I'm Reed Fish (2006) Poster


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charming indie comedy
Buddy-512 January 2008
Reed Fish (Jay Baruchel) hosts a radio call-in show whose audience is as loyal in spirit as it is infinitesimal in size. His listener-ship is comprised exclusively of the citizens of Mud Meadows, a small town discreetly nestled in the pine-encrusted mountains of Southern California (the movie was filmed in the scenic Big Bear area). Although he's come to be known as "The Voice of Mud Meadows" for keeping the town folk apprised on issues of concern to the local community, Fish really isn't all that happy with his life. He actually feels hemmed in by the restrictions of small town life and is beginning to have second thoughts about his impending marriage to a childhood friend, Kate (Alexis Bledel), whom he may be marrying more out of a sense of duty and obligation than out of genuine love or passion. His life gets even more complicated when Jill (Schuyler Fisk), a girl he once had a crush on, returns to Mud Meadows for the summer, stirring up old feelings in him and making him question even more the level of his commitment to Kate.

Based on a semi-autobiographical story by none other than Reed Fish himself, "I'm Reed Fish" is an utterly beguiling indie comedy, overflowing with sweet sentiment, rueful humor and outstanding performances by Baruchel, Fisk, Bledel, Victor Rasuk, Katey Sagal and Chris Parnell, well known from his work on "Saturday Night Live." Not only are the characters themselves immensely charming and likable but their responses to the situations they find themselves in are believable and touching as well. "I'm Reed Fish," written by Fish and directed by Zackary Adler, is smart about the complexities of romantic relationships, and the movie is filled with any number of beautiful and lovely moments, the most transcendent being the one in which Jill (Fisk) literally lights up the screen with her musical performance at a local pub. As a writer, Fish is scrupulously fair to the characters he's created, avoiding the obvious temptation to paint Kate, in particular, as a fool or a harridan just so he can enhance Jill's virtues in the viewer's eyes. This equanimity makes the protagonist's romantic dilemma all that much more compelling and empathetic for the audience caught up in the story.

As lagniappe, the writer has placed the story in an offbeat film-within-a-film framework that gives the movie an extra added kick at the end.
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Not a cold fish, but an odd one; thus, it is entertaining but not for all, perhaps
inkblot1111 April 2013
In Mud Meadows, a small community somewhere north of Texas, Reed Fish (Jay Baruchel) is a jack-of-all-trades radio broadcaster and DJ for the local and heavily followed station. The mayor (Katey Segal) is his sidekick and astrologist for the morning program. Also in Reed's future, is a wedding to the lovely Kate (Alexis Bledel), the daughter of the richest and most prolific businessman in town. The ceremony is only weeks away, with Kate and her mother making most of the decisions. Does Reed show some reluctance? He does, and it gets worse when a former flame, er, crush of Reed's comes back to town. Jill (Schuyler Fisk) is staying with her folks before entering law school. Still beautiful and available, Reed is thrown for a loop. Should he break things off with Kate and go after Jill? Does Jill even have any regard for him? Also, what about Reed's chosen profession, which he inherited from his local legend father? Is this really what Mr. Fish wants to do or does he have secret, other ambitions? This charming but odd film looks at life in a small town and its, sometimes, eccentric characters. The cast is wonderful, with Baruchel, Bledel, Segal, and all of the others doing nice work. Especially great is Fisk, who gets a chance to display her strong singing/songwriting talents as well as her acting chops. Why isn't this lady in more films? It's a puzzlement. The sets are a fun look at village locale while costumes, script, direction, and photography all come out ahead of the pack. Nevertheless, those who don't like the above description or romantic dramas, may not find it their cup of tea. But, if it sounds good to anyone, brew a pot and sip, watch, enjoy.
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Quirky little film
amendelssohn12 September 2007
Reed Fish is, in my opinion, the small quirky type of indie films that the U.S. does well, and which unfortunately are rarely seen outside of America.

The film doesn't pretend to be anything except what it is, a small romantic comedy with some life affirming moments and a few quirks. Indeed, the plot quirks (without giving away too much) overshadow what was a simple film up to the end. I had the feeling that to some extent the writers didn't know how to finish their own story, and also wanted something to distinguish the film. Having said all of that, I liked the film. It wasn't pretentious and had its heart in the right place. Its not going to make you think, or win an Oscar, but its a worthwhile hour and a half.
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A sweet gentle movie.
maeander9 September 2007
This film has more in common with a Lifetime cable film than a standard theatrical release. The small budget and short shooting schedule show.

The story seems padded and bogs down at times. The incident that causes the rift that is the backbone of the script comes out of left field and is not very believable even in the context of the film. There must be a reason why the goofy guy gets two hot babes to fall for him; just don't ask me what it is. The script doesn't flesh it out and it becomes merely a plot point. Reed Fish's "demons" are mentioned but are only presented in a superficially way.

In my opinion, more time should have been spent in humanizing the main characters and less time on the zorse. Still, the "shaggy dog" part of the script was refreshing and added a depth to an otherwise familiar story.

The actors are all type cast, but very good at what they do. Alexis Bledel and Schuyer Fisk are adorably amazing. Jay Baruchel once again does an nice job as a schlub. DJ Qualls, AJ Cook and Katey Sagal have their moments.

Forget the hype. It is not a sexy laugh riot. But if you're looking to spend 93 minutes with a pleasant cast and a flawed (but agreeable) script, "I'm Reed Fish" is a good place to visit.
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Who did the casting for this movie?
jblippman8 June 2009
A cute, small, character driven movie about a guy who looks 15 but is apparently in his mid 20's. On the eve of his wedding, his high school crush comes back to the small town where they grew up. Predictable angst ensues. The soundtrack is good if you like emo country soft rock. The performances are fine, too. Alexis Bledel is very lucky to get so much work considering she only has the one persona. Jay Baruchel channels Zach Braff, which brings me to the main problem with the movie. Unfortunately, it is hard to accept the reality of a town of gorgeous women who inexplicably love scrawny unattractive boys. Worth seeing if you can get it for free, otherwise wait for it to be on Lifetime or MTV.
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What the hell did they think there were doing?
MBunge18 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This film is the indy cinema version of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. It manages to hit that sweet spot between charm and quirk, drawing you in and making you feel something for these characters, only to throw it all away with a startlingly wrong and unnecessary bit of too clever by 3/4ths fatuousness. I don't know if these filmmakers fell in love with their self-perceived brilliance of it they realized they didn't have an ending and tried to substitute some narrative prestidigitation. I'm Reed Fish is like someone who's about to win a marathon but stops 200 yards from the finish line and shoots himself in both feet. You're cheering him on and then all of a sudden…what the f**k?!?

Reed Fish (Jay Baruchel) is a young man who finds himself the heart and soul of the indefinable community of Mud Meadows after his father dies. He's taken over his dad's job as the main attraction of the local radio and TV stations and serves as sort of a town ombudsmen and conscience, though it's clear early on that he feels more than a little trapped by his supposedly idyllic existence. Reed is engaged to Kate (Alexis Bledel), a girl he grew up with, only to have everything turn upside down when Jill (Schuyler Fisk), another girl her grew up with, blows back town for the summer. There's a lot of local color from Mud Meadow's adorable oddballs, but this is really the story of how Reed is caught between two women and two versions of his life and handles it in the most ass way possible.

All that stuff I just described is pretty fun and enjoyable. I found myself smiling along with most of what happened. The following was neither fun nor enjoyable and I found myself staring at it in increasing aggravation and abhorrence. About 15 to 20 minutes into the film, the camera pulls back and we see that what we've been watching is an autobiographical movie made by Reed Fish and starring all the people of Mud Meadows. Then we go back into the movie-within-the-movie and when that ends, we return to the "real" world to one of the most undeserved and inexplicable standing ovations in cinema history and see the fallout to Reed Fish of the events portrayed in his film, which he starred in as himself.

Firstly, the initial step back to reveal the movie-within-the-movie business is an atrocious misstep that takes a jackhammer and pounds into your brain how contrived everything is that your watching. It makes you question what the hell I'm Reed Fish is and where it's going, which could have served as a jumping off point to something more challenging, but then in plunges right back into the movie-within-the-movie for another 50 minutes or so. It wasn't until the end, when they stepped back out into the "real" world of Reed Fish and Mud Meadows, that I realized that first digression was only there because these filmmakers were worried the audience isn't as smart as they are. They thought if they waited until the very end to pull back and show these people watching the film of themselves, people wouldn't get it and they'd have to work to hard at explaining and justifying it. Or maybe they thought viewers just wouldn't like that kind of a switcheroo being pulled on them. Whatever the reason, the first time someone suggested breaking in early with the movie-within-a-movie concept to prepare the audience for what happens at the end, it should have been a big warning signal that there was a basic flaw in their approach.

That flaw is this tale is about how Reed Fish finally grows up and takes control of his life instead of just coasting along, doing what he assumes other people want. Except, that transformation never truly occurs. The movie-within-a-movie gets up to that point and then it ends. We then pull back to "reality" where it's a year later or so and Reed has basically completed his transformation, the audience just never gets to see any of it. If you somehow manage to maintain a connection to this film after it metaphorically slaps you in the face, you'll feel like a frustrated sucker when there's no payoff to all of the build up you've sat through.

It also doesn't help that these filmmakers screw with you by having Reed Fish cast a woman who looks like the "real" Jill to play the "movie" Kate and vice versa. There's no point to it at all except to smack the viewer one more time with the movie-within-a-movie crap.

Alexis Bledel is nice in anything and there are some honestly affecting moments in I'm Reed Fish. This might have been a great film if these filmmakers hadn't thought they were too smart and talented to make it. By genuflecting before their own supposed genius, they've made a movie where the more you like it, the more you'll be frustrated by it. Watch this at your own risk.
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what life throws at us
ksf-221 March 2022
Fun, quirky, if un-even story. Reed (jay baruchel) has lost his parents, and takes his father's place as the host of a morning radio show for the locals. He's engaged to be married, but isn't so sure.... then about halfway through the movie, he falls apart. Career wise, emotionally, and all aspects of his life. About the same time, the film itself kind of takes a left turn; the characters start loooking directly into the character. And the story itself goes in a new direction, which takes a few minutes to figure out. The storyline is mostly good.. quiet little town, where everyone knows everyone else. A lot of us grew up in a town like that. Can reed pull himself back together and start over? Life is a lot of bad timing... when one person is available, the one you desire is not. It's not bad... the script just needed some tightening up. Can't say too much, to avoid giving away spoilers.
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Absolutely Horrendous.
yoitslauren813 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Movie: I'm Reed Fish. Most Appalling Fact: Based off of a true story. Pretty darn close to a true story, actually.

Honestly, this is the one person that I wish I have never met. This movie is a so-called "Romantic Comedy," which appears to be the exact opposite. It is of deceit and betrayal, and it may have been the driest movie ever created if it wasn't for some unexpected humor from the anomalous characters—Frank Cortez and Andrew. I couldn't help my uncontrollable anger for this movie that I had to come home to get on the internet to let out a rant. At the beginning, it's quirky, maybe a few "wow,-this-is-stupid,-why-are-we watching-this" type of thing. And then, Reed's "high school crush returns to Mud Meadows on the eve of his marriage to the small town's sweetheart," (plot outline) and it all goes down hill from there. You hate everybody by the end of the movie for their stupidity and devious actions. You will feel nauseous that one person could stoop that low and then never learn from his mistakes, and not even at the end. I mean a Romantic movie? Are you kidding me? There are extremely idiotic reviews which I keep stumbling upon, raving its excellence. I am extremely confused and disgusted. The movie wants you to trust no boy to be faithful in marriage, and not to trust even your best high school friends.

While I am at it, the "high school crush" is basically throwing herself at him, and then he is like trying to accept it and she is like appalled by it. Then, she wants him. Then she is like "No, let's not see each other." Then he goes back to the first girl and is crying because he is so upset. He leaves her asparagus on her doorstep as an inside joke typed, "i-love-you-please-forgive-me" action. Then, he doesn't want to be with the girl that he is marrying. NAUSEOUS? If not, waste your money supporting an extremely irritating, annoying, disgusting, aggravating, sickening, stomach-turning, infuriating, frustrating, appalling, nauseating film of "romance and comedy."

I actually wish I can give it a 0 out of 10 for this one, that's how horrible it was. I was really upset that an actress as good as Alexis Bledel, would be absolutely wasted to this low of an extent...
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Not a romantic comedy, it's actually sort of awful.
mari_lyn0017 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I'm Reed Fish, with adorable actors and 'awesome indie date flick' written all over it, it's probably a nice romantic comedy movie, right? Yeah, not really. About a young man who's set to get married to his small town girlfriend, and gets confused when an old flame comes back into his life, this movie will probably not leave you feeling the love and butterflies you'd expect. Though only slightly confusing with it's movie within a movie deal, the real messed up part of this movie is actually the part that's supposed to be romantic and charming. Unless you find a young man cheating on his wife to be, leaving her, and confusing the heck out of both her and the 'other' girl - charming, then no, you will not find this film adorable in the least.

At the end of this movie I found myself rooting for no one. I didn't want him to end up with either of them. I mean what did he learn exactly, from all of this? That he wants to go into film making? OK. Actually you know what, I was rooting for someone at the end, and that's for the girl he was supposed to marry. I was rooting for her to find herself someone much better that would make her realize that this guy, is a jerk.
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Excellent Indie-mainstream flick
samoppenheim7 May 2006
Parts of the movie were brilliant! The acting was on cue, Schuyler Fisk was so wonderful, I wanted to fall in love with her, too! She actually wrote and performed original songs for the movie!

Basically a coming-of-age story set in a very small town, but what sets it apart from some other films is a visceral down-to-earth reality that makes it somehow better. It has that Indie feel to it without any pretension or unprofessional elements.

It is a really well cast and well done semi-indie film that will garner success if it gets distributed. The crowd at Tribeca Film Fest were laughing & people had so many questions for the director and writer, it was awesomely received and really a pleasure to watch.
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Waste of your time, energy, mind, etc....
hthbrr221 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is one of the worst movies I have EVER seen.


About 30min. in we discover that we have been watching a movie within a movie. WTF!?

This brings up A BUNCH of questions that are NEVER answered:

Why do this?

Why confuse the audience?

Why did this guy do this?

Why is he not being treated for mental problems?

So all the towns people are professional actors?

Also why is "a kiss" seen as cheating? (people in other countries kiss on the mouth to say hi!) Also he was really drunk! And if that girl REALLY loved him and she really wanted to get married she would have forgiven him! HE WAS HONEST FOR GOODNESS SAKE! HE DID NOT EVEN SLEEP WITH HER! Really girl!? You dump him for TELLING YOU THE TRUTH? The real explanation was that he saw this girl and looked at his own life and got shook up. He wanted to leave the town but felt like he HAD to stay. Um, you have a stable life and a loving fiancé? What do you have to be sad about j@(&@$$? He could have not told her, have had an affair with the other girl and no one would have found out!

I was checking to see when the movie was going to end constantly! Don't bother watching this movie. On IMDb it's listed as comedy, romance, drama, it contains NONE of these! Nothing funny about an ingrate! Nothing romantic about JUST KISSING some girl. No drama as he said he was not ready for marriage and she said: OK. WHERE IS THE DRAMA!? I'm sure there was more drama from all the hate and disgust people felt after watching this "movie." Not the people IN the movie. No, us. The actual viewers.

Also I must say most of the reviews for this movie came from the people who made the movie! If you notice there are either totally praising the movie or honestly insulting it like me. This only happens on no name movies like this one. It's sad really, YOUR MOVIE IS A PIECE OF $#!T!!!!
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Some Odd Twists and Turns
gavin694231 March 2014
The life of Reed Fish (Jay Baruchel) turns into chaos when a high school crush (Schuyler Fisk) returns to Mud Meadows on the eve of his marriage to the small town's sweetheart (Alexis Bledel).

We have a pretty good cast here with Katey Segal, the wonderful DJ Qualls (with an unusually good-looking woman), and of course our leads. Baruchel is an awkward actor, but it works well for roles like this.

I was a bit confused by the premise, though: what kind of moron would be distracted from Alexis Bledel? That just makes no sense to me...

The film features an odd framing device (which I will not explain) and has a twist or turn that has left many viewers confused and not understanding what is happening. I freely admit not fully getting it at first...
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donwc19962 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this film and was immediately taken with it until the filmmakers pulled a fast one - they let the audience know that they had been watching a film all along - they did this by having the frame burn out and when the camera pulled back you could see the film had been running and that you were watching a film - I have never seen this done in a movie before and it turned me off so much that I switched channels immediately. What were the producers thinking? Did they actually think that audiences are so gullible that we would accept such blatant manipulation? I don't think so. I felt betrayed big time and was genuinely annoyed at such a cheap stunt that I'm certain the producers thought was creative. Bah humbug - that's what I say.
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At least I managed to watch this while rearranging Christmas decorations.
AlSoSprach-3923228 December 2022
This is not entirely a pointless waste of resources because Alexis Bledel stars in it. I can't for the life of me understand how this movie managed to come into existence, unless it is a true story and the protagonist had money to throw away. It is a trite come of age/rom com with an unlikable male lead, who is also not attractive enough to have two women vying for his affection. It romanticizes being stuck in a middle of nowhere America that does not exist. It is a pretty boring story orphaned twenty something who have decided to do nothing with their lives. The only enjoyable moment is when the "zhorse" in on screen.
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saw it today..and loved it!!
taraxstar29 April 2006
I saw this film today at the Tribeca Film Festival, and think that it is a sure hit...I have been to the festival for the past 5 years and this film is one of very few that has stuck out.

Based on the budget and the amount of time that this film was done with, it is incredibly well done. The story Reed Fish has written is fantastic. It is very funny, warm and real. I think this is going to be a big hit.

I had a great time with it today and in hearing the cast and some of the crew speak about the film today, it seems as though they are all very down to earth and extremely deserving of the success that this movie is bound to bring to them.
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Mediocre, but worth it.
michellemanning70982 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I wouldn't say that this movie is amazing. I will admit my surprise when halfway through the movie the projector broke and I was informed that no, these characters were not legitimate- they were actors acting in a movie about a movie. Though the intention was to be creative with a little curve ball, I didn't like it. If the movie had started off on this foot, it would have been okay. Instead you get unpleasantly surprised and confused in the middle of the movie and you do not really get your answer until it's finishes. And whether or not that was the "intention," "style," and/or "creative approach," it should not have been so.

However, I did not let it take away from the movie. The movie was light hearted with left field problems that managed to not stress me out, which anxiety typically gets the best of me when things go wrong. I must say that the director/screenwriter did a good job of keeping audiences guessing who Reed Fish ends up with. He even keeps you fickle on who you even want Reed Fish to end up with. Which is beneficial when his decision occurs, because you fall for both Kate and Jill.

"I'm Reed Fish" was put together in a cute, simple style- like that of its characters, their personalities, and the town they live in. It could have been so much better than it was- the film had a lot of potential that just did not fall through. I recommend watching it regardless because it was worth the short time it took to watch it. Appreciate it for its story, simplicity, and cute moments. That is what makes "I'm Reed Fish" worthwhile.
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tonko3695 April 2010
you will notice that there are a lot of people in this movie who are in other very good TV shows mainly.

i do not feel betrayed that it isn't really a romantic comedy. or condemn it for trying to be post- modern in some techniques. i just want to know would it be so terrible to make this movie funny? or interesting in some way?

you could use this film to clean your floors it is so dull.

nothing happened!!!!

the best thing you can do with this game is have a drinking game where people call out what movie or television show they know the actor from the screen and then everybody else has to drink.
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Sweet. But trying to do too much.
yonkondy14 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
If it weren't for the attempt to turn this into some pseudo-Charlie Kaufmann narrative, this film would have been much more successful. The tiny Wisconsin town became a character in itself. Jay Baruchel is quite capable, while Schuyler Fisk is magnetic. If only the writers/director chose not to indulge in that silly 'movie about a movie' approach, going so far as to give writing credit to protagonist "Reed Fish", the escapism so easily bestowed by the film wouldn't be so abruptly and painfully shattered. And for what ends? If the filmmaker insisted on Fish making a film to achieve some cathartic realization (which I can understand), the muddled fashion its presented, such as reintroducing central characters as actors and actresses playing the 'real' ones, is just absurd. It's rushed and handled sloppily. Even the central love interest, who we all fell in love with, is actually only some friend. The 'real' love interest ends up being some partially developed chick. So who cares when they get together in the end? I wasn't even sure who it was. Oh well. I loved this movie except for the third act - which is rather rare.
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A hidden gem! Don't miss it!
groovymike_163 September 2007
What a wonderful gem of a film! I am so angry it flew under-the-radar and couldn't have been something even remotely close to a sleeper hit. I would have been happy with it grossing even 1 Million at the Box Office instead of the paltry $3,130 it ended up with in its entire Box Office run, which, to be fair, only lasted a couple of weeks and was only shown on one screen.

It's a good thing Alexis Bledel was in this or I might have missed this great little film. I wasn't all that impressed by the trailer but thought it looked decent. However, being a huge fan of Gilmore Girls, I planned on seeing it anyway for Alexis. I'm really thankful I did. The whole cast is terrific. I especially loved Jay Baruchel in it. I've never been that impressed by him until now. He gives a really nice, natural, and charming performance.

I'm just so disappointed that it didn't do better. Did they not even market it? It couldn't have been marketed very well that's for sure. It deserves to be seen. I will definitely do what I can to get people to see it. I'll pimp it out at the video store (unfortunately we only got one copy - we couldn't even get 3? Come on!) and if I can find one I'd like an "I'm Reed Fish" shirt. Then if people ask about my shirt I'll tell them about the movie. Hopefully it can be discovered by quite a few people on DVD.

I urge everyone to seek this one out.

Grade: 8/10 (A-)
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Excellent movie, charming performances, gets better when you watch it again
moorthyr24 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I stumbled on to this on my Netflix "instant play" feature as something to watch. The Netflix rating system told me I'd like it, and they were right! So much so that I'll probably buy it soon.

The coming of age love story watches the goings-on of Reed Fish, a "literal" big fish in a small town who has a daily radio show he inherited from his dad. The slam dunk in this movie is Schuyler Fisk's performance and music. She's incredibly engaging. Her music is wonderful. Jay Baruchel, as the title character Reed, and Alexis Bledel, as his fiancée, do an excellent job.

Some reviewers trash this film for various perceived ills - being rough around the edges - the seeming improbability that two attractive women(Schuyler Fisk and Alexis Bledel) would fall for Reed, - the sometimes stinted dialogue - the complicated story-in-a-story

But they are completely missing the humour and the point. Reed Fish is a big fish, pun intended, in this little town, and spends his days solving problems for his listeners and otherwise operating as a pillar of his community despite his youth - its meant to be a little weird, I think. There are many moments where the movie laughs at itself for all these "flaws", which I'm sure were engineered in in part to mimic reality. Do yourself a favor - suspend reality for a moment and enjoy it for what it is - a delightfully engaging, charming romantic comedy with a few twists.
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A charming, gentle movie
dadawan23 September 2007
I watched this movie via Pay Per View on cable with my daughter last night. Having watched three other movies this weekend, I think I liked this one the best. Reed shows a nearly idyllic view of life in a small town in the summertime, where all the inhabitants are nice folk, and the weather is perfect every day.

This movie is really about that moment when you are 20-ish and you really make the big decisions that can determine what the rest of your life will be like. Since the writer put his own real name in the title of the movie, it isn't hard to imagine that this is his story.

Yes, this is not the most exciting movie ever, but the main character was very likable, the humor was amusing and the girls very pretty.

Compared to "Princess Diaries 2", another PG movie I saw this weekend, "I'm Reed Fish" was easily the more enjoyable film.
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good movie - go see it!
ninahamburg9 October 2006
I saw the movie last night at the film festival in Hamburg. It's a fun movie with a lot of great actors in it. I really enjoyed it and just want to encourage people to go see it. Without giving away to much - I don't think it particularly needed the story within the story - let me just say that. Besides that, it was a lot of fun to watch and the music in the movie is great. Schuyler Fisk is amazing! She has a great voice as well as good acting skills - I really hope to see more of her in the future! The location was well chosen - beautiful shots of the surroundings as well as the village! all in all -> great indie movie, and even more appreciated after hearing from reed fish how much work went into doing this movie in just 18 days!
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Just saw it on Direct TV - PPV
thepurplelantern13 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I just saw this film on Direct TV - PPV last night, and I was really quite taken in by it. My Fiancé did not enjoy it, for obvious reasons, but, we both liked the plot, pacing, acting, and structure of the film.

She disagreed with who Reed ended up with in the end, and, I now want to re watch to pick up on more of the clues about who he actually is with, in the end.

I think the stand out really was Schuyler Fisk, she did a great job in the movie, has an incredible voice, and, well, I just find so much to like about this thing.

A great film, great performances.

Loved It.
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Quirky and funny - a great date film
josef_cm6 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Reed Fish is a small town DJ who took over the radio station from his dad.

Reed is also getting ready to get married - that is until an old flame shows up. Many twists and turns and a real surprise about halfway through.

Schuyler sings two songs she and Blu Sanders wrote specifically for the movie. She has an amazing singing voice.

I think the most surprising twist is the role Shiri Appleby plays. Even after you get the "big" surprise her role still has a "little" surprise for you.

Enchanting, endearing... something for everyone. As I said earlier "A great date film"
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Reed Fish movie
ffa_lvr10 June 2006
Well I was fortunate enough to be a background actor for this movies, plus had the pleasure of filling in for P.A. Seeing the behind the scenes of this movie I really think made me fully appreciate the film and all the hard work that was put behind it. Jay is a great guy and a great actor, I hope he prosers well in life and whatever he endures. Quall's, is a very funny guy and motivational to comedy. I could not of asked for a better crew to handle this film. Each person who had a hand in making this Movie, I give my graces to. From lighting and sound, the the catering, without the help of so many this movie could not have been possible. To finally see the trailer is awe inspiring, I can't believe that we all did so much work and it turned out so well.

Sincerely Yours, Chantel Regouby
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