The Internship (2013) Poster

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Formula comedy is amusing at times
utgard143 November 2013
This is a formula "back to school" type of comedy with lots of product placement and two aging stars going through the motions. Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson play the same roles they've played for most of the last decade -- themselves. If you are a big fan of them you can add a point or two to my score because they're the whole show here. The rest of the cast is made up of mostly unknowns playing various stereotypes that are familiar to anybody who has seen a high school or college comedy. They do fine and there are no standouts, good or bad, among them. John Goodman appears in a thankless supporting role. Will Ferrell does one of his usual cameos he does in the movies of his friends. He's worth a chuckle or two. Like I said, the movie is formulaic and predictable but it has a very pleasant upbeat tone throughout and quite a few amusing moments but nothing that will have you bowled over in laughter. There's a ton of product placement for Google. Literally the whole movie. So if that sort of thing bothers you, you might want to skip this one and save yourself the righteous indignation.
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I heard that one before
samgreer-694-6807409 June 2013
Let me preface this by saying I love Vince Vaughn. Its impossible for me to watch any of his comedies without laughing, and I think he's nothing short of a brilliant comic actor. That's why it pains me to write this review.

This movie has funny parts. Nothing that will make you lose control of your bladder, and despite what some people have been writing, this AIN'T no Wedding Crashers. This movie is more like an e mail you got 4 years ago that was hilarious, and someone sent it to you again. You forgot about it, opened it, and remembered how funny it was, but no joke is as funny the second time around. Big lack of originality here and Will Ferrel's character was not remotely funny. Unlike Wedding Crashers "Chaz" this character was more like the Starsky and Hutch cameo. Wasn't impressed with that, wasn't impressed with this.

When you get the same group of actors together for ANOTHER comedy, you better have some seriously different writing. This movie badly needs some situational / physical comedy. Charles Xavier and the antagonist punching people is weak and lazy writing.

There was one Mr. Bean quality situational comic scene in the movie that was brilliant featuring one of the supporting interns at a strip club, and you'll instantly recognize it when you see it. Other than that it relies heavily on jokes in dialog - which aren't bad. They are witty, and Vaugh's delivery is great. It's just that I feel like I've been there and done that. Wilson's love interest felt totally scripted to me - I'm not buying any of that, not for a dime. Waaay too rushed into instant love - kind of like, but even worse than, Wedding Crashers.

If you choose to see this in the theater, go to a matinée. It isn't worth full price. I'd definitely watch it once it hits RedBox or Netflix. Well worth a couple bucks - $30+ at a theater, not so much.
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Cheesy forced humor, save your money
hmdewane21 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
AS soon as I got out of the movie, I came home to give this movie a horrible review. It was so cheesy, it was almost unwatchable. The lines are very corny, the acting is horrible...I love Owen Wilson AND Vince Vaughn, but this was just painful to watch. The plot line was ridiculously predictable. There was hardly any "conflict" or adversity. Poorly produced... a lot of big names in the movie makes it even worse. Will Ferrell's character was embarrassingly bad. He was not funny, and overall he was really unnecessary. This movie was such a waste of time. Basically a two hour long advert for google. Don't waste your money. Rent Wedding Crashers instead
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Just as expected - Thankfully
jordan224010 June 2013
Far too often, you see the cast of a movie, the previews, go in with an idea of what to expect, and come out feeling you were duped out of your money. Not so with 'The Internship.' I was reluctant to see it based on some of the poor reviews I'd seen, but my wife, who pays absolutely no attention to reviews whatsoever, is a big fan of both Wilson and Vaughn (sp?), so we took the chance. We both found it to be entertaining and funny, never lagging too long before the next joke. The Google campus proved an interesting site in itself.

Of course it's a bit far-fetched, but who cares. If you like Owen and Vince either separately or together, you will likely enjoy the movie. All of the supporting actors did a commendable job as well.
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Brilliant chemistry between the leads along with wonderful supporting actors
faisal_khatib8 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
With the premise of an internship at Google; you get the whole deal with product placements. Luckily "The Internship" manages to stay afloat as a two hour enjoyable and rather funny Google advert.

The film begins with Billy (Vince Vaughn) and Nick (Owen Wilson) losing their jobs as fast talking watch salesmen facing an uncertain future thanks to the digital age. Managing to talk their way into an internship (against all odds) at Google, they find themselves facing off against smart and tech-savvy college kids aka "a mental Hunger Games" for jobs at the on-the-line search giant. Ending up with a team of out casts and facing mostly unreasoned challenges (Read: Quidditch match), Billy and Nick manage to turn the odds on its head for the perfect (and predictable) "Lived happily ever after" ending.

With previous individual failures Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson come together once more to share their amazing chemistry on screen. Vince Vaughen plays the exact same role he has played in every possible film you've seen of him lately. Since he's co-written the film; I guess he likes to feel right at home. The same may apply to Owen Wilson who's landed himself in a similar rut. It does make the whole process rather familiar but there is no denying that the chemistry both these lead actors share gives the films premise a new pair of legs every time it starts lagging a little. Both these actors clearly know their limitations and have managed to work around it well this time. Also since this was a PG-13 rated film, some of the vulgarity that you might associate with these actors is kept to a bare minimum reducing what I feel are just distractions.

Tobit Raphel as home-schooled Yo-Yo was a complete scene stealer as more often than not he'd have you laughing out loud with his crazy antics on screen. Dylan O'Brien on the other hand balanced it with his controlled cynical act of 'know it all' Stuart. Tiya Sircar as Neha was brilliant as you watch her character go through its curve. Josh Brener as the 23 year old Team leader Lile starts off brilliantly as he tries to portray himself as a cool dude but fades away as the love interest angle falls into place quite predictably.

Max Minghella as the films main antagonist Graham is underused and left with one-liners that are too far and few. Rose Byrne as Wilson's love interest apart from a single scene comes across as a postscript. Aasif Mandvi as the internship programs head Mr. Chetty is stereotypically brilliant and the short chemistry he shares with Billy is entertaining to watch.

Brilliant chemistry between the leads along with wonderful supporting actors makes you forget the flaws and plot holes blatantly staring at you. You just go along with that warm fuzzy feeling with a smile plastered on your face.
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Formulaic comedy that's entertaining enough but totally predictable
vithiet30 December 2018
Typical comedy following the usual format so it's very predictable. Maybe I enjoyed it more than I should and gave it one star too many because I work in the tech industry and live in San Francisco. If you want a better, more realistic comedic take on the tech world though the show Silicon Valley is a lot better overall.
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Not the best but pretty good
Rage-Kage9 June 2013
I saw the trailer for this movie for the first time like 2 weeks before seeing it and I thought it looked like it could be good. Well its not the best movie ever I was right to think it would be good. It was entertaining and just an overall good time.

One of my favorite things about this movie were all of the nerdy references to things like Harry Potter and X-Men but also the more obscure 80's references that I admit I probably did not catch all of. Owen Wilson and Vince Vaghn were very good in this movie they both have really good chemistry with not only each other but the rest of the supporting cast. It was not the funniest movie I've ever seen but I was surprised out how sucked into the story I was.

So overall not the best but an enjoyable ride I give The Internship a 7/10
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Not the funniest, but fun nonetheless.
anasnajmie24 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Plot Summary: Two salesmen, who have been out of job and whose careers have been at risk thanks to the evolving digital age, find light at the end of the tunnel for a shot of employment at Google. What's the catch? They have to compete with hundreds of young, tech-savvy, genius geek in a summer internship program at Googleplex.

Review: With Google and Googleplex at the core of this movie, you can expect a lot of product advertisement here and there. Everything was super colourful, high-tech and awesome! I do not know how true some of the facilities at the Google Headquarters are (sleeping pod, free-for- all cafeteria etc.), but they do make everyone believes that Google is the best place to work in the entire world!

Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson portrayed the old-school, tech illiterate salesmen Billy and Nick pretty convincing here. Their combination was as good (if not better) as their previous movie, Wedding Crashers. The supporting actors/actresses, Josh Brenner, Dylan O'Brien, Tiya Sircar and Tobit Raphael also slot in excellently as team members with both Billy and Nick. Max Minghella who played as the irritating rival to Billy and Nick could do better hadn't he overused his British accent annoyingly. Rose Bryne, who acts as the romantic partner for Nick, was underutilized, and so is Aasif Mandvi as the Head of Internship Program.

However, the most surprising part is the storyline. This movie is about unlikely relationships, current job struggles, coming-of-age issues, and generation differences. Yes, an internship is involved, but there is more to this movie than the title presents. I loved the relationships between Vaughn and Wilson and their team of college students; I felt the characters were relatable and presented realistic problems.

In conclusion, this is not the funniest movie around. If you dislike the fast-talking, witty humor of Vaughn paired with Wilson, this may not be the movie for you. They even quote a lot of vague 80's reference which young generation won't be able to relate to. However, having said that, The Internship is still a fun movie to watch, because it does not only give you humor, but also feed you with friendship values, the importance of teamwork, managing differences and other bit and pieces along the way.

Final Verdict: 6.5/10. Not the funniest movie around, but fun nonetheless. Highly recommended if you want to take a sneak peak at Googleplex and some of its cool features, and if you love Vaughn-Wilson combination.
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Saved my life
pdavide58714 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
On one of the darkest days of my life this funny goofy cheesy movie inspired me to keep going

Sometimes all you need is the right combination of goofy humor and inspiration to keep on fighting

In the end these guys fought for they're dream and won.
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Cute, fun, a little tedious
CSHaviland9 June 2013
With Bathroom Humor Comedies (Adam Sandler movies, The Hangover, etc) and RomComs being the usual comedic fair at the box office these days, it's refreshing to find a comedy that stands outside of that tiresome trend.

The Internship was a cute movie that certainly has its chuckles. Google is actually a very odd work environment, and the movie makes good points about the depressed state of our modern employment climate for young and old alike. I think the movie tried a little TOO hard to polarize a traditional salesman with the high tech digital age, and some of the Vince Vaughn joke sequences seemed to get a bit tedious. But he played it so seriously that the overall effect was still amusing.

The Vaughn / Wilson pair were VERY sufficiently embarrassing with their overzealous attempts at being team players in projects they didn't understand, and as I have worked deep in the internet business since 1996 I cringed harder than the Google interns who tried to cope with them. I was already a Director level manager in the internet when Google was just being founded, so I've watched the company grow from the ground up, and eventually sponge up the mega-companies that produced my primary worktools (such as Doubleclick). Having been interviewed for management level jobs at Google I can vouch that they can crawl up your ying-yang about your academic record, even if it's from the 80's and you have over a decade of real quality experience to replace it. I've been interviewed by Facebook, Yahoo and Amazon too, and only Facebook can take after Google in this way. It creates the perception of being the Mensa Society of the digital world - pretentious, exclusive, and only for IQ's higher than 170.

That is not really the case, strictly speaking, but there is a culture there of self-importance that the movie bounced our heroes off of, and it worked for some laughs.

All in all it was an enjoyable matinée break, but I probably won't be getting it on Blu-ray.
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my notes
FeastMode24 June 2019
Only somewhat funny. tons of corny cheesy parts. had it's moments (1 viewing)
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Job hunting: The old fellows vs. the young
Reno-Rangan9 November 2013
A comedy about two 70s born middle aged guys who recently lost their job due to the new culture called e-shopping. It tells how the old fellows struggling to get the jobs in todays computer world. After forced to retire from their positions as salesmen, Bill and Nick applies for an internship at Google. Now these two have to compete with the energetic, smart, young generation seeking employment who are just coming from their college graduation. With the lack of computer knowledge Bill and Nick have to successfully complete the series of tasks to get the jobs.

Kinda cool comedy from the director who gave us many fine comedy features. It was a good combo between Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson, they were excelling in their respective roles. The lack of required knowledge in order to get the full employment at google make us to have fond on them. They really convinced us with their acting as innocence and middle aged strugglers. We can call it where the job hunting movie 'The Pursuit of Happiness' meets fun teen 'American Pie'.

It was a good comedy as well serious about getting jobs for old guys. I know it was not real, It won't happen in real life but a heartwarming drama with some good laughs. After 'The Social Network' and 'jOBS' we expected a movie about google and now here it is. Although it was not based on real but a fictional dramedy which can be thoroughly enjoyable.

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A feel good movie
Brittany22462217 March 2022
It's not a masterpiece but a film that makes you feel good. I liked the characters and the team challenges and the actors have good chemistry and be the film funny. Sure it's over the top and not realistic but it's a movie that leaves you feeling happy. I think it's s better than what people have said. Owen and Vince work well together you really do feel as if they are friends.
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This is "Film-placement", forget Product-placement
chris-278-74968918 June 2013
Saw a pre-screening with a friend this film last night. Very painful experience. There is "Product Placement" and a new-term I will coin which is "Film-placement", whereby a film plot is constructed around the need to show-off every aspect of a Product. Barely a laugh in sight at the cinema. Cannot believe Google signed this off – they have self-belief in spades! Things that did make a mark on me in this film: Google provides silly hats for interns (i.e. "Noogles", porting silly little hats complete with little propellers), coloured bicycles on campus, relaxation pods, online advertising, online analytics, GPS location services, oh and not forgetting free food (provided not taken home, and a barrel of laughs intended to be associated around this one). Oh, and some of its lecturers have to make do part-time as strippers (where did that one come from?). I have seen many mediocre films in my time but this is the first that I have been compelled to "review".
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We really enjoyed this comedy, about 40-somethings attempting a Google internship.
TxMike23 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I admit, we didn't have high hopes for this movie, but we see almost every DVD or BD movie our public library buys. It was a cool wintry night here in Houston, so we put in in the player.

My wife and I both came away very happy with this movie. It is funny without being too slapstick. The situations carry the story.

Vince Vaughn co-wrote the script. Here he is Billy McMahon and Owen Wilson is his friend and sidekick, Nick Campbell. Billy and Nick are salesmen, the old-fashioned kind, who take a client out to lunch, deliver their spiel, then take the orders. On this fateful day they find out, from the customer, that their company had folded. They had nothing to sell. And they had no jobs.

Both actors are in their 40s, and play characters who are in their 40s with roughly 20 years of conventional sales experience. Through a series of incidents, Billy convinces Nick they should ramp up to modern times, and apply for a summer internship with Google, competing for a handful of jobs against college kids half their age. Kids who grew up with technology and Google, things Billy and Nick only knew about vaguely.

Well they manage to get into the program. From there the entire movie plays on the concept that to succeed you must learn to relax at times, have some fun, be creative, and foremost learn to like the people you work with so that you can generate real teamwork. For Billy and Nick this comes naturally, and they have to teach this to their rag-tag team of leftovers that no other team wanted.

It is hard to pinpoint exactly why, but for me this was one of the more entertaining comedies I have seen in a while.

The movie had full cooperation of Google and much of it was filmed in Mountain View, California, at the Google Campus.
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Young geeks v older fun dudes
Laakbaar4 August 2013
This funny, well-written movie is worth about 7.5. Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughan are great, as usual.

It's based on the theme of "young geeks v. down-and-out older fun dudes". The two groups learn some life lessons from each other: old dudes adapt to the cyberworld; young geeks learn to drop their poses and live life a little. The message is that you need more than intelligence and tech savvy to get by.

I have no idea whether the portrayal of Google and Google internship was realistic. It certainly felt realistic to me, although it also felt like a 90 minute Google commercial.

The filmmakers did a good job in giving the impression that young geeks live in a very different kind of world and speak a foreign language. If you don't know what "muzzletalk" and "you are my khaleeshi" mean, you'll identify with the Wilson and Vaughan characters.

I thought Max Minghella did a great job playing the evil geek villain. Isn't it great how all Hollywood villains have British accents? A lucrative niche, cornered.

This film didn't blow me away, but I did laugh and I think it's worth seeing.
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Don't think about it too hard
msmithwgc1 July 2013
Some times you just want entertainment. I saw this film at an advance preview showing and had low expectations.

However, I really enjoyed the film. The story kind of goes the way you would expect and there's no great message or life lesson in the film but it did have a lot of well observed old fashioned comedy which had me laughing out loud.

The film has a good script and some hilarious physical comedy too. It's a predictable "underdog" story but don't be put off by that. Don't over- analyze the script or the cast, just let it all happen and enjoy it.

Allow yourself to be entertained and marvel at this well crafted and very funny film
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Nice unbound worry-free movie
spavlakovic-934-97590510 November 2013
When seeing these two guys as head-roles, I know that the movie will be funny but easy-forgettable. It is the same thing with this movie. You can watch it because they will entertain you, they will keep up the pace for the whole time and you will remember only one or two details from the movie in the few days after you watched it.

The movie is all about how different two worlds can be matched, the geek and non-geek world. It is like watching Google-sponsored 1,5 hours long commercial. OK, now I am not fair because the movie is a little bit more than that and it has easy and understandable point so I would recommend it to anyone.
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Easy Watch
Yellolo4 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this film on a rainy Sunday afternoon and I'm fairly glad I did. This is an easy watch; light hearted with some good jokes here and there but by no means the film you want to watch if you're looking for something more complex. The good points were a lot of the supporting cast like Josh Brener who played Lyle, Dylan O' Brien as Stuart and Tiya Sircar as Neha and the running jokes like 'on the line' however this did get a little predictable towards the end and seemed to fall into the trap that all Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn films seem to fall in; the oh so cheesy ending. Other things that I didn't like was the side story of Nick(Owen Wilson) and Dana which again was so predictable and I knew from the first moment that they were gonna get together (also Owen Wilson's cringey flirting) and Max Minghella as Graham who was really unconvincing and stereotypical in his portrayal of the character.
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Humorous Feel Good Film
I never write reviews but after seeing how the film has been reviewed as mediocre, I thought I ought to, but I'll keep it short and sweet. To be blatantly honest, I saw the film mainly because Dylan O'Brien was in it. However,now that I've seen it, I would watch it again even if Dylan O'Brien weren't in it. It was humorous and I could connect with the nerd references in the film which I found to be very funny. More than it was funny, it was refreshing. The film felt modern and was spot on about society and how it works today. The settings themselves will have you in awe at just how cool they are. All the characters were lovable as well and strayed from what I had first expected in a good way. I mean, it was impossible to not connect with them, if not at least one. The film contained that basic underdog story line but the way they executed this story line was different and I appreciated it. This isn't a film that has the biggest climax or heartfelt ending, but it will keep you smiling the entire time. A very entertaining movie through and through.
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Fun & Fresh But Not Overly Funny
deepfrieddodo13 March 2022
Following the typical storyline of outcasts forming a rag-tag group to compete against those better suited to the task, The Internship is actually pretty fun and at least in a fresh context. Vaughn and Wilson play their regular characters, but they are always likeable and good for a light-hearted plot. Revolving around Google, the film steers clear from being one long advert, without ever casting a negative light. Wider characters are developed enough to be involved, whilst falling into the predictable plot. Only negative would be the bully - purely for the accent which is overly British to create an impression on a US audience - irritating, which is somewhat the point, but still not enjoyable. A fun film, light throughout without ever being hilarious.
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Avoid this horrible ad campaign
modmaniac4 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is nothing more than a two minute ad stretched out to a full feature. Its so painfully obvious that it is nothing more than a ad campaign and not a serious movie. Although there is some funny moments in this its pretty clear that Owen is a bit short on cash and agrees to anything these days which is so sad because i really like him as an actor. But the way both him and Vince Vaughn is selling themselves short is horrible.

My advise is to stay far away from this horrible corporate ad campaign. Shame on you Owen i thought that you had more integrity than this......

This movie isn't really a movie its a painful advertisement Avoid it if you can

I gave this a 1 out of 10 just because its an ad not a movie
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A nice film about team spirit
time22 October 2013
If you've seen Vince Vaugn and Owen Wilson in other movies you know the way the act doesn't change from one film to the other and this is still the case. It definitely helps if you are a little bit of a fan and like these actors. If I were not a fan I'd be closer to 7 stars but that still makes it well worth watching. The film has a little dose of everything centered around the comedy. The film has some funny characters, my favorite side roll being Will Ferrel who always brings his quirky inappropriate douche baggy behavior performed to perfection. Never get tired of that. In conclusion the film is well worth a watch even if you are not a big fan of Vaughn, Wilson and Ferrel. Any cynical review is out of place because this film is lovable. If you are looking to be blown away maybe you should keep looking but worth the time.
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Now We Know That Google Company Provides Free Food
iamjunandokensan16 October 2013
Personally, I love this film, although I agree with some critics who reviewed this film have derided it for being a feature length Google commercial.

I believe that The Internship attracts some audiences to be involved with this technology thingy, and I'm sure some of them, now, are interested to work at the Google company. I mean, who doesn't? you get free food and it's fun. Even me, who isn't really into this technology thingy, wants to be part of it.

Same with other films, The Internship also has that Cliché friendship which is very predictable. I don't really have anything to say about the performances, they're all good but not that good and it didn't wow me. I thought the most standout performance in this film is Dylan O'Brien.

7/10 or favorable
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Google Infomercial...that runs too long!
feguiza18 September 2013
To be perfectly honest, I really like Google, it's not that I am against the brand or anything, and I even think their marketing campaigns are very intricate and subtle...and that's exactly why I hated this movie, it's not subtle at all.

The Internship, to sum things up, it's one of the longest infomercials I've seen in my entire life, and badly enough is also really boring at that; the actors do their best to make it look like an actual movie, they even succeed in the first 15 minutes of the film, but it's when Google takes the whole screen that everything goes down the drain...they even go in the "Google AdWords just saved an entire franchise" direction...

I think this is just a waste of time, if I wanted information about Google Drive, Gmail or Google Wallet I could have googled it right? I mean, there are youtube videos about those products, and there's a reason why people don't just waste their spare time watching those videos...well, now Google charged us to do it...

Oh and by the way, as a comedy it sucks big time, I did not laugh even once...
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