart from that, a completely pointless and boring fantasy horror. Poor!
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Give it a chance,,,
drloomis31114 January 2003
First off, I am an Andrew Divoff fan and I totally admire his performances as the Djinn in the first two Wishmasters. That being said, I would expect alot out of the new sequels to see if they can come anywhere close to their predecessors. After viewing Wishmaster 3, I say this, give it a chance. Even if it is just for the sake of watching John Novak's version of the Djinn. Now no one could ever represent the creature like Divoff has, but Novak wasn't half bad. After reading other reviews about how cheesy he was in monster form, I would have to pretty much agree. Thankfully, he spends most of his time as Nathaniel Demerest and I honestly thought he puts up a decent performance. This movie has its eye-rolling moments but overall it wasnt a waste of a rental.
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Beyond hellish
TheLittleSongbird30 April 2019
Horror is not my favourite of all the numerous film genres, but do still highly appreciate it. It has its fair share of classics with some deservedly iconic characters but has an equal number of misfires. So no bias against it, always actively made an effort not to show any bias against any genre (likewise with towards too) in order to be fair-minded.

Will admit right now to not being a fan of the 'Wishmaster' series, but watched them as part of my horror franchise completest quest. One of many quests, none of which finished but they have all been fascinating if variable rides.. Once checking out the first film, just had to see the sequels. Found the first 'Wishmaster' to be entertaining and watchable but am not sure as to whether to call it good. Can understand though as to why some have affection for it but it is easy to understand the criticisms. That can't be said for its sequels, like some franchises the series got worse with each film. While considering the second film lacklustre, it is a masterpiece compared to the others, which are really not worth watching unless for completest sake.

Am always trying to see the good in everything and everyone, which has led to being considered too trusting and being polite to avoid friction in real life. Regarding film there has been a tendency to get hot-headed and over-passionate when objecting to how people word contrarian opinions (again trying to see the good). Despite that attitude, 'Wishmaster 3' is just an abomination and a disgrace to the series.

Its least bad asset is AJ Cook, who tries but it is fair to say that she has gone on to much better things and she has significantly grown as an actress since (evident as JJ in 'Criminal Minds').

Everything else ranges from bad to horrendous. John Novak is a beyond terrible substitute for Andrew Divoff, whose absence is sincerely felt immediately and it leaves a huge hole. There is just no menace in Novak's interpretation or any dark humour, he is just goofy and comes over as incredibly irritating above all else. Plus his look has to be seen to be believed and that is not meant in a good way. As unfair as it is to say, Jason Connery possesses none of the charisma, suavity or talent of his father Sean and he never looks like his heart is in it. Tobias Mehler's role is just weird and never gels in the film, he doesn't do much with his role either. The characters don't engage and nothing is done to develop them or allow the viewer to endear to them.

Production values manage to be even cheaper than the vastly inferior visual quality of the second film. The camera work is drab and chaotic, while the gore effects (well the special effects overall) are cheap and overused to gratuitous effect. It is even more difficult trying to hear the dialogue without keeping a straight face, the excessive cheese becoming far too much. The deaths are not suspenseful or creative and the wishes are a long way from creepy or amusing, pretty dumb actually. The story is often over-stretched and uneventful, with many scenes going on for too long, lots of stupidity, no surprises and any few attempts at scares being completely lacking in imagination. Nothing is darkly humorous, original or suspenseful and mostly not interesting, and the direction lacks distinction and confidence.

Altogether, a nightmare. 1/10
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Okay. I wish for a better sequel.
Hey_Sweden29 December 2019
A.J. Cook ("Final Destination 2") plays Diana Collins, a university student who is the latest person to inadvertently free the Djinn (John Novak) from his imprisonment inside a precious gem. He spends the majority of the movies' running time masquerading as hapless Professor Barash (Jason Connery, son of Sean C. and Diane Cilento), while aggressively seeking out Diana. As we all know, he has to grant her three wishes before his kind can bring about the destruction of the Earth.

Screenwriter Alexander Wright and director Chris Angel don't bring very much that's fresh to this now familiar formula. For the most part, the script is quite routine and uninspired, the execution basically competent but highly undistinguished. There is still some mild amusement to come from the backfiring wishes granted to supporting and incidental characters, but little imagination is shown. The gore is fairly good, and the visual effects passable.

The Djinn remains an interesting franchise character, but it isn't given great material here. Inheriting the role from Andrew Divoff, Novak is okay - he does seem to be enjoying himself - but he lacks the creepy charisma and genuine sense of malevolence that Divoff displayed. (And, for that matter, so does Connery.) Importantly, Cook does have some appeal as the requisite heroine. The supporting cast is attractive, but lacks any truly interesting features.

The only element here that struck this viewer as amusing - albeit ridiculous - was Dianas' second wish, allowing for a new presence to enter the story. This leads to a bunch of truly silly fight scenes that add to the fact that absolutely none of this should be taken seriously.

Followed by the last sequel to date, "Wishmaster: The Prophecy Fulfilled".

Filmed on the University of Manitoba campus, in Winnipeg, Canada.

Five out of 10.
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The Wishmaster returns but not Andrew Divoff
Shadowman8220 April 2003
Once again The Wishmaster returns but this time Andrew Divoff does not . Instead he is replace by John Novak who is just terrible in the role . He comes across as a fat idiot in make up . The Djin's human form is played by Jason Connery who isn't bad but he lacks the charm and wickedness of Andrew Divoff.

The Special effects are a notch better than those found in part 2 but they are nowhere near as good as those of the first movie .

Another problem with this film is the writting . The dialogue is just terrible .

All things considered this is a rather poor sequel . Not recommended !
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Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell (2001)
frankie-smales11 April 2011
wish master 3 takes an different direction in the third instalment of the wish master saga this time about a professor who wished for two exotic Egyptian harem beauties known as she-demons who seduces and kill men with looks to die for in return for the djinn to inhabit his body by wreaking havoc at a campus of high education only stands between him is a young student in the form of aj cook who known as agent jeniffer jereau in criminal minds who must stop the diabolical djinn from taking peoples souls and opening the gates of hell and a great climatic battle but actresses Ruth dubuisson and Angela Jackson steals the show as the devilish she-demons brilliant film 10 out of 10.

Frankie smales

(Frankie smales movie and TV review UK)
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Pretty good but decidedly weaker
kannibalcorpsegrinder30 September 2015
After finding a sacred jewel, a troubled college student learns she has unleashed a powerful Djinn who begins to terrorize her friends around campus to get her to free other enslaved beings like him and forces her to stop him.

This turned out to be quite a decent if slightly flawed effort. One of the better aspects here is the fact that, despite the rather limited amount of action here this one still manages to remain pretty interesting throughout here by keeping up a solid, workable pace that keeps things moving along. The discovery is made quite early on and it's a short time after when the true threat of his deceiving is revealed which makes his threat somewhat constant around them so that keeps the first half going pretty smoothly with the different displays of his possession on both her friends and students which makes these quite fun with all the temptations to his new identity going over their heads. Those play into the fact that the second half is built a lot more on the chase established from these scenes as the race to her him under control and stop tormenting her friends, and the action scenes here which includes the church ambush with its resulting spiritually-charged battle, the battle in the dorms and finally the big car chase which all plays together into some fun times throughout here. These here do manage to help this out and overcome its flaws but there are still a few prominent ones here. The most notable one here is the fact that there's so little interest in the threat generated here despite the fact that the creature is trying to overthrow the world yet it never really gives that off in how relaxed they are towards his taunting behavior towards them and how long the whole thing takes to sink in for the group to believe. It may actually have gone over better if the Djinn had any real motivating factor here, as all he does is go after the friends when he has a connection with her and could find her immediately so playing around how lamely he does here just doesn't come off well. The last area here that's quite weak is the finale, which is way too abrupt and doesn't really resolve any of the story lines featured, even her back- story that wit was setting up from the start. Otherwise, there's not a whole lot really wrong here and it's much better than expected.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Language, Brief Nudity, and a brief sex scene.
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Someone kill me now please...
YeahIMonTV12 April 2004
This movie can be summed up in 3 words...... TAX WRITE OFF! This movies was

aweful and a waste of money. I feel bad for anyone who had to work on it.... The story was lame, the acting was awful, the fact that I actually bought this movie makes me hurl. I saw part one and two and those were OK, so I assumeed the

third one would be the same...NOT, it was so bad!!!! The special FX were cheap and ghetto and the only thinkg that scared me was the fact that I spent money actually buying this DVD....
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