The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008) Poster

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Sadly disappointing
Smells_Like_Cheese4 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I do have a question, what ever happened to the slow walking lame Egyptian mummies? I mean, as silly as they are, they're still entertaining. Now we have The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, I loved The Mummy, The Mummy Returns, it was watchable, but this one was just an excuse to make some quick cash. I was actually looking forward to seeing this movie, I got the opportunity to see it today, I was excited, but unfortunately, we now have Chinese mummies that can do anything that will fit into the CGI budget. Another disappointment was the recasting of Evelyn, I know Rachel Weisz turned this script down, but she was seriously needed, Maria Bella, who is a decent actress, actually made Evie a very flat character and not as enjoyable. Then not only that, but we have Brendan and Maria who do look incredibly good for their age, they have a 20 year old son in the movie? This story was a waste of time and money.

The Emperor of China wanted to rule the entire world, but when a Chinese witch curses him and his army, he is put to sleep for thousands of years. Rick and Evie are now retired and have lost the spark in their relationship, but when they are asked to go to Shanghai to deliver a small little ball, they bump into their son who has discovered the Emperor. Rick and Evie are forced to wake the mummy by his followers. Now the whole family with Jonathan and the protector who was supposed to keep the emperor from rising, must destroy the Emperor or he will take over the entire world.

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor has some OK moments, I loved the beginning story and the ending battle scene is held pretty strong, it's worth the look for that, but I would say this is more of a rental. It's just a sad disappointment, considering how much better it could have been. The one liners were too cheesy and we have three headed dragons, karate kicking abdominal snow men, why not just go all the way and have leprechauns with machine guns? That's how out of control the CGI effects are. Luke Ford makes Brandon Fraiser look like Marlon Brando with his acting and the love story between him and the protector girl was useless. Like I said, wait for the rental, not the worst movie of this year, but a huge let down for sure.

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Now, I Really Missed Rachel Weisz In This One!
3xHCCH31 July 2008
I really like the Mummy series for its epic action, sense of humor and great special effects. I was very excited when I started seeing teasers for this sequel to be shown in July, mostly because it was quite unexpected.

This movie has all the required elements of epic action, sense of humor and great special effects. Of course there is still the swashbuckling hero Rick O'Connell played in grand style by Brendan Fraser. He undoubtedly has this action-comedy genre sewn up right in his alley. John Hannah is still around playing his brother-in-law, Jonathan, in his old annoying manner.

For the new stuff, the setting shift to China as the titular "Mummy" now refers to an ancient Chinese emperor who desired immortality, played by Jet Li (who really personified his anti-hero role with relish here). The emperor sought the help of a "witch" (played with much bravado by Michelle Yeoh), with whom he gets attracted to. However, the witch fell in love with his main general (played by Russell Wong, whom you'd wonder why he isn't getting more breaks in Hollywood). From hence starts the conflict and the resultant curse on which the movie stands.

The requisite martial arts you would expect in a movie set in China are of course in full play. Very well choreographed, especially that thrilling sword fight between Jet Li and Michelle Yeoh. The exciting action sequences inside the booby-trapped lost tomb, the truck and chariot (!) chase in the streets of Shanghai and the final fight sequence with the "Mummy" are all executed very well as in the two previous installments.

But then there are the drawbacks that for me pulls this one down to a five star rating. The quality of the spoken Mandarin is at times unintelligible. However, the major beef involves what for me are severely miscast actors.

The actor who plays the now college-aged son of the O'Connells, Alex, looks too mature to be the son of Brendan Fraser. I just checked to see that the actor Luke Ford was born in 1981, but he looked older than that, so it was a bit of a stretch to believe that he is Brendan's son. Furthermore, he also does not act like a son, but more like Brendan's younger brother.

But the worst and damaging mistake was the decision to cast Maria Bello in the beloved role of Evelyn O'Connell, which is wholly owned by the more beautiful and credible Rachel Weisz. I felt absolutely NO chemistry between Maria and Brendan. Her acting was also quite wretched when compared to Ms. Weisz, who was able to maintain her intellectuality, demureness and gentility on top of her topnotch fighting skills. Ms. Bello fails miserably in this regard to recapture the unique character of Evie we have loved before, in my opinion.
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Curse of the trilogy
Fever2 August 2008
Like so many great movies that became dragged-out trilogies, the newest Mummy falls right in. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved the first movie. But like so many sequels, this story line becomes repetitive. The first rule of sequels is to keep the cast. Rachel and Brendan and an amazing chemistry, but Maria Bello was abysmal as the new Evelyn. Her fake British accent and melodramatic acting was inexcusable. The sets looked like they were built by 3rd graders, the effects were overwhelming, the scenes were disjointed and the cheesy one-liners got old fast. Sure, Brendan Fraser still looks hot in a tux, but he still looks 35 even though his son is in his young 20s. Overall, I was terribly disappointed. I wouldn't even bother seeing it in theaters...and please tell me this series is finally over.
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It's dreadful
0U20 February 2020
Nice idea for a story, but it didn't have a mummy in it. Rachel Weicz's replacement just isn't up to the task, the script is horrible, and the film just has nowhere near the good vibe as the original two films did.
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This Mummy should have stayed in his crypt.
kimgrear1 July 2008
I was able to catch this movie at a test screening in California while i was on vacation and its not much of a film. Its the same story as the previous ones and most of the stuff in the movie were taken from them as well. I love Brendan Fraser but he didn't look happy to be there and with how the story was set up, you can't blame him for looking miserable. He has no chemistry with Maria Bello, who was just awful (She's no Rachel Weisz, that's for damn sure.) and he has even less chemistry with his own son played by Luke Ford, who has the charisma and the charm of a brick, not to mention the fact that he looks just as old as both Fraser and Bello. Fraser has more chemistry with John Hannah, who is a welcome distraction from the lousiness of the film. The movie itself is just a flat headed mess of bad visual effects with no soul. Jet Li lacks the menacing presence of Arnold Vosloo from the previous films but that problem is more than less on the shoulders of the director, who was in my opinion more concern with the style of the film than any substance it could have had and because of that, Jet Li and most of the cast got the short end of the stick and it shows.

They should have ended it with the second film but instead, we have a movie that manages to make even "The Scorpion King" look as good as Iron Man.
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Ignore the reviews, make up your own mind
rbsjrx9 August 2008
I almost didn't see this in the theater due to all the bad reviews. What changed my mind was Roger Ebert giving it a rare positive review. Since I agree with Ebert more than most critics, I decided to go see it.

I have to say that none of the reviews or comments I've read tell the whole picture, IMHO. Neither Ebert's praise nor other critics' pans are entirely appropriate. Lets' start with the basics... "The Mummy" was a modern retelling of a 30's "B" monster movie with up to date FX. It wasn't great drama, but it was a rousing thrill ride that capably did its job of entertaining you if you weren't too picky about plot, etc. The two sequels have continued this tradition. I'd rate this as inferior to the original but slightly superior to "The Mummy Returns".

Much has been made about the casting of Maria Bello in the role originated by Rachel Weisz. While I'm not a Rachel Weisz fanboy, she is a very capable actress and I just don't believe Ms. Bello was up to the role. There is simply no chemistry between Bello and Brendan Fraser. There are basically only two legitimate reasons to make a sequel: 1) either there are loose ends to tie up, or 2) people really like the characters and want to see more of them. Each film in the Mummy franchise ties up its own loose ends, so the producers are risking commercial suicide to change the characters in any significant way. If they couldn't get Rachel Weisz, they should have been much more careful in recasting the role. There's very little physical resemblance between the two actresses, and Ms. Bello simply doesn't seem to have the acting chops to carry it off. That unfortunate casting choice casts a pall over the whole enterprise - but not enough to sink it.

Some have criticized the film because they don't believe that Brendan Fraser looks old enough to have a son Luke Ford's age. That's arguable (all of the holdover cast is starting to show their age - especially John Hannah) but, again, it's not a deal-breaker.

OTOH, the secondary roles are excellent. Michelle Yeoh and Isabella Leong are excellent while Jet Li gives another great performance as the evil emperor. Luke Ford is somewhat bland, though, and doesn't appear to be a good candidate to carry the franchise into the future.

The CGI FX are generally excellent but nothing we haven't seen in the first two films. The exception to this are the yetis! With only a few minutes of screen time, they pretty much steal every scene they're in. Where the FX do seem lacking is in imagination, scale, and scope when compared to the previous two films. Perhaps that's because more of the action in the previous films took place in dark, claustrophobic settings, while here many of them are in brightly lit sunlight. The battle scenes in particular suffer in the inevitable comparison to the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Was this film made principally to milk the franchise? Almost certainly, but then so was "The Mummy Returns". But that doesn't mean it fails on its own terms. It is entertaining and supplies much of the same appeal as its predecessors. If you can watch it on those terms and if Maria Bello's casting isn't too disappointing to you, then go see it - you may have a good time. I did.
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AJ_is_Awesomness20 July 2008
A true honest review? Some true honest advice? Don't waste your time on this, its terrible.

I am a true fan of the original. I like the way it was weaved together with interesting characters, hammy dialogue and breath taking action sequences not to mention a beautiful location and some great plot devices. Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weiz lit up the screen with his charisma and her likability factor. They made a good screen presence and carried the story along until its fantastic action packed finale. I also like the way the producers mixed up the scenes, to spoon out not only violent and eerie scenes involving the main villain himself but to water it down to family standards with John Hannah's comical brother. It was a film of epic proportions. A fun story, likable characters and good use of live action and cgi, for the most part. Then about 2 years later Universal ran out of idea's and so decided to return to the bandwagon to churn out another cash cow sequel. 'The Mummy Returns' was released and whilst not as good as the original at least had the decency to be spectacular enough for the risibility. Fraser and Weiz returned (having made an offspring) and warbled, walloped and crashed through the bustling busy streets in a less than original screenplay but at least maintained their charm and kept the spark glowing from the first film. It was a likable sequel, and whilst no where near as good as its ancestor still managed to be entertaining.

So here we are folks. 2008 and yet again we are re-visiting a tired series. The next gruesome threesome to bring home to Hollywood is not only the worst of the Mummy films, but quite possibly the worst sequel of the year to date. Its so bad in fact that even Rachel Weiz turned it down, but its not surprising having listened to some of the laughably dire dialogue churned out here. I bet she took one look at the script and threw it in the trash can. The story goes something like this... Brendan Fraser (back as Rick O'Connell) his wife Maria Bello (yes they replaced her with someone with half as much talent) her brother John Hannah (what is he doing in this?)and their son Luke Ford (who has now aged by about 20 years) are somehow prancing around in their ordinary lives (in the Far East?) but suddenly the son awakens an evil Mummy Emperor (because hey thats what your bound to do in a movie like this) who wants to use his army of the undead to take over the world and get revenge on the sorceress who put him to sleep so many years ago. The only people who can stop him are the O'Connels who crash and bang through armies of stone beasts, supernatural winds and all sorts of other unoriginal menaces. Of course the showdown at the end will result in global domination or ultimate Savior. But by that time, you just wont care.

So.. why do I hate this one? when when one of the main stars from the original backs down and bails out and when the other looks bored throughout the whole darn thing you know you have a problem on your hands. And its sad because Brendan Fraser makes it blatantly obvious how unhappy he is reprising the role without Weiz by his side. He is never able to connect with Bello who tries to be chirpy but comes off looking rather ridiculous as the smart girl. And there we have another problem. Bello just cannot squeeze into Weiz's cleverly filled shoes. Its embarrassing to watch her warble on and you can really tell she felt uncomfortable trying to live up to the characters standards. The same can be said for Luke Ford, who makes a very unconvincing action hero-sidekick next to Fraser. Again they have no spark or connection what so ever. It feels like a cheap decision casting Ford because he never really brings any emotion, good or bad to the screen. The exception here is Jet Li, who whilst is not as menacing as Arnold Vosloo (the original mummy) still pulls off a good dark role. Its fresh seeing him portraying an evil character and it pays off when he is actually on screen. However his presence is short lived and at times feels like a guest appearance. And of course John Hannah who never disappoints and steals the show altogether with his one liners and witty charm. He almost makes this passable. Almost.

The movie deserves another good kick in, this time for its overly used CGI action sequences which feel cheap, tacky and unoriginal. Imagine a Roger Corman flick added into a Uwe Boll video game adaptation and your halfway there. The sets are nice to look at, but the CGI is really distracting and you can tell they did things all by computers. The character development is replaced with an endless array of pointless battle sequences. Pointless !

Its also really degrading seeing our much loved characters from the first movies spout lines of almost ridicule. Brendan Fraser cringes as he reads his lines (is he auditioning for the high school play?)and like I said Bello looks uncomfortable. Even Hannah looks bored and whilst trying to rescue this epic failure always looks like he wants to be doing better things. Like the ironing for example.

There is just so much to bash this movie about. Its an obvious cash in, but even fails at being entertaining. It doesn't live up to the first or even the second. It is boring, confusing and the characters are bland. The action is over the top and don't get me started on the screenplay. Its just an all round failure and should be buried in the Tomb of the title, never to be re-awakened.
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Not as good as the previous two
darlybrito19 November 2008
I was very excited about the movie. I thought the first two mummy films were great and entertaining. Before watching The Mummy 3, I thought it looked bigger and better than the previous two. After walking out of the theater, I completely change my opinion. I was disappointed with the story, acting, and action. Yes, the action.

Rick O'Connell (Bredan Fraser) is back to fight off a resurrected mummy named Emperor Han (Jet Li). Rick is joined by his son Alex (Luke Ford), wife Evelyn (Maria Bello) and Jonathan (John Hannah). They travel all the way to China and the frigid Himalayas in order to stop the mummy from conquering the world. But in order to complete his mission, Emperor Han awakes a massive 10,000 warriors (Terracota army) to finished the job once and for all. The O'Connells are up against an unstoppable army and an evil Emperor that will do anything to get the job done.

The story was very interesting, but the script was not. I thought they should had focus more on the mummy than Alex's life. I felt like Jet Li didn't have enough screen time or even just the mummy. Another thing that I felt a bit disappointed was the beginning of the movie. I liked how they were introducing Emperor Han and how everything started, but it felt like a documentary after a while.

I had mix reactions about the performance in the movie. I didn't have any problem with Fraser's performance. He fits his character and he was great in The Mummy and The Mummy Returns. Maria Bello was not as good as I thought she would be. She did okay, but the accent was kind of weird at times though.

The action and special effects was probably the best thing in the movie. The action sequences were very good, but I thought they could have been better though. I wanted to see longer battles. Like a longer version of Jet Li fighting Michelle Yeoh and Brendan Fraser at the end of the movie. I thought Jet Li should off had a big fight with Fraser. It was suppose to be an epic one-on-one fight, but it fell short. The special effects were good and believable. I didn't have no major problem with the effects what so ever.

The Mummy 3 was a fun movie to watch, but the film has it's flaws. If the the script was better, then I would have given the movie higher rating. While I'm not that interested for the next movie, I am curious to see how it turns out.
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The worst of the series, and a big disappointment
TheLittleSongbird3 September 2010
I enjoyed the first two Mummy movies, they were pretty mindless but very likable. But this one was a big disappointment, and by far the worst of the series. Granted, the scenery and cinematography are very good, the music is good enough(no Jerry Goldsmith and Alan Silvestri though) and Jet Li does try hard in his role. But the direction is uninspired, the story is clichéd(as are the characters), the pacing is uneven, the CGI is superficial and distracting, the script is awful and with the exception of Li(the only actor who tries) the acting is dreadful. Maria Bello is alluring but forgets her acting skills, Brendan Fraser is disappointingly bland and John Hannah's Jonathan is rather tiresome. The comedy and adventure this time around seems rather tired too. Overall, a big disappointment. 3/10 Bethany Cox
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The O'Connells must stop an ancient Chinese mummy this time
Tweekums5 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
In ancient China the warlord Qin Shi Huang conquered the surrounding kingdoms, learnt magical powers and was declared emperor; that wasn't enough though… he wanted immortality. To this end he summons Zi Yuan, a sorceress, who has the power to make him immortal. She casts a spell then he kills his friend and closest ally, who is also Zi Yuan's lover. It then turns out she has cursed him and his army; he burns while his army turns to terracotta.

In 1946 Alex O'Connell, the son of Rick and Evelyn, the protagonists in the original two film, is searching for Qin Shi Huang's tomb. He finds in and, after surviving a number of traps, excavates it. Its contents are then taken to Shanghai. In an apparent coincidence Rick and Evelyn have been asked to transport the 'Eye of Shangri-La' to China. They are reunited with Alex just as they all learn that they have been betrayed; General Yang, a rogue military commander, has plans to use the eye to raise the emperor from the dead so that he can rule not just China but the whole world. The Emperor is brought back to life but is still effected by the curse; if he is to be free of the curse and raise his army the Emperor must travel to Shangri-La… something that the O'Connell's, along with Lin, a beautiful Chinese woman who is charged with guarding the tomb and has the only weapon that can kill the emperor, and Rick's brother in law, Jonathan Carnahan, are determined to stop.

This the third of the Mummy movies was entertaining for the most part; I liked how the action had moved to a new location… even if it was probably motivated by a desire to make money in China. The action is almost non-stop and for the most pert it is pretty exciting. Introducing Rick's son added a sense of danger as at one point it looked as though Rick was going to die and pass the baton as series protagonist to Alex. The cast did a solid enough job although I missed Rachel Weisz, in the role of Evelyn; Maria Bello wasn't bad in the role but I think it would have been better if she had been an entirely different character. Luke Ford was a good addition as Alex and I enjoyed Isabella Leong's performance as Lin. Michelle Yeoh impressed as Lin and Jet Li was okay as the Emperor… sadly most of the time he was hidden behind CGI so felt somewhat underused. As well as action there was plenty to laugh out; some of the gags were more groan inducing than laugh out loud funny but that didn't matter. Overall this isn't a must see film but it is solid enough and while there is a lot of action it is of the type that can be enjoyed by most ages.
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They should have left this Mummy in the sarcophagus
albert-wayne21 August 2008
This is probably one of the worst films I've seen in my life, and I don't tend to toss around accusations like that lightly, but this third installment of The Mummy series initiated back in 1999 deserves such dishonor, cause it's such a bad example of film making, it borders on offensive.

I'm a guy with simple tastes, I'm not one of those people who think cinema begins and ends with Bergman and Goddard, I actually enjoyed the previous Mummy pictures, even the second one, which I know was cheesy as hell, but like film critic Michael Phillips said about cheesy movies, a movie sometimes is just "10.000 pounds of cheese on a cracker, but sometimes, I'm exactly in the mood for 10.000 pounds of cheese on a cracker." But The Mummy: Tomb of Dragon Emperor is, at best, feces on a cracker, the cracker being the amazing trailer of Quantum of Solace before the movie, probably the highlight of the experience.

I won't go into any details regarding the plot, cause, well, the plot is pretty much explained fully on the trailer. We pick up with the O'Connell's, retired and bored as well, just as I was while watching the movie. They get at again to stop the evil Mummy of the Emperor Han from taking over the original, when will these Mummies just wanna lay back and enjoy the comforts of the modern age. I'd love to see a movie about an ancient Mummy , brought back from the dead, only to be flabbergasted by the technology of the present, and lay around drinking beer, watching TV, and getting fat with McDonald's. That would be more fun that all that this movie had to offer.

All of the actors were there for their paychecks, Brendan Fraser has never been more boring. John Hannah was also incredibly stupid, and the jokes they wrote for him were not funny at all, some are even distasteful. Luke Ford, playing Rick's son, not only looks like two minutes younger than him, but less charm than R2-D2, Michelle Yeoh is wasted, Jet Li doesn't have the Mummy gravitas that Arnold Voosloo had, and finally, Maria Bello; filling in for Rachel Weisz, who had the good common sense to stay away from this dregs, she is horrible, she looks so concern with her fake Posh accent, which she got wrong anyhow, so, at the end, we are left with nothing in the acting department.

Rob Cohen, man, is he getting worse and worse, when you though Stealth was really the lowest a director could get, he managed to enlighten us with an even lower level of mediocre work. He has never been an interesting director, and his campy style has butchered many movies that looked interesting, if only for entertaining purposes, like Dragonheart and Daylight, but you would expect at least, with all that money spend on these summer movies, to have something to show for. But no, no, no, everything looks poor, the action sequences are dull as hell. To prove my point, this will probably be the only movie where a sword fight with Michelle Yeoh and Jet Li lasts about 20 seconds, and it's all in slow motion. If a director cannot make a sword fight between those two modern icons of martial arts films, he should really think about retiring for good.

The story is stock, which is to be expected from a B movie of this sort, but like Raiders of the Lost Ark proved, even B movies can be Oscar Hopefuls, but there was no attempt at all with this one. The pacing of the story is terrible, the special effects are sub par, and at the end, you are left with a 2 hour yawn fest, to which you would fall to sleep within minutes, if it weren't for the loud noises coming from the speakers.

The movie is shameful, and not worth the price of the ticket, this movie is the reason why some theaters have money back policies, and had the theater I saw this had one, I would have asked not only for my money back, but for a year of free admissions, for having seen this awful mess.
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Better than it gets credit for
charlescurtis20032 August 2008
No, this Mummy doesn't come even close to topping the first one, but I would argue that it is as good or possibly even better than the second one. Yes, there are several things we can quibble about (Brendan Fraser's son looking as old as he does, abominable snowmen from out of nowhere, and a very ho-hum love story) but this movie was not made for the Oscars, people. It was made so that we could check our brains at the door and have fun, and the movie does deliver on that count.

I really liked the idea of using the real-life terra cotta army as the basis for the story. Granted it's not historically accurate of course, but there is a lot of mystery associated with that tomb in China and I feel that if you want to make a $175 million summer popcorn flick with that as its basis, so be it.

Overall, good escapist nonsense.
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Far inferior to the two prequels, but still slightly entertaining
tom_koopa30 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I loved The Mummy. I ADORED The Mummy Returms. I... was slightly entertained by Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon emperor.

Characters return, the same humor comes back and several links are made with the prequels, but this movie just doesn't have the magic and suspense that the two previous movies had.

The story is a little far-fetched, but it works I guess. A Chinese emperor is cursed and turns into a clay warrior (terracotta I believe it's called), along with his army. In the far future (20th century) he is brought back to life using the elixir of eternal youth (how convenient...). Now it's up to our Mummy fighters from the previous movies to put a stop to him before it's too late.

The acting was a little... childish. I think they tried too hard to make this movie more 'kiddy' then the prequels. The previous movies had real scares and good, frightening moments. This film however wasn't scary at all, just a bit gory at times; but it's not much and usually looks a bit cheesy.

However there is one good point: the CGI effects. There's a lot of creative eye candy in this movie. So this movie is slightly saved by the effects, but not enough to ensure a must-see status.

Mummy Tomb of the Dragon Emperor is sadly a disappointment compared to the prequels. If you are a die-hard fan of the previous movies (mainly the characters), then go watch it. Just don't expect as much as you did with the prequels.

In the end, this movie gets 6 out of 10 stars from me. Watchable, but not for more then once.
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Terrible cash in by all involved.
coolkeoo17 July 2008
I was able to see this film about a month ago in a preview screening and to put it in kind words, its terrible. Jet Li is about the only good thing about the film but he's hardly in it. Brendan Fraser was phoning in his performance and looked if he was waiting from a call from his agent to get him out of the movie. Maria Bello looked goofy and miscast and the actor who plays their son makes Hayden Christensen from the Star Wars films look like an Oscar winner. John Hannah manages to bring some laughs to the table but his stick is not as fresh as it was before and Michelle Yeoh does not really do much with her role. This movie lacks the creepiness of the first two Mummy movies and the stone warriors of this movie don't hold a candle to the ghouls of the first two films at all. Not to mention the fact that the visual effects in this film look even worse than the second film(The Mummy Returns). The film itself seemed toned down in the fun and thrills department and just feels tired in certain scenes not to mention the dialogue, which seems like it was written by a five year old. This film seemed like a quick payday from all involved and sadly with the little effort spent in giving the audience something to root for and care for, its just feels like no one even cared about what they were making.
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Failing in more ways than one...
Derpologist2 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is painful to watch.

The special effects are decent, but everything else is an absolute mess. The first half of the movie is a series of cringeworthy jokes and atrocious dialog. Once the action picks up, it doesn't get much better because of how campy and cheesy the action really is.

There is a big final battle at the end, but even that's pretty disappointing.

At one point, a Yeti throws a dude through another Yeti's arms, simulating a goal.

This movie is bad... Really bad.
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Less than meets the eye
evangelicangel19 November 2008
After watching 'Mummy 3', watch 'The Mummy', and you will quickly see the vast difference in the two.

There are many elements that made the Mummy 3 a horrible edition to the Mummy series. Yes, the disappearance of Rachel was disappointing, but her presence wouldn't be enough to save this film from it's ultimate demise. Even Brendan Fraiser's character lost the edge many grew to love in the first two. The idea of the Terra-cotta was interesting, but not for this series. The story was poorly executed and almost over shadowed by the even more terrible "romances" between Luke, Lin, and the O'Connells.

The random dialogue and forced chemistry was enough to make you sick. There was very little going for this movie, and I'm disappointed in this series being handed over to Rob Cohen. This was nothing short of a botched boob job.
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All you could want from a Mummy film - minus one important actress
pee_wee-17 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
When I entered the cinema today to see The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, I felt certain that I would be getting a film that was great fun to watch, didn't worry too much about the plot and was supported by some great casting. But, very rarely for me, I was wrong, on two counts. This film had all the action, and all the laughs of its predecessors, yet it certainly had the strongest plot out of all of the trilogy. On this occasion, I was glad to be wrong. However, the casting was where it all fell apart, hence why this film has earned 7 brownie points from me, rather than the 9 it would have otherwise deserved. Firstly, Maria Bello was quite possibly the worst choice for Evelyn that could possibly have been made. I noticed more chemistry between Jonathon and that yak than between Rick and Evelyn in this movie. Secondly, Luke Ford, while a decent actor, bore no family resemblance to either Brendan or Maria. By the way, did anybody else remember that in the second movie, his hair was blond? Quite a large slip up there. There were five saving graces in the cast, however: Brendan Fraser once again pulled off Rick O'Connell, Jet Li was equally as evil as his predecessor, Michelle Yeoh was astounding as Zi Yuan and John Hannah provided plenty of comic relief with his lovably irritating Jonathan. Finally, the Yetis! These were an unexpected addition that, surprisingly, worked quite well.

To finish, go and see this movie if you want a film that gives some cheap thrills, without pretending to be anything else.
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Truly awful
emtekworks2 August 2008
First, Brendan Fraser is an actor who I really enjoy watching no matter what he's in. Second, I was hoping he would do another mummy movie - I like him in these campy action movies so I was looking forward to this movie. Now I wish he had turned this one down as Rachel did, I wouldn't have wasted my money. And I have a high tolerance for so-so movies. I felt so bad for Fraser, he was trying - but you can only do so much with a crappy script and poor direction.

Pros: Very good special effects. Jet-Li, Yeoh had good fight scenes.

Cons: Forced dialogue, Maria Bello trying too hard, No chemistry between Fraser-Bello-Ford (the son). Music either too much or just not a good fit, I found it overwhelming the scenes at times.

Everything comes across as trying too hard. I miss the Sommers touch. I just didn't have any fun this time. Seriuosly, wait for it to come to cable.
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RCWjr2 August 2008
My one-word summary pretty much says it all for me. Mummy 3 is, like the previous installments, a fun distraction from all the bad news that the front page of the newspaper reminds us of every day.

Frasier is back as Rick O'Connell. Leaner and meaner from the last time we saw the character in 2001, Frasier brings the same A-game to what is essentially B-movie fun. Much has been made of Maria Bello replacing Rachel Weisz as Evie. Yes, Maria is no Rachel, but still, she is more than up for the challenge.

Everyone involved seems to be having a lot of fun. It was great to have John Hannah back as Jonathan, he is always great to have around to lighten the atmosphere. Luke Ford is believable as Alex O'Connell. He has many of the same traits and physicality of Frasier's "Rick" that you believe this is what Rick and Evie's could would look like and act like.

The effects, like in the previous films, are good enough to tell the story, but will not win any academy awards. Many miss that point; these films are supposed to appear lower budget and have predictable stories. They are homages to the films that the Indy series is steeped in. There is nothing highbrow here, but there is plenty of entertainment for a much needed distraction.

Jet Li does a lot with saying very little. His Emporer is much like Imotep in that he spends a good portion of the film not in flesh form. He is given much more screen time than I thought he would. I did think there was a martial arts geek moment missed when the fight between Li and Yeoh was not longer. These are two of the greats and it would have been fun to see them go at it longer.

The story is pretty much the usual fare for the Mummy films. We have an opening prologue that sets the stage and then our heroes stumble into the middle of everything and some how come out on the end. Simple, but fun story telling.

All in all, great way to spend 2hrs just sitting back and watching the O'Connell's and Co. take on another adventure.
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What a DOG!!!
selkie19646 August 2008
I want to say up front that I loved the first two Mummy movies, so I am not a hater of this franchise. They were campy, very tongue-in-cheek, and there was this wonderful rapport between the actors which came out in their performances. I went into this one with some trepidation because much of the main cast of the first two films would not be in it (Rachel Weisz, Arnold Vosloo, Patricia Velasquez and Oded Fehr), but I figured, well, the first two were great (or at least a lot of fun), so how bad could this one be?

Oh. My. God.!!! I am not exaggerating when I say that the best part of the movie was the Chinese-writing animation of the closing credits. Five minutes into the film I was cringingly embarrassed for the actors, and it only got worse. The only actor whose performance didn't suck a dead dog's butt was Jet Li, but only just -- he basically spent the whole movie yelling, killing people, and looking extremely cheesed off. There was no connection between his character and the audience. I mean, Imhotep (in the first two films) did evil things, but he had this romantic tragedy thing going on because he was in love with Anck Su Namun, and you could see some reason for his actions and you could even maybe sympathize with him a little bit (particularly at the end of "The Mummy Returns" when he realized that Anck Su Namun didn't really love him -- at least, not like Evie loved Rick -- and it had all been for nothing). He had a human quality, I guess. The Dragon Emperor, not so much. As far as anyone could tell, he was just a megalomaniacal twit with a world-domination complex -- there were no redeeming features in his character -- it was just a cardboard cutout of "evil." The only thing I have to say about the mother/daughter immortal protectors team is that even put together, they're no Ardeth Bay. Maria Bello was horribly miscast as Evie O'Connell. Her performance seemed clingy and desperate (not just Evie being clingy and desperate, but herself, Maria, the "actress"). Luke Ford was a huge waste of space -- I never thought I'd see an "actor" who was worse at acting than Keanu Reeves, but Keanu Reeves is a great Shakespearean compared to Luke Ford. I echo another reviewer's comment in saying why didn't they just keep Freddie Boath? He's about the right age and he was actually funny in The Mummy Returns. Of course, it's probably better for his career that he *didn't* appear in this piece of trash (ditto Rachel Weisz, et al.) -- kudos to their agents for keeping them out of it. Brendan Fraser, whose performances I really enjoyed in the first two movies (although a great actor he is not), seemed like he was tired of the whole thing -- monumentally bored and just milking the franchise for another paycheck (I know that's a horrible thing to say, but I can't imagine why else the egregious performance -- I mean, you can only blame so much of it on the rotten script). John Hannah (another actor whom I usually really like) ditto. To paraphrase Mark Twain (from "Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offenses"): the film-maker should make the viewer feel a deep interest in the people in the film and in their fate; he should make the viewer love the good people and hate the bad ones. But the viewer of "The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor" dislikes the good people in it, is indifferent to the others, and wishes they would all get drowned together.

There was nothing even remotely funny about this movie -- the "jokes" (if you want to call them that) were either tired, stupid, or completely flat. The special effects couldn't make up for the mondo suckiness of this piece of... uh... "film." Even if they had been of the thrilling sort that one expects. Which these were not. The Yetis could have been cool, but they just, um, weren't. And the whole "field goal" thing was so NOT!

I had to give this film a rating of 1 (awful) because that's as low as IMDb's scale goes, but I'd really like to give it something more like a –27. And I'd also really like a refund on the two hours of my life I wasted watching this dog. Boo! Hiss!! Yuck!!!
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Not the Best Mummy film, but still enjoyable nevertheless
crazychap2 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
It has been a decade since the events of part II, and seven years since the release of that film. Imhotep and friends are now permanently embalmed, but a new kind of mummy is in its stead, not in Africa or the Middle East, but in China, the other "EAST". The year is 1947, and the O'Conells have retired from mummy adventures and wartime espionage. Evelyn has released two-best selling books based on her real-life adventures (named after the previous two movies), while Ricky O'Conell tries unsuccessfully to make a living out of fly-fishing. Alex (played by Australian actor Luke Ford) is now an adult and has dropped out of school to follow the footsteps of his parents by discovering the long-lost army of Han, the Dragon Emperor. With backing from his old professor, Roger Wilson, he achieves this goal, but suddenly receives an uninvited guest in the form of a mysterious woman named Lin (Isabella Leong). Meanwhile, the older O'Connells come out of retirement to send a diamond known as the Eye of Shangri-La back to China as a gesture to maintain solid British-Chinese relations. In Shanghai, they reunite with Jonathan, who owns Imhotep, a posh nightclub named after the antagonist of the previous two films. After arriving to the museum in which Alex has moved the Dragon Emperor to, Roger Wilson double-crosses them and, with the aid of General Yang and his second-in command Choi, they bring back to life the Dragon Emperor and a new Mummy returns to claim his share of glory in the modern world.

First of all, this movie is NOT as bad as the cynics might say. I've seen films that are a lot worse than this one, and the movie's 114 mins are not wasted time in any way. Let's start with the movie's strengths: First of all, the film's assets are the special effects, which are breath-taking, and so are the highly-imaginative action sequences (especially the Shanghai chase scene). The jokes, although cornier than the previous films, still make you laugh and Maria Bello makes an acceptable replacement to Rachel Weisz, who played Evelyn in the first and second Mummy movies. Jet Li's character is an adequate substitute for Imhotep and it's nice to seem fight hand-to-hand combat in the finale.

Now comes the weaknesses: the movie suffers from a number of credibility issues. First of all, Alex O'Connor seems to have aged dramatically while his parents have not, especially his father. It is awkward to see Brendan Fraser's character, who has not even aged a wink from the previous films, be the father of this young man. To me, Rick O'Connell looks more like an older brother than a father to Alex. Maria Bello is satisfying here, but Rachel Weisz had more edge. Also, I don't think this movie is trying to rehash the story of the previous films, but rather it's trying too hard to stand out from its predecessors. Lin, Alex's love interest, is an interesting newcomer to the clan, but the screenplay hinders much of that character's potential.

The movie is not a bad one, but it is not that great either. It is definitely flawed, but not to the point that makes it a pain to watch. As a summer actioner, you'll never be bored as it has enough mummies, laughs, car chases, and special effects to make your money's worth and makes it stand out from your typical big-budget flick. If you're stressed out, bored, or just want to see another movie after seeing the Dark Knight many times (such as myself) then this movie is for you, and you won't regret spending 114 minutes of our time watching it. Those searchinig for "smart" films should look elsewhere.
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From a 50+ perspective: Thumbs (sadly) down
bmcdannell2 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Since we saw Mummy III and Hellboy II as a drive-in double bill we're doing sort of a twofer - reviewing both movies simultaneously and posting under both titles - because we discovered that we were actually watching the same movie twice. It was a fascinating way to see these films; giving us the opportunity to directly compare and contrast them and analyze why one succeeded and the other failed.

Synopsis: Ancient Relic must be returned to Undead Villain so that Villain might be reanimated in order to summon his Demon Army and destroy the World. Hero's task is to thwart this process. In the course of attempting to prevent Armageddon, Hero is nearly killed but is saved at the last minute by Love. Hero's power is not great enough to stop Villain, so secondary characters must make the Ultimate Sacrifice in order to dispatch Villain and Save the World. The End. If it all sounds familiar it's because it's also the plot of nearly every superhero or fantasy movie made over the last umpteen years. Note to Hollywood: It's time to come up with a new plot line, OK? Please?

We were expecting to enjoy Mummy III. First, there was Brendan Fraser and most of the cast of the previous Mummy films. Then there was the rich potential of the setting - the Terra Cotta Warriors, the mystery and lore of China...even a trip to Shangri-La and Yetis. The table was set for a feast of mystery, wonder and enchantment. How could they not produce an entertaining film out of all this?

One word: Writing. We're always amazed when megabuck films apparently cap the writing budget at a buck ninety-seven. Early on, didn't anyone involved in this say, "Hey, the script we're working from really stinks!"? The rich mythology available to them was utterly wasted by the writers. Shangri-La was a cheesy set that served only as a platform for one of the progressive plot elements. The Yeti, though well done, performed their little shtick and left the scene. One appearance by the shape-shifting villain as a three-headed dragon and so much for the fascinating potential of Chinese dragon lore. The hero's skeletal army could have offered another little tribute to Ray Harryhausen (as was done so well in the first Mummy), but no, why bother? And the dialogue was uniformly clumsy, blunt and contributed nothing to either character development or plot movement.

The writers in Mummy III were obviously in video game mode. Video games need progressive plot tasks. So the Relic is returned to the Villain. But wait - now the Villain must carry a jewel to the mountains that will reveal the location of Shangri-La. But wait - now the Villain must enter the waters of Shangri-La to be fully restored. But wait - now the Villain must return to his tomb and summon his Terra Cotta Army. But wait - now the Army must make it over the Great Wall in order to achieve immortality. And so it goes. Played out like the levels of a video game, and with even less explanation of the rationale than you'd get in a video game. These are game levels rather than story elements, and since the audience's need to be informed isn't fulfilled, it winds up not understanding - and consequently not caring about - what's going on.

In Hellboy II director/writer del Toro had the more difficult task. Without a wealth of Chinese mythology to squander, he had to invent his own...but he does it so very well (to see what we mean, watch Pan's Labyrinth - please!). Del Toro is an imaginative story teller and myth maker and proves it in Hellboy II. He also appreciates something the writers of Mummy III don't - the wonder of small magic. The single moment in Mummy III that made my wife "Ooooh!" was the transformation of the egg-thing that awakened the emperor. Beautifully done - but the only thing of its kind in the movie. Everything else was bigger than life, overblown. In contrast, del Toro is full of small magic. From tooth fairies to troll markets to wheels within wheels, he understands that an audience can be just as enchanted by the small wonder as by the huge spectacle. It's the difference between stage and close-up magic. Make an airliner disappear and I will only wonder about the mechanics of how you did it. Make a coin float in mid-air before my eyes and I will be mystified.

A hallmark of both the Mummy and the Hellboy franchises is the effective use of humor. Mummy fell flat at every attempt. thanks to inept writing. Hellboy pulled it off very well - two love stricken, clueless guys getting plastered to Barry Manilow's "Can't Smile Without You" was delightful. We also have to mention del Toro's mastery of lighting, set design and mood. His movies are consistently visually evocative, which makes a good movie even better.

The movies shared one flaw with several other recent movies: climactic action scenes that go into visual and auditory overload, causing the eyes to glaze over and reducing the ability to comprehend what's going on. When we lose the ability to take in what you're showing us this is a bad thing. Please don't toss everything at us at once just because you can - let us absorb your work so we can fully appreciate it. Had the intense action not drenched us a few times in Hellboy II it would have another star.

In summary, both movies had capable casts and premises with wonderful potential. Mummy III failed, sadly, to capitalize while Hellboy II succeeded very well. The difference was the quality of the writing and the talent of the directing. We only wish the Mummy III crew could take a mulligan, sit down and take a few lessons from del Toro and try again. It's a shame that can't happen.
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Still good!
adamjohns-4257528 December 2021
The Mummy: Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor (2008)-

It's obviously not the best of the trilogy and that's never really been in question, but it is still a perfectly good film and enjoyable. It should have had Rachel Weisz in it and Alex should have been a lot more British, certainly his voice at least, even if he was more American in his demeanour, just like his father.

It gets the same flack that 'Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull' (2008) gets and unfairly so on both counts. They are both just films to enjoy and not think too hard about and ideal for Christmas holiday afternoons with the kids for a bit of adventure and loosely based in history.

Even though the producers correctly, in my opinion, chose to go away from the Imhotep concept, there is still a lot of repetition from the previous two films and they do seem to have taken a lot of their other ideas from 'Indiana Jones & The Temple Of Doom' (1984) and 'Lara Croft, Tomb Raider: The Cradle Of Life' (2003). Some of it was a good choice to repeat and copy, but other bits didn't work quite so well.

There's a tad too much comedy that cheapens it slightly and not enough of it being Jonathan who is still my favourite character. Also the 1940's General seems to have more lives than a cat, going through extreme conditions and coming out barely unscathed.

Some of the special effects should have been left to Ray Harry Hausen and alike. Especially when the Mummy turns in to 'The Gruffalo' for some reason?

Alas for me, Brendan is losing his appeal too and his shouting voice gets quite annoying at times, as he constantly screams "EVIE!!", "ALEX!" and on occasion "JON-A-THAN!".

It really doesn't bother me that they went to China instead for this one and if this had been the first of the franchise I think it would be just as highly regarded as the others, or at least close, but the absence of Rachel and the complete change of direction with the other aspects is a bit too much without some sort of transition.

I have no qualms about watching it as part of the trilogy and would never deliberately exclude it during my binge watching phases. If I watch one, I watch them all.

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Well Made Mediocrity
matthewmacgyver2 August 2008
The Mummy 3: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor - I liked the first entry to this series. About all I can remember of the second one was that it sucked, and it's loose spin off "The Scorpion King" was merely O.K. in a "I get a kick out of Conan-type movies" sort of way. Compared to the first, the Mummy 3 trades off memorability in it's characters for larger action sequences. Being the 3rd entry to this series, this is somewhat forgivable as most of the characters are already developed. The movie still suffers though as it seems as though they have less to do as characters and more to do as props, and this unfortunately also goes for the new characters introduced.

This movie knows what it is, and as such, carries with it a level of self awareness. There is even one scene where the new actress playing Evelyn addresses the audience, almost winking, and says "I'm an entirely different person", poking fun at the obvious point her character has been recast. It was cool seeing Jet Li as the Emperor, and as a villain. But that's really all he was, the villain. Unlike the first Mummy movie, where they treat the mummy as an actual character with identifiable motivations, the movie does very little to develop The Dragon Emperor as anything but the antagonist for the action set pieces. But Jet Li is good, he somehow makes the few scenes he was given work, his villainous sneers and smirks work well in portraying a one-dimensional popcorn villain... I felt the movie would have been much stronger if he had more screen time than his CG counterpart.

The martial arts and sword fighting sequences were filmed in a typically Hollywood style with far too many cuts and closeups. The action would have benefited from pulling the camera back a bit to see more of the action. There are a few points about the plot where you find yourself asking questions that simply can't be answered, but the movie's plot is the kind you're not supposed to think about, but instead are just supposed to sit back, relax, suspend your disbelief, and enjoy the ride. If you are able to do this, there are a few parts in the movie that will have you cheering.

It would have been a lot better if there were 15-20 minutes more character development and exposition, but that would have put the movie over the 2 hour mark, and it's pacing might have suffered, and it's box office definitely would have. As it is, the Mummy 3 hits it's mark as being mass market (barely) digestible popcorn. The movie's story plays as somewhat of a cross between Dragon Wars and Indiana Jones 4, and with respect to quality, it falls somewhere in between... although is admittedly closer to the Indiana Jones 4 end of the spectrum. The movie is what I would call "well made mediocrity". It managed to entertain me. If the Mummy 1 was 8/10, Dragon Wars: D-War was 5/10, Indiana Jones 4 was 6/10, then I would have to peg The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor at 6/10.
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Huge disappointment
kibeth-215 August 2008
This movie sucks major big time. The script is utterly lousy. The characters are not the same characters I grew to love in the first 2 movies. There is NO chemistry between Brendan and the new Evy. The filming is disappointing. Wide shots might as well be photographs - nothing happens, no movement. Action shots are too close in so you can't see enough of what is going on. For instance, the sole fight scene between Michelle Yeoh and Jet Li is too close in. You can't see what these two martial arts experts are capable of. All you see is an occasional whirl of their arms, a twist of their torsos, and maybe a scowl if you're lucky. Legs and kicks don't come through because it's shot from the waist up, too close in. It lasts like 2 minutes - a real disappointment given what these two can really do. The plot has all this contrived, cutesy gook and sometimes it contradicts itself. This is a HUGE disappointment - a waste of money. No wonder Weisz saw fit not to sign up. Bring her and Stephen Sommers back and it would have been the same great Mummy movies from before.
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