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Really creepy good fun
Simonster29 March 2011
Viewed at the Festival de Film, Cannes 2010

To spoil or not to spoil, that is the question. NOT spoil! The summary tells you all you need to know and anything else would be a revelation and defeat the object. Basically, David Hyde Pierce plays his Frasier character Nils as coming from the dark side. He's whacked out all right, but only slowly do we discover just how whacked and out he is!

The Perfect Host is not a horror film, although it's easy to see how it could have been made as one, but a psychological, cat and mouse thriller of tables (dining tables?) turning and being turned as small time hood meets major lunatic!

Given the vast majority of the film takes place in one setting, the film does come over as a bit staged at times, but that also adds another dimension because staging itself plays a big part. After all, Warwick Wilson (David Hyde Pierce's character) is staging the perfect dinner party and is not about to let some uncultivated intruder spoil things.

And then come the twists...

The Perfect Host is a little film that slips under the radar, but if you enjoy good thrillers, want a different take on the home invasion genre, just enjoy watching David Hyde Pierce (and he is most watchable) being creepy, then it's well worth a look.
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Unique and great showcase for 2 actors.
somf30 May 2011
Caught this on On Demand last night on a whim, and I am really glad I spent the overpriced ticket on it. David Hyde Pierce must have had a ball with this and Clayne Crawford is a very solid performer. He reminds me of a young Ray Liotta in "Something Wild". I hope to see him in some more high quality films, because he deserves a good career. I am in total agreement with the only other reviewer here so far; this is a film that to describe too much about really would spoil the twists.

The trailer even gives a bit too much away so if you have not seen it; trust me, if you have ON Demand and you enjoy Black Comedy have a go without watching the trailer.

The entire plot twists and setup is absurd, but if you don't nitpick too much as I am wont to do you will have a great time watching two talented actors for a fast paced 90 minutes.

I would have even rated this higher like a 9, but I didn't want the "incredibly surprised cause I had no expectations" factor to add too much to my numerical rating of this gem of a film.
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A clear and definite way to declare that he is no longer Niles!
planktonrules17 January 2012
David Hyde Pierce will forever known as Niles Crane--Frasier Crane's brother. However, in this post-"Frasier" film, Pierce appears to be screaming LOUDLY that he is NOT Niles! No, the character from this film is very, very, very far removed from his cute comedic persona from TV.

The film begins with a desperate criminal (Clayne Crawford) running from the police. He was involved in some sort of robbery and was injured in the process. And, naturally, he's looking to find some place to hide. He tries a couple times and finally convinces a guy (Pierce) to allow him into his home. Crawford lies and convinces Pierce that he's harmless and the viewer can't help but worry about poor Pierce's safety. My advice...DON'T worry about Pierce...he's more than capable of taking care of himself. I'd say more, but it would spoil the amazing twist that takes place. My advice....hold on to your hats! This is one of the strangest movies I've seen in some time. In some ways, it's a very, very, very dark comedy. But, mostly, it's a terrifying film--one that is very original and quite strange...and quite savage. Regardless, it's an acting tour de force by both Pierce and Crawford and it's amazingly well written and clever. See this film. It's not perfect but it's pretty cool and memorable nonetheless.
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more twists than a tornado
dicky6924 August 2011
great film, David Hyde Pierce is brilliant & quite scary. highly recommended. The characters are simple but effective. The plot is easy to follow & keeps you on the edge of your seat. If you like David Hyde Pierce in Frasier then this character is much darker but just as funny. I would love to see Hyde Pierce play more nutter's in other films because he played the character so well.

Clayne Crawford supports well & his character is likable as a petty criminal.

Easy to watch, very clever

RED or WHITE wine????
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One of those films you don't forget
wewatchedamovie114 April 2012
What a strange little movie this is. A Criminal named John (Crawford), looking for a Hideout tries taking advantage of the wealthy and harmless Warwick (Hyde-Pierce). Little does he know Warwick has bigger secrets than he could ever imagine.

The story is interesting from the start. Albeit a pointless scene or two, watching John work his criminal mind to get into Warwick's home and gain his trust using lies and trickery is suspenseful and smart. Once things begin to unravel the suspense begins to churn an interesting dialog between the two. A typical cat and mouse game, only it's between a desperate bank robber and a getting stranger by the minute home owner. Warwick begins asking more and more questions while at the same time revealing his own strange tendencies. You can see the comfort level and suspicion of each character rise and fall as if there were a meter above their heads charting it.

The second act, without giving anything away becomes an all-out romp fest of psycho. This is where David Hyde Pierce really shines. He puts it all out there in a way that's impressive, disturbing, and fun. Even though he had a lot of the same traits he had in his character in the TV show Frasier (highly educated and slightly snobbish), you can't tell me this guy doesn't have acting chops. Considering the character of Warwick has so many different emotions and sides to him, David Hyde Pierce took a role that would make or break film and nailed it. Clayne Crawford was also impressive to watch. I was surprised to see that he is not in many more films. He was charismatic and enthralling when on screen and did it playing a part that wasn't easy as the bad guy you had to sympathize for. He was very believable. Making you afraid of John when you needed to be, as well as root for him when appropriate.

So up to this point there has been great tension, drama, trickery and even a genuine scare or two. But the film unfortunately falls apart in the third act, as the story just can't hold up to all the twists and turns it throws at you. Eventually it comes crashing down like a tower of Jenga that has one (or five), carelessly placed blocks. The ending is confusing, not because it's hard to follow but because it doesn't seem to fit the rest of the film you were enjoying so much. Ultimately, The Perfect Host isn't perfect. But that doesn't mean the party wasn't fun.

By: Mike Holtz,
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What would Martha say? LEAVE!
john3293520 January 2015
What would happen if the tightly-wound Dr. Niles Crane (of TV's Frasier) finally lost it? In The Perfect Host, David Hyde Pierce provides a glimpse into one such possible outcome – with excellent results.

As he prepares to host a perfect dinner party, Mr. Pierce is interrupted by a stranger at the door purportedly seeking refuge from a mugging. The stranger is actually seeking refuge from the police who are searching for him for an earlier bank robbery. As it turns out, he would have been better off with the police, as Mr. Pierce's character has a night full of unexpected and undesirable events planned for his guest.

The performances of the two leads are excellent, with Mr. Pierce showing the dark side we little expect from him. The dialog is sharp and witty, and the plot's twists and turns all deliver.
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David Hyde Pierce At His Best!
poetjoey25 June 2011
The Perfect Host is a brilliant thriller about Warwick Wilson, a seemingly accommodating, middle-aged man, who loves hosting dinner parties for his unique group of friends.

Criminal at large, John Taylor, cons his way into Warwick's home and has an unforgettable, albeit, surreal night, full of wine, music and dance.

David Hyde Pierce and Clayne Crawford give superb performances. Writer / Director Nick Tomnay created this wonderful gem. It is certain to receive high praise from those who enjoy psychological thrillers.

The On Demand preview is riddled with spoilers. I recommend not watching the preview before viewing the film.
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this was interesting, but...
cattrelc14 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Why is john there in the first place?! I really enjoyed this movie and my wife tells me that the answer to this question is "otherwise there would have been no movie!" While she is correct, of course, there is still a little issue for me of the whole of LA and poor John finding himself on this detectives doorstep. This film is wonderfully acted and has a very compelling story. It kept me guessing and kept me intrigued. Its a really unique story that turns your ideas of "bad" and "good" on their heads. I recommend it but just don't expect to understand its origins. There is no logic to be found there and attempting to find any is just going to disappoint!
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kimjarman194 July 2011
This film is brilliant. I am not going to go into details of it, because it would ruin all of the unexpected twists, but really, if you're wondering whether to watch it or not.. definitely watch it. I've watched a lot of films; thrillers, horrors.. and this one pleasantly surprised me, which is quite rare given that I've watched so many of them in the past.

I gave it a 10/10 because it was purely brilliant (I'm over-using the word I know!) and it's the type of film I would definitely watch again.

Oh one more thing, DO NOT watch the trailer/preview, it's such a spoiler, I actually watched the trailer AFTER I watched the film (as people had complained about it) and I'm so glad I did because most of the twists would've been spoilt for me if I had seen it before hand.

And to think that I came across this film looking through the IMDb "Comedy" genre list... it was a hidden gem!
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This was a blast of a movie...
paul_haakonsen12 August 2021
I stumbled upon the 2010 movie "The Perfect Host" by random luck, and seeing that the movie had David Hyde Pierce on the cast list, then I decided to watch it right away.

And I am very happy that I opted to sit down and watch "The Perfect Host" without ever having heard about it, because this movie was really, really entertaining.

The storyline told in "The Perfect Host", as written by Nick Tomnay and Krishna Jones was just one that was interesting and entertaining right from the very start, and as the movie progressed it just kept on getting more and more interesting and fun to watch.

And not only did the movie have a really good storyline, but it also had some very lovely characters, with lots of personalities and details. It was really good how well fleshed out these characters were on the screen. And despite of the relatively small cast, then the writers really did manage to make the two main characters very outstanding and memorable.

David Hyde Pierce (playing Warwick) and Clayne Crawford (playing Jonh) really carried the movie phenomenally well with their performances in the movie. It was simply amazing how well they did individually and together in the movie. I was definitely having expectations to seeing David Hyde Pierce in the movie, as I loved him back in the "Frasier" days, and he really shows that he is a gifted and versatile actor with this movie.

Oddly how I never picked up on this movie before now in 2021, 11 years after the movie was released. And as it turned out, then I had really been missing out on a great movie.

I was thoroughly entertained by director Nick Tomnay's 2010 movie, and this is certainly a movie that I can and will warmly recommend you sit down to watch, should you find yourself with the opportunity to do so.

My rating of "The Perfect Host" lands on a seven out of ten stars.
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Great ideas marred by unfinished script (spoilers)
stormharbour31 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The Perfect Host, on first glance, appears to be one of the sort of movies I enjoy -- a psychological thriller matching two dangerous characters who are well matched antagonists engaged in a game of cat-and-mouse. Unfortunately, the movie falls apart in part because the screenwriter needed to go through a few rounds of revisions in order to sift out the extraneous ideas and fine tune the story.

*** Beyond this point there be spoilers. Arrr!!! *** The setup was pretty good. It established pretty quickly that John is on the run from a crime gone bad and is desperate to find a place to hideout. That's all well and good.

Then, there's the scene in the market, where John is attempting to to get some supplied to deal with his wounded foot. Suddenly, a robber comes in and tries to rob the place. John disarms the robber and she runs off, and then the store owner chases John off with the robber's gun.

There's nothing wrong with this scene, in and of itself. It's just that there's no reason for it to be there. It doesn't add anything to the movie.

So, ultimately, John manages to con his way into Warwick's house. Now, we get to the central conflict of the movie, where the tables are turned and John, who starts off as being this bad ass career criminal, becomes the victim of Warwick, who initially comes across as a nice but fairly inconsequential sort of fellow but who proves to be even more dangerous than John. As the story progresses, we get a view deeper and deeper into Warwick's psychosis. He's not just a bit off, he is literally delusional, and extremely dangerous.

I can let some degree of coincidence go in a movie. Willing suspension of disbelief requires that to a degree. So, I'm willing to overlook the coincidence of a criminal looking for a place to hide just happening to run into a delusional serial killer.

Weirdness continues. And I really enjoyed this. David Hyde Pierce was great as Warwick. Clayne Crawford did as good of a job with John as one can expect considering what he had to work with. Then, things just sort of dribble into incoherence.

Take, for example, the chess scene. John challenges Warwick to a game of chess. If John wins, Warwick agrees to let him go. If Warwick wins -- I'm still a bit fuzzy about what Warwick would get if he won. Suddenly, though flashbacks to John with his girlfriend, Simone, we learn that John not only knows how to play chess, he seems to be something of a chess master, and manages -- much to Warwick's surprise -- beat him handily. Being a lunatic of his word, Warwick lets John go.

Now, does John take the opportunity to go? No. No, he does not. He grabs a knife from a display on Warwick's wall and stabs the man. Only, he doesn't really stab him -- because the knife is a movie prop with a retractable blade. The house is full of knives -- we see any number of actual knives from when Warwick was preparing dinner earlier -- and John just happens to assault his opponent with a knife that just happens to be a movie prop? Surprised by this turn of events, John is overpowered by Warwick and tied up again. So the chess scene MEANT ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. You could cut it out of the movie completely and no one would ever know it was supposed to be there. It changed nothing in the story and, except for one brief mention, is never referred to again in the movie.

So, skipping ahead, we see what appears to be John's body out in the trash, with what appears to be a gash across his throat. Only, no, it's not -- John isn't dead. It's all movie makeup, implying that Warwick hadn't killed anyone.

Now, think about this for a moment. You have just held captive and tortured a man who has already demonstrated that he is willing to kill you. And you let him go. You let him go right outside of your own house. Please. Take a moment to consider whether you think Warwick was that delusional.

Skipping ahead again, we soon learn that Warwick is, in fact, a police detective -- and is in fact the detective in charge of the investigation into the crime John committed the day before.

I don't know about you, but I'm far beyond my ability to suspend disbelief at this point. This is simply too much of a coincidence to be acceptable.

Next, we learn that John was committing the crime because he thought his girlfriend was sick, when in fact she was just playing him to get him to rob the bank and she could screw him over.

What? Then, there is the interminable scene at the end where a detective working for Warwick receives a Polaroid in the mail showing Warwick and John together, something Warwick took at his house. I'm sure this scene is supposed to be trying to set up some sort of suspense about the detective discovering Warwick's secret, or maybe Warwick doing the same thing with his detective he did with John. I'll just say that it doesn't work. Not a bit.

Even with all of these criticisms, there were a lot of things to like about this movie. Unfortunately, there appear to be ideas for about three or four different movies in this one screenplay, and none of them really work well together.

Writer-director Nick Tomnay was in desperate need of rewriting this script and determining which story he wanted to tell. As it is, The Perfect Host is simply a perfect mess.

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Twists and turns, well acted, very strange tale
robertemerald5 May 2019
This was much better than I had expected. There is no doubt that David Hyde Pierce made this show a triumph. He's irrepressible. It's worth watching just to marvel at him alternatively charm, gyrate and chill. And yes, he is oddly reminiscent of Nils. Also appearing is Nathaniel Parker, oddly reminiscent of Inspector Lynley. This is robust entertainment, character driven, a script to admire, and a diabolical plot, where nothing quite turns out as you expect throughout. If I have a criticism it is that there are several lead in and lead out scenarios that I thought could have been given more grit, more tension. I thought the gulf between the two protagonists could have been wider in this way, certainly a much harder edged criminal. Regardless, this is a great movie, and, as we say in Australia, it's a real doozy.
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Great acting...not sure about plot and ending
scoup15 March 2012
I would give this a 7, but I felt the plot and story fell short.

Davis Hyde Pierce is always very good and with such a small cast he really shines. I really liked the cat and mouse in the beginning of the movie and looked forward to the story progression. Pierce can shake his groove thing :)

Then I became bored............

Too much back and forth with an idea which the viewer is smacked over the head with and then the introduction of characters which seemed to be a little contrived and forced because they were needed for the ending and not because there was any character development.

If they had really explored the main characters this movie could have been excellent. Good try though.
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Ridiculous Plot
fullserve21 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The first twenty minutes of this film had me expecting great things, but unfortunately after the excellent beginning the film started to unravel and quickly. The twist towards the end of the film has to be one of the most unbelievable plot holes in cinematic history which is saying a lot for a film full of plot holes. A good script editor could have possibly turned this film around and made it one of the more memorable Indy films, which makes the whole thing even more lamentable. I would only recommend this film for die hard fans of David Hyde Pierce who would enjoy his excellent performance. But for the rest of the world, I wouldn't recommend it.
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Frasier gets serious
troy-manatunga7 September 2011
A whimsical story written and directed by Nick Tomney, I LOVED IT!!! It was quite by chance that I happened to come across THE PERFECT HOST and I am ever so glad I did. It's been awhile to see a script in this degree to have been made into a movie. I have not gone into the aspect of the box office returns on this, since I am positive that the true reflection of this is unable to be measured since this merely is considered a low budget production. THE PERFECT HOST premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in 2010 in the hopes of making Nick Tomney debut full length movie directorial a hit. It is a highly unlikely occurrence for one to walk away disappointed with this movie. For an initial attempt at writing and directing his first movie this is a great sell point for Nick Tomney. I would for sure not hesitate in watching any more titles that would be released with his name in it. A PERFECT first impression.

David Pierce is the man of the hour. David Pierce who portrays the character of Warwick Wilson is outstanding. Words fail me at this point to elaborate his quintessential performance. I would say that a plethora of adjectives can be used to justify this stupendous theatrical performance and still I would not be doing him justice. I myself have never taken David Pierce to be an actor with such a diverse talent. This may quite be the reason for me to appreciate his work in THE PEREFECT HOST since he took me quite by surprise. I always saw him as Dr.Niles from the father of sitcoms FRAISER (It's appalling if you have not heard of FRASIER). Although he is scarce in the scenes of Hollywood, this could not have been played by any other any better. His physique, his posture, his walk, his tone and his body language is an astonishing marvel. I would not mean to say that it cannot be played by another, however I am almost certain it could not be done any better than Mr. Pierce.

Detectives Morton (Nathaniel Parker) & Valdez (Joseph Will) are on the case of a bank robbery that has taken place on this very day. The suspect a Caucasian male by the name of John Taylor (Clayne Crawford) is on the run in an attempt to evade the cops. Johns photograph is all over the news and he has no option but to seek refuge in the next available place. To lay low until the heat subsides. Masquerade himself as a Jehovah's Witness follower he approaches a household that share the same beliefs; however the lady of the house is sharp enough to see through his false appearance. John who is desperate takes another shot at the very next house in the same neighborhood. Going through the mail box of Warwick Wilson, John finds a postcard sent to him from Julia; a friend Warwick's who is traveling in Australia. Making up the perfect alibi and pretending to be a friend of Julia's; John approaches the house and rings the doorbell. Surprisingly Warwick Wilson turns out to be THE PERFECT HOST.

A must watch movie, that will blow your mind. If you are a thriller Junkie and love the suspense and appreciate eccentric screenplays - this is an ideal movie that will blow your mind away. In my humble opinion this is a master piece in terms for a debut production!

Title: The Perfect Host Directed by: Nick Tomney Starring: David Pierce, Clayne Crawford, Nathaniel Parker & Joseph Will Rated: R for language, some violent content and brief sexual material Rating: 07/10
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A hidden gem
bowmanblue23 August 2014
Sometimes, low budget films with few locations and lesser-known actors are sent to B-movie oblivion - many in fact. However, I'm pleased to say that this isn't one of them.

Sure, it doesn't have much action, it's only really filmed in one (major) location and (unless you used to watch Frasier) you probably won't recognise too many of the cast. It's even got a couple of questionable plot holes, but the fact it, the film was just too damn enjoyable to let any of that bother me.

Just like the big-screen adaptation of 'American Psycho's' success was down to Christian Bale's excellent (and psychotic) performance, 'The Perfect Host's' charm is completely down to David Hyde Pierce's character. You can tell he's clearly loving doing what he's doing... and it shows.

I won't go into too much detail about the plot, but it may just put you off dinner parties for life. It's a cheap, but enjoyable little black comedy/thriller/horror. It'll never compete with the Avengers or Avatar, but it is good fun if you have a black sense of humour.
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Odd, Quirky
gavin69423 December 2013
A criminal on the run (not Ray Liotta) cons his way into the wrong dinner party where the host (David Hyde Pierce) is anything but ordinary.

This film, which I think went under the radar of most people (myself included) is a great showcase for Pierce. While much of the film has him doing his Niles Crane shtick (albeit an older Niles), there are enough twists and turns to really let his range show.

The best scene, hands down, is the "Car Wash" bit. While it takes place for less than a minute, it will forever change the way you look at Pierce and will make this film completely worth watching if nothing else does (though I think it has enough going for it either way).
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The perfect actor plays The Perfect Host
kristimmkm23 February 2024
This review is written by someone who doesn't know squat about making movies or directors or CGI, whatever that is. We are just couch potatoes who don't want to watch really bad movies.

This movie was a good one. We liked it.

It was probably hard for the other actors when David Hyde Pierce was in the scene because he draws every ounce of attention. It's a great character but only for the right actor, and this was the right actor.

His goodlooking co-star was also excellent, but I'm embarrassed to admit I missed getting his name. I'm blaming that on the mesmerizing David Hyde Pierce too. The co-star is probably super famous now but I have no idea.

It was a fun movie, with some suspense but without too much gore, and without gratuitous scare tactics, like Carrie's hand reaching out of the grave dirt. There was no question that we were going to watch it to the end, because we had many guesses on how it might turn out, and yet it turned out differently than any of the ideas we had. That was cool.
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Simply brilliant!
lightningslim14 September 2011
This is possibly the best movie I've seen all year - and I've seen a lot! You'll find no spoilers, nor even clues to what this little movie with big surprises is about in this review. In fact try not to know anything about this wonderful crime/thriller/mystery before seeing it and just sit back and enjoy the ride! David Hyde White is himself (as usual) but this time he brings much more to the party. Clayne Crawford was unknown to me but puts in a terrific performance. In fact every actor is at peak performance levels in this very intriguing and entertaining movie. Editing is excellent, writer/director Nick Tomnay must be congratulated on a stunning piece of work, both as director and for a masterful piece of writing. Fantastic in every way and best enjoyed with a clean palette. "Do you drink red or white wine?"
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Bizarre and Oddly Hysterical
muddernewf795 December 2012
I think I am still in shock over this one.It blew me away and had me in fits~ lol

David Hyde Pierce is astounding in this very unorthodox role of madness. This movie is so psychotically delicious, it borders on "The Twilight Zone" meets "Sybil". I found myself laughing out of total fear of the in-credulousness and depravity of the host. I did NOT see the ending coming or even imagine it to end the way it did. The movie works on several levels, from the civility of human compassion to the intrinsically evil darkness of insanity. This movie is a must see for those looking for just plain "bizarre". This one had me thinking about it several days after watching it and when a movie does that to me, then my appetite for wanting 'something different in a movie' is complete. Get ready for one heck of an emotional roller coaster ride. Mr. Pierce, WOW.
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Memento Meets Dinner For Schmucks - I Loved it!
witster1819 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
What can I say about this movie? I had not heard of it before last week. I know of David Hyde Pierce, and that he's from the show 'Frasier', but I don't remember him in any movie that I've seen. Some positive reviews(for the most part from sources that I've heard of) were on the cover, and I grabbed this off the shelf to round out my "4 new releases for 12.99" special. So, needless to say, I was anxious to see the movie, but did not have the highest expectations.

"The Perfect Host" is one of the most entertaining movies I've seen this year.

I thought the fun might be over after the first plot twist was revealed, but boy was I wrong. This film keeps spinning its' web for the duration, and you'll get a lot more out of this film than you would ever expect.

All I ask for with a movie is solid acting, keep me intrigued, and it would be a bonus if it was re-viewable. The Perfect Host delivers on all fronts. Pierce is fantastic, and should get more roles on the big screen.

Each character is constantly going through changes. The audience is still trying to figure them out long after the credits roll. The film covers its' plot bases even though some aspects of the film are a stretch to say the least.

This is a real hidden gem. Highly Recommended. Going on my 'B movie marathon' immediately.

You'll like this if you liked: Hard Candy, The Cable Guy, After Hours.
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Too Many Twists, Not Enough Straightaways
drqshadow-reviews14 June 2012
David Hyde Pierce stars in this odd, twist-heavy home invasion thriller, in which he suddenly turns the tables on both a desperate assailant and the unsuspecting audience. It's a cinematic contortionist, so desperate to shock and surprise that it gives every single cast member a chance to swivel one hundred-eighty degrees. Unsurprisingly, that trick quickly gets old and we're left to make bold predictions on a shallow, random plot while the puppets perform their jangly, awkward little dance. Pierce is loads of fun as the ludicrously demented straight-lacer with a secret, but the film isn't particularly well-acted and the greater story arc makes almost no sense. It looks terrific for a low-budget production, but desperately needed a few more rounds of screenplay revisions and the caring touch of a proficient editor.
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Fun and unusual
dbscott-4939728 December 2019
Very original with some nice plot twists. Just when you think it's getting predictable there's another bizarre and often amusing turn. David Hyde Pierce is brilliant.
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Good Pierce but bad ending
billcr1215 April 2012
David Hyde Pierce is as the title implies, the perfect host. His table has every knife and fork exactly where it belongs. The gourmet dinner is to be served at precisely at 8:30 with all the right side dishes. The doorbell rings and John Taylor, who has just robbed a bank and walked by Warwick Wilson's(Pierce's) house and by looking in the mailbox has assumed the identity of someone named on a postcard is able to con his way in.

The two play cat and mouse with each other over the course of the evening with some surprising twists and turns along the way. It is sort of a low rent Hitchcock wannabe without the genius of the master director. After about an hour the plot becomes too far fetched to make any sense but Pierce is good enough to make The Perfect Host watchable.
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One twist & turn too many
mauvemoonlight3 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
WARNING - major spoilers in this review - read only if you have already seen the film.

I was amazed by the small number of reviewers who did not see that the dinner host also being the detective - was TOO BIG of a coincidence.

This film starts out very well. We have a wanted criminal (bank robber), who ends up being the victim in another robbery, and then goes on to become a victim yet again of a man that he dupes into allowing him into his house.

However, the game the "host" is playing goes on far too long - and then we start having other twists and turns until the plot is completely unbelievable and no longer really working at all. The writers tried to be too clever and ended up ruining what could've been a fine idea.

3 Stars for this failure.
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