Open Water 2: Adrift (2006) Poster

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Let's think about what they COULD have done.....
gerry-636-8686778 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
They could have torn the flag into thin strips, tied the ends and twisted it into a strong rope and thrown it over the flagpole (or whipped it around the wires) to haul themselves up.

They could also have made smaller rope from the clothing and tied it round the metal hoops at the front of the boat, then put it under their armpits and took turns at not having to swim, thereby saving their energy.

They could have used the knife to undo the panel that was visible at the side of the boat, thereby giving a foothold - or dug footholds up the side (but the director saw that as too obvious, so had the host go into silly mode in his efforts to prevent damage to his boss's boat. This was unrealistic as saving your life is surely better than a rollicking from your boss!)

They could NOT have given each other much of a leg up as the principle of 'every action has a reaction' would apply i.e. if I stand on your shoulders you will go down in the water, thereby cancelling any height benefit.

Any other ideas?
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Decent entertainment
tkell315 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'm usually pretty critical (as my reviews would suggest), but I really can't grasp the 1 star reviews. It's like once people go below 6 or so there can be only one rating. Would be interesting if IMDB showed how often scores are selected. My guess is 2, 3 and 4 are the least used.

Anyhow, group gets together on a boat, get in the water with no way out (stupid yes, but people do stupid things all the time), and bad things happen as they struggle to survive. It's fairly entertaining even if you are left thinking, they should have thought of that in about 10 minutes. Ending is completely unrealistic, but does make it much more compelling. No woman is going to pick some random jerk off over her baby.
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Shallow individuals + deep water = couldn't give a f*ck
ultra_kid19 January 2010
On the whole I preferred this more that the prequel Open Water (I know Adrift was the unofficial sequel, but you know what I mean). I hated Open Water. The two protagonists were unpleasant and, for me, the film lacked the suspense and terror people would have you believe.

Adrift, however, had more potential, with more characters, albeit not much more likable, and even a baby. The first hour or so was almost edge of your seat stuff, with the true horror of their desperate situation being depicted perfectly. However, once I'd got used to the fact that they were in the water and there was little hope of them getting back aboard, I lost interest and it all became a bit tedious. Putting horribly shallow individuals in deep water (nice) with little chance of salvation results in a complete lack of viewer sympathy, which ultimately impacts the movie experience. Furthermore, a needlessly ambiguous and nonsensical ending added frustration into the mix.
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Idiots on a Boat
embracing_silence28 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
From the beginning, I knew the story would be a bit stupid. I decided to not judge right away. After all, they could have just immediately jumped off the boat without thinking about how to get back on. The thing was, they took their sweet time before going into the ocean. The aquaphobe girl and the yacht's owner were standing there, talking, for about ten minutes. Then he stupidly jumped into the water, taking her with him. What an a**.

Most people would think about how to get back on the boat before jumping off the (at least) twelve foot high deck. Not to mention that the ladder came down with a push of a button. How hard is it to remember the push a button? They should have done that as soon as they stopped in the water.

The mother leaving her baby onboard without anyone around was another mistake. At least one of them should have stayed to watch over her.

The movie put them in a situation that could have easily been worked through. They had six people. There are so many ways they could have worked their way back up onto the boat. Instead, we get two attempts to get back on. The rest of the time is being spent whining and crying about not being able to get back on, while possibly waiting for a ladder to magically appear. There is no sympathy to be felt for them. One of the characters tries to put a knife in the side of the boat so they can climb back up. The "owner" of the boat, flips out and refuses to let him do it, because it belongs to his boss, and ends up stabbing and killing his friend.

Everyone gave up way too quickly. One of the girls drowned herself. Another started swimming for shore, even though they were smack in the middle of the ocean. The rest didn't try anything, but float on their backs and stare at the sky.

At one point a cell phone rings and the coat it's in is hanging over the side of the boat, somehow in reach. When the call ends and the signal dies, the guy holding it throws it into the ocean. That was probably where I stopped feeling any despair for the characters.

In the end, this movie is stupid. You will be face-palming throughout the whole thing and wanting to choke the characters.
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better than these reviews - great suspense
landalus9 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
alright, after reading the comments of all the macguyvers who know exactly what they would have done in this scenario, i have to chime in...

1) "why didn't they just throw one of the girls up the side?!" - wow. i can't believe someone (several people) actually wrote that. have you ever tried to "throw" someone or even lift them slightly while you're treading water? try it. no amount of strength would help. the strength of four or five people wouldn't help either without some ground to stand on! oh man, i'd love to see you try it.

2) "why did they only try once with the swimsuit-rope?!" - well, half of it stayed up there on the rail, out of reach, after it ripped, if i remember correctly. even if it hadn't, why should the filmmakers be required to show numerous attempts - why can't we just assume that time passed in the story where they did try a bunch of times?? if they show every little possible event, then it's a 20 hr movie instead of 90min.

3) "why didn't one of the girls try to climb the rope instead of the dude?!" - well, yes, that's a very valid point. huge mistake of judgment. but a possible one. this dude was a boat nazi chode, remember? and a rather dumb one.

4) "why did he throw the cell phone away?!" because he panicked and the guy was kind of a dumb ass to begin with. he thought the phone was fried because it was wet. you saw the unbelieving, sunken faces of his friends when he did that. one even asks him what the hell he was thinking. people freak out and f*ck up in tense situations.

5) "why did he interfere with the guy who was trying to use the knife?!" again, he was a world class chode! even in their dire situation, at this point he still seems prideful and arrogant and detached from reality. so he sees the other guy wildly stabbing at his (boss's) luxury toy, and he gets all materialistic and selfish. probably still thinking about how he's going to maintain his cover, since it's not even his boat. and by the way, he did not stab the guy,as several people claim - he caused the guy to stab himself.

6) "how could he be so stupid as to try to find the knife on the ocean floor?!" - i don't want to find out for myself, but i think that's what delirium does to people.

I found all of these points of frustration for so many posters here to be quite realistic. the film had plenty of other flaws, but i think the realism of the protagonists' descent from calm and crafty to desperate and delirious was right on. much of the acting was unremarkable but did not ruin the movie. what do you expect? i heard bobby duvall had to drop out because of a conflicting project.
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Unimaginative, predictable, ridiculous cash in on Open Water
adrift-214 July 2006
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Open Water was believable, and much more gripping than this very formulaic sequel. The plot is standard unimaginative Hollywood fare, and seems to make a situation (which could easily have been resolved by the characters) into an unconvincing thriller with an unbelievable script which features a series of contrived episodes.

Each incident left me asking "why didn't they try this", and "why didn't they try that" as each character seemed to act in a totally irrational way - why did they only try once to get on board with the swimsuit 'rope' ? It was very cheesy that they almost made it, but then didn't try again. Why did they throw the phone away for no good reason? Why didn't they use the knife as a foothold to get on? I would not have trusted these characters to have made me a coffee without at least three of them getting seriously injured or dying.

This film had nothing new in it, and seemed like an attempt to cash in on the success of low budget Open Water.
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A Nutshell Review: Adrift
DICK STEEL3 February 2007
The original Open Water had a couple stranded in the high seas when they went deep sea diving, and somehow missed the boat, literally, thereby being stranded in the middle of nowhere. The formula is now repeated in Open Water 2: Adrift (just called Adrift here probably to disassociate itself from being a "sequel of sorts" movie), with the number of couples increased threefold.

But I can't judge which is better, having not watched the original. Adrift though seemed decent enough, with human nature for self-preservation portrayed so starkly on screen, it's scary. And having to bump up the number of those in trouble, allows for different views and types of people (read: caricatures at times) to be showcased. Each cast member have certain strengths, and some just have total negativity built into them, for contrast purposes.

The setup is simple and we waste no time in being introduced to our characters, almost all of whom are high school friends, and gathered together to celebrate one of their 30th birthday. They go on a weekend cruise on a luxurious yacht, and it's party, party, party, enjoying the finer things in life. Until they decide to go swimming in the sea, did they realize that hey, did someone lower the ladder on board? Otherwise, how are they going to get back to the deck? It's down to the adage of looking before you leap, and that danger lurks when you're enjoying yourself so much, that common sense, precautions and safety get thrown in the wind.

And when the severity of the problem surfaces, what do you do? Are you the leader, the thinker, the whiner or the quitter? When everything is fine and dandy, everyone knows how to enjoy to the max. But when there's an issue at hand, do you begin to point your finger at everyone else, or help to think of a solution? And when all seems lost, do you give up, or try, try again? The characters partake in exhibiting some of these traits at different points, and with time running out, and dehydration, paranoia and hysteria slowing creeping in, you'd wonder how long they'll last.

It's human nature to instinctively try and survive, and watching the characters on screen do just that in spite of impossible odds, just makes your heart pound faster as you think - what would you do if you're caught in the same situation? Would you bitch slap the complainer? Would you follow instructions to a T? Would you give ideas and shut up when it doesn't work? And when all seems lost, what would you do?

Supposedly based on true events, this story might have its plot holes at certain times when you think, hey they should have done this or that, but I'd suggest to hold onto your train of thoughts, until a key revelation is made, to which you may nod in agreement why it happened the way it did, and that shake in disbelief when you think that when it comes to life and death, material things should be sacrificed first, and facing the music is just part of the inevitable consequence.
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Fairly dire, hardly what I'd call a "thriller"
Harry_Keane9 September 2006
The film was supposed to have been based on "true events". Yes, I'm sure it was - very, very, very loosely based. Some of the acting was nearly good enough to cover the gaping holes in the plot, but never enough to conceal the basic absurdity of it all. To the UK newspaper reviewer who allegedly said "You'll be on the edge of your seat!" I can only concede that I was - this was only because my wife had hold of the waistband of my trousers to prevent me leaving the cinema. The ending was extremely unsatisfactory and I was left feeling very sorry for the actors, whose performances are the only reason I've rated it as highly as a 5.
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Don't let IMDb ratings keep you from watching this one
brooklyn_gent13 April 2008
I was entertained from start to finish. Had I come to IMDb and seen the rating of 5 I might have skipped it, but I saw the movie before I came here- lesson learned and advice to others. It's fast paced and there is always something happening. I really was not bored at all during any part of the movie. There are many things I can criticize about this movie, and I can understand the points other posters have made, but the bottom line is that it's just a movie. It's how I passed a couple of hours this Sunday night and that's all. When I want real excitement all I have to do is open the paper and read about all the crazy things happening in the world. So, I enjoyed it and I recommend it to others who like these kinds of movies.
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Anchor was not lowered
sharptype3 July 2017
The ending was quite confusing, but the rest of the movie was suspenseful and kept one on edge. In answer to a previous review, there was an anchor (it showed it several times) but it was not lowered. As far as drifting, the yacht did have grab handles on the front that the characters were holding on to. I'm not sure how it really works on a yacht, but it seems like there should be some way to lower the ladder from outside the boat within reach of the characters.
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Loved It ......
fiends25 February 2007
I seem to be in a bit of a minority here, but I loved 'Open Water", thought it was one of the best low budget films to date, and made me fear the ocean all over again ...(thanks "Jaws"!!). So I was pretty excited when I saw this on the shelf, had no qualms shelling out some dosh, and I am so pleased that I did ... Possibly even better than the first, talented (if fairly unknown) actors, and just a great premise ..... I can see how something like this might happen,a stupid mistake that can have very real consequences, and while I was sitting comfortably on my chair in my lounge, thinking "you should try this or try that", (which they mostly did anyway), I'm sure thinking logically whilst bobbing about in the very cold ocean is not so easy ..... I loved it, made me squirm, had to look away at times, and really felt for all the characters and their different ways of dealing (or not) with the situation ..... A great film.
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Dramatic and Tragic Yacht Trip
claudio_carvalho15 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Amy (Susan May Pratt), her husband James (Richard Speight Jr.) and their baby Sarah travel to Mexico to sail in the yacht of their reckless friend Dan (Eric Dane) with their common friends Zach (Niklaus Lange) and Lauren (Ali Hillis) and celebrate the thirtieth birthday of Zach. They are introduced to Dan's girlfriend Michelle (Cameron Richardson) and they drink and recall moments of their past while navigating. Miles away from the shore, Michelle suggest to stop the yacht and swim in the calm water. Amy stays in the boat since she has a childhood trauma with ocean and Dan stays with her. Later, the irresponsible Dan pushes Amy overboard, falling with her in a prank. Once in the water, the group realizes that Dan forgot to put the embarkation ladder and the freeboard makes impossible to climb to the main deck the yacht. With the baby alone in the boat and stranded in the open sea, they panic and their desperation lead them to a tragic fight for survival.

"Open Water 2 – Adrift" is another great movie about surviving in the ocean. The direction and the acting are superb, and the good screenplay has an ambiguous and confused conclusion. The story explores first how an inconsequential act may cause the death of people; further, how fragile the human beings are under stress and in constant fear, leading them to panic and to self-destruction. The explanation for the stupid attitude of Dan is given after the death of his friends, when he confesses that he does not own the yacht. Further, there is no captain of experienced crew on board. With regard to the conclusion, my interpretation is that Amy brought the dead body of Dan onboard and she is catatonic, in absolute state of shock with the whole situation. Apparently the yacht is not anchored, therefore while in the storm it should have moved adrift to another location. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): Not Available
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They Missed the Boat, Too
wes-connors5 July 2013
On holiday in Mexico, happily married Susan May Pratt (as Amy) and attentive Richard Speight Jr. (as James) drive to a birthday celebration, with their first-born baby Sara. These characters appear to be your average, attractive family. We do learn, mainly through flashbacks, that Ms. Pratt has a fear of water. As a young girl, she helplessly watched her father drown. Pratt and Mr. Speight pass another couple, on a motorcycle. These two are slightly scruffier Niklaus Lange (as Zach) and his knowledgeable girlfriend Ali Hillis (as Lauren). The cause for celebration turns out to be Mr. Lange's 30th birthday...

The party is to be held on the small yacht "Godspeed", hosted by handsome Eric Dane (as Dan). Once a love interest for Pratt, Mr. Dane is coupled with cute blonde Cameron Richardson (as Michelle). The latest in a long line of lovers, Ms. Richardson is the sole "outsider" in the group of ex-classmates. Not surprisingly, she is the first to act a little squirrelly. While sailing, all six adults wind up swimming in the ocean. Only baby Sara remains on board. Nobody remembers to lower the ladder, so they have to use their wits to get back up on the boat. Unfortunately, in the wits dept., this group missed the boat...

This follow-up to "Open Water" (2003) has little to do with the earlier movie. Both are claimed to be based on true stories. There is no way the first film could have been based on a true story, unless the storytellers used séances or Ouija boards to document what happened. This film may have more integrity in that regard - but why the characters behave so stupidly is not always believable. Also, a "true story" would suggest a competently rendered conclusion. The ending to this film makes no sense (to me). It's difficult to accept the characters' behavior and impossible understand the ending, which is claimed to be factual.

*** Open Water 2: Adrift (7/10/06) Hans Horn ~ Susan May Pratt, Richard Speight Jr., Eric Dane, Niklaus Lange
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Problem Solved!!!! Really it wasn't that hard
jcbourne19 July 2009
I can't believe I haven't seen this response in any post thus far. It stands out like dog's balls.

1. FutureMovies (UK review site) states that the yacht was anchored on a reef. However,I did not see any anchor warp streaming from the bow. Did anyone else?

2. The yacht had to be anchored for the plot to work - for as a yachtsmen who has sailed offshore, I can tell you that ocean currents are quite strong and the yacht would have drifted without any wind. It certainly would have drifted when the weather turned foul and anyone in the water would not have kept up with it. Finally, the yacht has high topsides which creates windage in itself causing the yacht to drift even in very light breeze. So let's assume the yacht had to be anchored to give the plot the slightest credibility.


4. If the yacht was not anchored, there would be no plot because in 'REALITY' - 'REAL LIFE', the yacht would have definitely drifted and they would have all been kaput, lost at sea, drowned or whatever.

The movie plot was so dumb and so seriously flawed - Hollywood at it's worst. I turned it off as soon as I realized this movie was going to end without any of those idiots on board figuring this out.

The only true to life fact in this movie is that the worlds oceans are filled with idiots such as these characters who cost the coast guard and tax payer millions of dollars a year trying to find them when they do dumb stuff at sea.
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karaokebowl8 May 2020
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Dude, there is no way they wouldn't have been able to get that tiny ass girl up on the boat to lower the ladder. No way.
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Darwin Awards for All These Landlubbers
Ninanna4 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot conceive what possesses anyone to rate this more than two or three stars at the max. And even then, only because of the pretty scenery.

Part of what makes a movie enjoyable (maybe even valid) usually includes having at least some sort of sympathetic character--even if it's a shark. In this blessedly brief idiot-fest, the shark you wish had chomped down each of the six adult numbskulls the moment they hit the water never shows up, ultimately leaving the viewer with no one to root for. After several scenes of unimaginable brainlessness and/or unnecessary crankiness all six have worked diligently to qualify themselves for the Darwin Award, and deserve it richly, as well.

The filmmakers go so far as to manage making the poor infant left alone onboard unsympathetic. And not even the maternal instincts of the surviving mother are redeemed in the vague and unsatisfying final scene that shows her empty-eyed and addled, staring at the (dead?) body of the yacht's supposed owner, while her daughter bawls below decks.

Maybe the tugboat cap'n will get a big reward for stopping to render aid--that's about all I could hope for in the end.
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An okay film that puts you under the microscope and has you questioning,what would you do?
axlrhodes5 May 2008
Interesting one this.I liked the film.It set you in the scene,what would you do? How would you cope?I like films that put me there and make me question how id behave in similar circumstances.Okay,it doesn't feature any big star names and its direction and stylisation is pretty non existent but its a compact little film that myself and my partner enjoyed as a piece of throwaway entertainment on a Saturday night.I since watched Open Water which i didn't enjoy as much as this.I like that the ending is open to interpretation also,its adds a spooky element to the film.I think being stranded and abandoned is one of our primal fears, this film taps into that fear effectively.
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Personally, worst movie I've ever seen
gramirezlm78 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
If you don't want to read a negative review please refrain from continuing. This is solely my own opinion. If you lack any survival skills or instincts in harsh situations this film may not be that bad for you. Personally I greatly disliked the movie. The ending isn't clear and well the whole thing was a huge disappointment. The characters perform a insanely ridiculous amount of worthless attempts for getting on board. I mean *beware spoiler* when they use their clothes to form a rope why have the heavy guy climb the rope? when one of the skinny girls could have done it and the one with the life jacket can swim but she never shares the jacket until the unworthy guy needs it. Then that same guy kills the only guy that actually has a smart idea. Then the babies father thinks there is some secret compartment under the boat, because I mean all boats have a hatch underneath just in case you jump off with out thinking to put done the latter, OH YEAH while there is a baby on board.
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better than "Open Water 1"
antoniotierno1 September 2007
In my opinion a really interesting sequel, with very effective moments. It works since it gets to concentrate uniquely (or mainly) on the behavior of these good looking guys and girls, under extremely strong stress.. Story's very solid because the viewer feels tension growing more and more, understanding and perceiving the character's realities, both physical and phsycological. The movie's suspenseful and the almost unknown cast doesn't cut a poor figure at all; probably it's not based upon events really happened, as written in the credits, probably their stories are simply invented but the threat seems real, that is enough. Was shot in Malta, surprisingly.
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Party, swim, die.
budmassey11 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly. Who makes these movies? Who decides to make them? Who pays to have them made? And why? Two million bucks they spent on this joke, and for what? What's it about? Shallow, stupid people busy being pretty on someone else's boat? But why would anyone care?

I suppose there is a feeble attempt at a redemption scene at the end, but it's vague and half-hearted. What's worse, given how utterly unlikeable all of the characters are, I would rather have seen them die gruesome deaths like in some slasher film than to survive to be shallow and stupid another day.

For Pete's sake, is it too much to ask to have characters with depth and complexity? Would a plot have been even remotely possible? Seriously, after contriving such a facile premise, the least they could have done was allow the characters to evolve and unfold in some at least mildly interesting ways, or experience something through which they might grow and develop. Isn't that why they make movies?

Look, save yourself the time. Here's the movie: party, swim, die. Now go do something entertaining instead of watching this preposterous movie.
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Great movie, ambiguous ending
ray-39329 August 2007
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I sat watching this movie intently from beginning to end. It was quite gripping and I liked the fact that little-known, albeit highly credible actors were used. I didn't realise until I visited IMDb that it was in fact Open Water 2 (Sky just listed it as Adrift). Open Water (1) is one of those movies I have long intended watching but just never got round to. I will make a point of watching it now as I thoroughly enjoyed the sequel. My only gripe was the ambiguous ending. One minute you're led to believe no-one made it as the fisherman is shouting "Ahoy" with no answer apart from the crying baby. The next minute its as if you're shown an alternate ending with the heroine aboard the yacht with her rescued 'ex-friend' sprawled out on deck. Confusing.
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Very good but confusing ending....
blythefan200020 May 2007
From the start I was glued to the screen. The acting was good and believable and the plot was tense. Okay the plot may seem a bit dumb I hear you say, after all who forgets to put the ladder on their yacht down before jumping in the ocean, but hey apparently it'a a true story.

Basically the whole film is based around these guys and girls stuck in the ocean 'cos some moron forgot to put the ladder down before they all jumped in. One by one they get bumped off by a bump on the head, a knife wound, etc etc. I found myself thinking why doesn't one of them just lend one of the other members of the team their shoulders to 'bunk them up' so to speak so they can get up on to the deck.

It does seem to have minor influence from Dead Calm, but it's a much lower budget film I'm sure. The ending is confusing as hell. Are they all dead or not? I don't think the film maker intended to confuse us viewers, more likely he got stuck for a good ending and so made something that is not clearly defined and is rather disappointing.

Not a bad film but the ending really disappoints and confuses. Your mind will be boggling for days. I would suggest watching Saw instead.
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Rooting For Sharks!
delj27 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers

Plot- White people jump off a yacht and forget to put the ladder down. They are stuck in the ocean, treading water, and complaining for the next 90 minutes.

Open Water 2 was so annoying that I found myself rooting for gigantic man-eating sharks to devour this pack of treading water whiners. And guess what? No sharks!!! Why bother doing a sequel to Open Water if your going to forget the most terrifying aspect, the eaten alive by sharks in the ocean part. That's like Snakes On A Plane Part 2 forgetting the snakes.

This straight to video movie was so inept that at one point the swimmers take off all their clothes to make a rope and try to climb aboard. I'm all for gratuitous nudity but we NEVER see any boobs. An occasional male butt is as good as it gets and that ain't too good...

Just when you thought this flick couldn't get any worse, throw in a crying baby or good measure. Yup, one of the mommies left her baby on board so on top of everything, we get to hear a baby crying and crying and crying and crying.

No sharks, no boobs, and a crying baby. What more could you ask for?
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Water water everywhere...
morticiap13 July 2020
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...and not a shark in sight. Not one. Nada. Niks. Boggerol. You're welcome.
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The sharks sucked in this movie...
jennifer-25-96523115 August 2011
I LOVE shark movies! Ever since I saw Jaws as a child I vowed to see every single shark movie ever made. When I saw this movie on NetFlix I was super happy, got myself a nice glass of wine, dimmed the lights and settled in for what I thought would be a shark fest of fun.

The movie starts off like most teenybopper type movies. A group of BFF's party it up and have a good old silly time together. They board their annoying arrogant friend's super yacht and have fun dancing, drinking and doing what young people do. They decide to go swimming in the ocean but being foolish and young they don't think to put the ladder down and opppps! they end up in quite the predicament.

The rest of the movie is spent listening to them whine and complain in the most annoying way. For the most part they end up doing stupid things that seem unrealistic but I can only assume this was filler since there is not much to show when you throw some people into the ocean with absolutely no other storyline other then that.

Some of the camera angles were quite scary when you are expecting a shark to come up and get his feast on. Scary underwater sounds, the darkness of the water, feet dangling treading water just taunting those hungry sharks. It would have made for a creepy suspenseful film except wait… where are the sharks?! I can't for the life of me figure out where the sharks went? Was this not a sequel? I cant imagine Harry Potter without Harry, Nightmare on Elmstreet without Freddy, what about Spiderman without Peter Parker! The only thing I can imagine was they were looking to make some quick easy money so they put a title on it that would attract.

I can forgive this if it was even remotely entertaining. As I stated above, there really isn't much you can do in 1.5 hours with a few folks dangling aimlessly in a huge ocean with nothing to do but be annoying.

Overall I wasn't that entertained. I've seen worse but I wouldn't recommend this movie to my friends. I'm still wondering where those sharks went though…. - Discover a new world of horror films, designed just for you.
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