Fear Factor (TV Series 2001–2012) Poster

(I) (2001–2012)

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I'm not too classy for this
SnoopyStyle25 August 2013
You can hold your nose and try to shame us for liking it. But I know that I wasn't alone when it first came out in 2001 and loved it. It was the logical climax to reality TV. Everybody was still clinging to the idea of making something profound. You won't find any such delusions here. It's about entertainment and this is entertaining. It's gross out TV. And we love Joe Rogan making those meatheads eat worms. Isn't that half the fun? After a while it did wear out its welcome. After all, how many variations of dropping people off the roof can there be. After leaving the air in 2005, it did come back in 2011. It was more sentimental than anything else. Those were the times.
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Not bad if you don't take it seriously
Maniac-912 February 2012
Fear Factor is one of those shows if you view the show the way it's meant to be as a guilty pleasure and something to laugh at the people on the show then you won't be disappointed. By no means is it high brow entertainment but at the same time it doesn't try to be. It's unapologetically the type of show that it wants to be.

The show consists of 4 teams to compete in 3 stunts. The first stunt is usually a big stunt where it's somehow involving you being dangling from a helicopter or something along those lines. The second stunt is usually the gross stunt where you have to eat a bunch of really gross things, which is where it's more of a psychological fear you're overcoming. The third stunt is another stunt that's not quite on the same scale as the other movie.
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Gross-Out Show.
OllieSuave-00713 June 2007
This show brings together a bunch of over-confident and sometimes arrogant people to compete in three stunts, mostly involving height, water and eating something gross, to win $50,000. Personally, I always enjoyed watching the second stunt, which is the gross stunt. Who wouldn't be intrigued seeing a person try to consume live bugs or spoiled animal parts? Just never watch this show during or after a meal (like I did a few times). The other stunts the involves water and height and other features like racing on a trapeze were entertaining at times, but can get mediocre.

This show would occasionally bring on celebrities like Daniel Baldwin, Kevin Anderson and soap opera actresses. They are worth-watching, doing something out-of-their-league for a change, and it is notable that they're playing for charity.

This is one of those shows that I have to bring myself to see because I do not want to miss any episodes and do want to catch in all the action; never know what crazy stuff an episode is going to dish out. Great entertainment at times, especially the gross stunts, but could take a toll on a contestant's self-esteem and a person can get ridiculed live on TV.

Most of the macho jerks and dumb-blonds who think muscles and smart-mouths can win the competition end up losing, which is, I think, ironically funny!

If you catch reruns of this show, watch on an empty stomach.

Grade B-
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tiggy_pop28 March 2002
This show is wonderful and not even close to MTV's Show Fear. This show pits 6 contestants against each other for 50,000 dollars. They have to complete 3 stunts. Some of the stunts are physical, most are mental though. I would recommend this show to anyone that likes to see how people react in the face of their fears.
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Camera person??
sam_d-9038618 June 2023
Fire your camera person.

The biggest thing I want to say is did the fear factor editor did not watch the episode for a consumers view. The last fear factor where they had to scale a ledge on a building to get 110 feet faster than anyone else six stories up. I am challenging the editor to watch that episode. Was your camera person high? There was so many shots that you couldnt even see the participants. Really, I saw the building, nobody was in it. Come one people. Dear editor If you need a camera person to actually show you what the customers watching want to see than look me up.

FYI: Fire your camera person.
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The novelty has worn off fast
MovieAddict201631 August 2005
I used to watch "Fear Factor" every week when it first started airing because it was a unique reality show (a genre I hate to begin with) and kind of interesting. It seemed daring and I enjoyed watching the contestants go through all the crazy challenges, it was sort of fun in a guilty pleasure way.

But enough is enough. Joe is really milking his whole hosting experience for what it's worth -- appearing, ironically, on "Got Milk?" ads. Ten years from now he'll be sitting in a dumpster wearing a "I Was A Reality TV Show Host" T-shirt.

The show has simply become a bore - the novelty has worn thin. They keep trying to introduce "new" challenges but after you've seen a few, you've seen 'em all. Once in a while they get really sexy babes to strip to their underwear for underwater challenges, which is just plain sad, shameless exploitation for the sake of gaining a wider audience and attracting viewers. Then they'll have the special "Fear Factor: Victoria's Secret Episode" where they have supermodels playing the challenges. Joe always looks like he's really enjoying himself during these episodes.

"Fear Factor" used to be fun but nowadays I've found it's just pretty lame. It's not interesting anymore, it's not amusing, and it's simply not as unique as it was four years ago.
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orenw1426 August 2022
I always hated that the person who wins the last challenge wins the whole thing. Should start and end with the same 3 people. Get points for each challenge whom ever has the most points wins.
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The worst
culwin17 February 2002
I have had the misfortune of watching this show at my friend's house. Believe me, I would never have it playing on any TV set I control. Very few of the challenges have to do with fear. Most of them involve physical stunts (like holding your breath under water), eating something disgusting (like sheep testicles), or torturing/killing some innocent animals for the audience's amusement (being buried in bugs). Yes television has degraded to the point of airing a show with the intellect of 5 year-olds. Little children dare each other to do disgusting things. The stupidest child will do it. Just like that kid in school who used to eat paste. Everyone associated with garbage like this show should be ashamed. Hooray for cable!
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I can't believe the average rating is so low
beaconb16 December 2022
I've been watching the streaming re-runs for a few weeks, and I have been thoroughly entertained! I'm a sucker for ANY kind of competition, so that is one reason I enjoy watching. That each episode includes good looking young women often wearing a bikini is just an added bonus :) The stunts often include some athletic aspect, so it is not just pretend competition, and unlike Survivor, I don't think the blatant scripting that goes on there occurs. And if you can't laugh at people gagging on various kinds of spoiled organic matter and/or living creatures, you just can't laugh :) Joe Rogan is a great host and balances motivating the contestants with ribbing them when they give up or fail.
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Nasty Factor
PeteRoy20 September 2004
This show started out good, it really had stunts that people would fear to do and fear while doing them.

Today, this show has bad stunts that are not scary, they are just extremely ugly and nasty to do.

It's not interesting to see someone eat a brain, old fish, bugs and you name it, it's just ugly to watch.

In the first episodes it was only 1 round when you see ugly stuff, but now they sometimes do it 2 rounds, one you have to eat something ugly and the other just do something around ugly stuff like taking a tongue from A to B with you mouth.

I could sit and watch people eat the nastiest stuff in the world, but why should I? After 3 times I watched this show seeing more and more ugly stuff in each episode I decided that it's just too ugly for me to watch.

Therefore they should rename the show from Fear Factor to Nasty Factor, because these show stunts are not scary anymore, their either just hard to do in the first round and ugly to do in the other rounds.

Personally I don't like watching ugly stuff so I just see the first round and then I see something else.
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A great "guilty pleasure" show - except I don't feel guilty at all for loving it
gridoon20247 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, "Fear Factor" is mostly remembered and recognized for the gross-out (and often downright hilarious) middle stunt, in which contestants usually have to eat something disgusting, lie in something disgusting, or both, but there is sooooooo much more to it than that. For starters, the first and the third stunts are usually spectacular and exhilarating, worthy of any James Bond movie (and done by real everyday people, as opposed to professional stuntmen). The show is also useful as a panorama of human nature; with around 150 episodes and more than 1000 contestants under its belt, the range of behavior and camaraderie among the players is matched only by the range of different locations (you never know where the next episode will take you). Finally, it's hard - perhaps even impossible - to name a TV show in history with more athletic, brave, strong, competitive women, often taking on - and defeating - men in all sorts of contests; yes, I do claim that "Fear Factor" is a feminist show! It is also an honest and consistent show: you always get what you want from it, it never dips in quality (though, of course, some episodes are more satisfying than others; the average episode is easily a 8/10). If I could point out one negative, it's the unfortunate rule, in some (not all) Season 6 episodes, which states that the contestants with the best time decide who they want to send home, instead of the slowest person or couple being automatically eliminated like it always happened since the first episode. But in the grand scheme of things, that is a small complaint.

"Fear Factor" is hours and hours and hours of fun!
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allisonhopper118 January 2014
This show has worn out it welcome, if it played once a week that would be OK, but to play back to back for hours, that is way to much. The show is stupid and a waste of airtime. They need to cancel the show lay it to rest. What I can't understand is how they can just keep playing it over and over. Some of the things that are being done can't really be real, the things that they have them eat, and the things that the have them do,it is just unbelievable and totally stupid, it is really sad that they can't let it go, do a different kind of show and don't keep doing this show......Put it to bed and find something else to do.........
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The gross out factor
leftyguns21 December 2004
This series regardless of how one may feel about it should be re-named the gross-out factor.

I've watched it on several occasions and viewed feat that are actually more in tune with having a hard stomach, than in something that actually challenges our fears. for example in the Playmates Edition, one segment had the participants eating strawberries in a case full of flies, most of them , the -playmates swallowed several flies. Other segments has similar feats, one with cockroaches. Now is that sick or what? In others the object is itself to swallow worms, crickets and other insects.

What people are willing to do, for whatever the prize is strictly up to them. I would never try to suppress it. Also if viewers tune in, myself included at times, fine. But call a spade a spade.
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Needlessly gross and dangerous
Why I find myself watching reruns of this every other night, I will never know. Hosted by Joe Rogan - now the crazy anti-xaxxer - Fear Factor is a dumb and unsafe reality show where a group of contestants perform various stunts and eat repulsive items. If a contestant is too scared to do a challenge, does it and fails, or they took too long to complete the challenge, they're eliminated. If they win all of the challenges, they receive $50K. The challenges range from having to swim out of a car submerged in water or laying in a tub of rats, to eating worms or sheep's eyes, along with other things too nasty to list here. If you're truly curious, Google it. $50K is a lot of money, but there's no way I would put my life at risk. I would be more worried about dying from the eating challenges than the physical stunts. Besides the sheep's eyes, some of the other things the contestants had to ingest was really disturbing. Is it even hygienic to eat that stuff???? I know in other countries what they ate is considered a delicacy, but Americans' stomachs aren't used to that. Someone could've gotten a parasite or a disease. Just like most reality programs, you see the worst of people, as contestants are encouraged to taunt each other while they do the challenges. This one guy told a female contestant 'I hope you fall off the building and die.' There's better ways to spend your evening than watching this garbage. So demoralizing.
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Another example of trash TV.
cellomaster23 October 2002
I used to watch Fear Factor when they were going for mostly dangerous stunts. Of course, the writers and producers of the show had a hit an all-time low by burying people in innocent animals (like rats and spiders) and making them eat disgusting stuff (I can handle the coagulated blood balls...sort of...but WHY do they have to eat hissing cockroaches, one of my favorite insects?? That's barbaric and cruel, no matter how small or "disgusting" the animal).

The basic idea of the show: Get a group of morons together, and dare them to do stupid stuff. Whoever is left standing at the end of the mess wins (I think) $50,000.

I have since stopped watching this show. It's not about true fear anymore, but about grossing people out.
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whatever :)
summer__chik2 September 2001
So what if it doesnt test there fear its still an awsome show all my friends watch it and so do i . i think its a great show . why are all of you complaining ? so what that its not all about fear what is your aim ? what are you trying to get at by all these comments ? do you want them to change the nam . how about see who can last the longest show ? no i didnt think so. fear factor . the name is inviting . if you dont think its fair dont be a contestaint . as simple as that . now have a great day :)

  • me

p.s . to imdb i love fear factor its a great show keep up the good work .
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Great show!
mEnTaL_hOpScOtCh11 July 2002
This is a really good show. It's not for people with weak stomachs, though. I'm glad that the television companies have finally gotten the guts to air something like this on TV. The stunts they do and the things they eat (or things that munch on them) are completely shocking. Kudos to the people who think of these stunts!
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Another Example of the Dumbing Down of Society
Sargebri30 August 2004
This has to be probably one of the worst shows to ever be produced by the "Peacock Network". This show is even worse than "Pink Lady and Jeff". The only reason this piece of crap is on the air is because it is cheap to produce and even if it does badly in the ratings it won't cost the network all that much money. But the main problem with this show and other shows like it is that it caters to the lowest common denominator of human beings. Anyone who would look at people humiliate themselves eating and drinking disgusting concoctions or willingly put themselves in danger just to earn a few bucks tells you how greedy and stupid people are just to gain attention. I wonder how they will feel when someone becomes seriously hurt or, worse yet, even killed. Then maybe this garbage will go off the air.
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wild thang, you make my heart scream
theguys113 July 2005
I just read that all the gross food they have to eat is FDA approved and thank God for that. I love this show and I'm guessing it would be really fun to be a guest on it. This show tests not only what you can accomplish, but it tests how long you can keep your patience and what special talents you have that you can use. It doesn't matter if one is weak or strong, it only matters what hidden talents can spring out of the open when times are tough. This is a good adventure show and it really isn't about fear for the viewers, only for the contestants. The way they set up the stunts is pretty predictable sometimes, like: the first stunt always has to do with water or something related to propelling in the sky, the second stunt is related to eating something disgusting, and the third is walking on a spinning platform or dealing with water once again. And the grand prize is some heavy dough. I'd like to win 50 grand. But I'm just 13, so I might have to wait a while.
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without a doubt, a great show!
This show, Fear factor, is without a doubt, a great show, that everyone should watch!

I'd do any of these stunts in a flash! It's such a fantastic show, you never know what's gonna happen, or what kind of thing they have to eat, or stunt to perform!

You've gotta watch it!
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It is getting old..
Countess_Olaf28 January 2003
Okay. Back when I saw this show, probably about a year or two ago, it did seem pretty cool to me (around 13 years old, at the time). People getting put up against each other, and put up against some common fears that people generally have. Now it seems.. trashier. The tasks are becoming stupider, and less based upon fear than they are on strength and the willingness to degrade oneself. Things are beginning to get too repetitive (many of the tasks seem to involve dropping from the air and hitting a target on water, or eating various disgusting animal parts.) The tests are degrading, and at least twice in the last month (December 2002 through January 2003) I can recall people becoming physically ill and vomiting during the second stunt, as the sounds are played so everyone can hear and the host laughs at them.

The concept of the show had been okay, but it is getting out of hand lately, and not to mention old. I think it is due time that NBC yanks this from its already declining-quality lineup.
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How stupid can it get ?
sandcrab13 September 2004
Dumb, fake, useless garbage for no brain idiots. The penultimate Hollywood farce ! Do us and yourselves a favor and get a real life ! People that subscribe to this type of sham have way too much free time on their hands, Buy any book and read it. Stay away from this putrid piece of fantasy in hopes that it will die a quick death ! Could be rated along with Blind Date, 5th Wheel, and Regis and Kelly as some of the worst TV shows of this century, or all time ! Well, according to Garp, these comments must be at least 10 lines long whether it deserves it or not. How is that for Hollywood crap? The worse it is, the more you need to shoot it down !
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why fear?
wappfalls521 June 2001
It amazes me why people always want to believe something is fixed. (Such as the bug eating segment.) News flash to these people, no network would even ATTEMPT such a thing after the trouble game shows got into in the 50's. It is not like they had a damn thing to gain by making the girl drop out. Think about it! My problem with this show is it really has nothing to do with fear. In the first two shows, the only real phobias that have been challenged were the fear of things crawling on you (rats and worms) and maybe heights. Though with the harness, the fear of heights is diminished. But other than that, are people really waking up in a cold sweat with the fear of being dragged behind a horse or being shot with a paint ball? The name of the show is just completely wrong for the content, which is bad for the show. The content is better than the name. And the name will only lead to more people wrongly accusing it of copying MTV, as if Fear was original to begin with.
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Fear inducing stunts, scantly-clad babes, in Los Angeles? SIGN ME UP!!!!
Nightchild725 November 2005
American pop culture, whether you love it or hate it, is here to stay and "Fear Factor" is no exception. As host Joe Rogan puts it "The stunts are extremely dangerous and should not be attempted by anyone, anywhere, anytime", that's a statement that has true meaning to what this show is all about. I must say that although most of the episodes are not all that, there are some that are truly gross and will make you or your hot date freak out almost immediately. The cast consists of 3 males and 3 females, but I prefer to see the female side of things on this show. Likewise, seeing beautiful, scantly-clad babes competing for $50,000 is enough to draw a male audience. All in all, this show is living proof that pop culture is once again here to stay in the good 'ol U.S of A!!!
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