Evil Does Not Exist (2023) Poster

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Disappointing and Frustrating Ending
writetofeefy18 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Apparently this film derived from supporting an earlier music project. It feels to me somewhat cobbled together and poorly thought through.

The natural scenes are pleasant enough but too ponderous and awkwardly edited. The camera spends an age from the same longshot watching logs being sawn and split, not terribly skillfully. The camera tracks the main character giving his daughter a long piggy back through the forest in which they're identifying trees. I would've liked to see the trees they're talking about but we don't.

Then there is the arrival of the outsiders tasked with persuading villagers to embrace a new camping site which may have potential problems for the area. The outsiders are seduced and are clunkily charmed into wavering from their mission.

I might have endured these, and other shortcomings I perceived, and tried to come up with a meaningful interpretation, had it not been for the ending which made me feel as if I'd been duped into wasting the previous one and a half hours watching it. Everything that came before then seemed clumsy and pretentious. It was as if a serious nature documentary relied on an appearance by a Muppet character for it's denouement.
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We all act either following our interests or our instincts.
federicopezzatini11 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I believe the film's pace is key in reading the film. The long shots, the nature, sunsets freezes the time, even the spectator's, whom will happily immerse into for the beauty incapsulated in each frame. This beauty, slow camera movement makes the abrupt cuts of scenes and music even more drastic. Quite unusual for this type of film. And from moment one that must have had some meaning. The answer only arrives at the very end, which you won't perceive as such, since the time distortion makes the viewer believe we're still in the middle of the plot, and then again the film cuts. Leaving us with questions and answers: "a wild deer never attacks, unless defending cubs or when hurt". And this explains the title too: all man live in between the shades of black and white, evil and good. We all act either following our interests or our instincts.
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Glamping it up
politic198314 March 2024
The opening shot is mesmerising, disorientating, as Yoshio Kitagawa's camera pans under the tree tops to Eiko Ishibashi's haunting score. The start of Ryusuke Hamaguchi's "Evil Does Not Exist" reminds of Bela Tarr's "Satantango" (1994), with a slow-moving, natural, extended take. Not as extreme, but it sets the tone for what comes next.

Mizubiki village is a quiet mountain town a manageable drive from Tokyo. A minor holiday destination, investors want to set-up a glamping site, which naturally meets resistance from the locals. Takumi (Hitoshi Omika), a local odd-job man is cautious, but willing to meet the proposals halfway if they take the local environment into consideration.

Takahashi (Ryuji Kosaka) and Mayuzumi (Ayaka Shibutani) are the employees tasked with meeting the locals and convincing them of the project. Sympathetic to their hosts, they are people doing a job they don't necessarily believe in, and so are neither one thing or the other. Seeming to connect with Takumi, they feel a solution can be reached, but the reality is they are met with contempt from both sides.

Straightaway this enraptures you and you are immediately drawn into the small village and its humble ways. The brilliance of nature is emphasised throughout, and the opening moments show this perfectly. And as Takahashi and Mayuzumi try to deliver the initial presentation, key members of the community voice the importance of the environment on their health, community, work and business.

The last of these is the only focus the glamping project has in mind, thinking of the pretty landscape, and not the impact a modern resort will have on it. As Alex Kerr emphasises in his book "Hidden Japan," once you have been somewhere, you've already ruined it. The village elder (Taijiro Tamura) puts his point across succinctly: those living upstream must think of their impact on those downstream.

Often, I've found Hamaguchi's films, while good, can feel a little awkward. Characters and their interactions can feel wooden (perhaps due to his use of novice actors) and their motivations hard to grasp. "Drive My Car" (2021) was a step-up for him, and "Evil Does Not Exist" is by far his strongest in its script. It feels tighter, with arguments better put forward, in both the initial presentation and Takahashi and Mayuzumi's drive back to the village, where they share their career decisions. It is much more natural, though Takahashi's sudden desire to change careers may be a bit much for some.

Takumi's daughter Hana (Ryo Nishikawa) is a key character, but perhaps from the standard use of a young girl to represent pure innocence. The true star of the film is the forest of its setting and the film's true lasting memory, working in unison with the soundtrack.

The title of the film is enigmatic, as is the atmosphere throughout. The isolation of the forest community, and their connection to nature, show an innocence. But clear in their desires, they show they will fight to keep what's theirs. Takahashi and Mayuzumi may be the face of the more sinister corporate body behind them, but also show themselves to be useless pawns, simply carrying out their job.

Is simple self-sufficiency more noble than misguidedly following orders from above for profits? The ending confuses this question, its incompleteness difficult to process. The real question is whether it is better to do bad to protect what you believe in, rather than trying to diplomatically do something you don't believe in out of expectation. Silence is complicit.

The forest is deep, and it's easy to lose yourself.

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A different take on the man vs. nature conflict
RahulM0072 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"Balance is key."

On a technical level, the film is flawless, but story wise it needed a little more work. I particularly loved how Hamaguchi incorporates 'pillow-shots' in his film. 'Pillow-shots' have a de-centering effect when the camera focuses for a moment, often a long one, on some inanimate aspect of man's environment. It perfectly captures the stillness of the scene, making for a calm and soothing viewing experience. While watching the movie, it becomes apparent that Ryusuke Hamaguchi was inspired by Yasujiro Ozu's signature style. The film touches upon the man vs. Nature conflict through a different lens. The ending of the film will surely leave the audience speechless and in disarray. It will prompt conversations way after the credits. To sum up: stylistically the film is a 10, but story wise it's a 7. And don't get me started on the film's atmospheric score that transports the viewer to the beautiful Japanese countryside (aka 'inaka').

Final verdict: 7.5/10.
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sure to divide audiences
LunarPoise6 May 2024
A local benri-ya-san (handyman), a single father in a provincial town near Tokyo, gets involved with big city interlopers looking to see up an ill-conceived glamping project in the area.

I am not a fan of slow cinema or the long take, and feared the worst when this film opened on Takumi take an age to chop firewood, then taking an age to gather water from a stream. But as the film stuck to its pace and Takumi gives daughter Hana a piggy-back through the forest, pointing out species of trees and wildlife tracks, I was drawn into the rhythm of Takumi's day-to-day existence. A discordant note arrived jarringly, as the haunting soundtrack abruptly cut out on the edit. As a device to create a sense of foreboding it could have been heavy-handed, but here it is a bold choice that sits in counterpoint with the natural beauty on display.

The story plays out the theme imbibed in the title resolutely. Takumi is no Crocodile Dundee; he knows nature and has an even temperament, but his forgetfulness leads him to forgetting to pick up his daughter once too often. And even at home, he obsesses over drawing when his daughter craves attention. His deceased wife is never mentioned, but her presence-through-absence hangs over every scene of family life.

The big city interlopers as first appear like pantomime villains. But then another side to them, too, is revealed. Takahashi comes across as a pompous fool in the village meeting, but there is a sincerity to his attempts to live a meaningful life, and we believe him when he talks during a long drive about wanting to dedicate his life to making his partner happy. His subordinate Mayuzumi at first appears to be the voice of pragmatism and common sense. But during the same drive we hear that she left a job as a carer to work in TV, a world she is fully aware is full of "lowlifes." She, too, has a shallow side. No one in this world is without shadows. When these three characters are thrown together in the film's last act, it is impossible to fathom where events will lead.

Where they do lead is to a point that audiences will either love or hate. Perhaps conditioned by the bum-numbing running time of Hamaguchi's previous film, Drive My Car, I for a fleeting moment thought the real action of the film was just beginning, when it suddenly ended. In a film full of jarring moments, this was the most impactful. Some might say egregious.

The performances Hamaguchi draws from his cast are flawless. I was stunned to read that Hitoshi Omika was an AD before this. His magnetism is simply off the scale. Ryûji Kosaka captures a certain kind of frail but annoying masculinity to a tee. Ayaka Shibutani shines in an understated but pitch perfect outing.

Evil Does Not Exist throws up a more questions than answers. It is an intriguing film, frustrating even, but Hamaguchi makes bold choices here and displays a confidence and maturity that is admirable. Three days after going to the cinema, I am still thinking about this film, still actually wondering if I liked it. Some are calling it a masterpiece, but I'm not so sure. It is though, without a doubt, well worth seeing.
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Cinematic episode of Coronation Street
Vetements1729 April 2024
Extremely weak plot. I watched this because I'm interested in Eco themed films, the premise was average and the script could be used in the future on Eastenders in a two part Christmas special. Unsure as to how this got made. Someone has got their foot in the door somewhere. To say something positive I did find the Playmode employees interesting as characters and the cinematography was serviceable, which one would expect at this level. The pretentious editing cutting out the music was amateurish however, and the score was OK.. I would recommend watching this if it was on TV at home but to see it in the cinema would be a waste.
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A Movie That Grows On You
hadocs29 April 2024
It's funny to see people who no doubt gushed over "Perfect Days" dismiss "Evil Does Not Exist" as "boring" and "obscure". Like PD, it begins by following a man's quotidian routine: chopping wood, drawing water, identifying wild plants, teaching his daughter the names of trees. Perhaps the fact that he lives in a mountain town of no architectural or historical significance is what turns them off, but I found Takumi's activities as riveting as those of PD's public toilet cleaner.

As in "Drive My Car", we're exposed to a Japan that a few visitors--including many Japanese--have seen. As someone who was raised in Japan and returns regularly, I was thrilled to see a mountain location like the places I visited last year. I also found the plot--the incursion of a glamping company on the town's pristine land--riveting. What began as a fight-the-power, urban-rural plot turned out completely differently from the norm, a surprise I'm still thinking about days later.
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enigmatic film about capitalism and nature
dromasca2 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Ryûsuke Hamaguchi is a film director who does not make life easy for the viewers of his films. After seeing his previous film, 'Drive My Car' (2021), which enjoyed international success, including an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film and three other Academy nominations, I made it a point not to miss his next films. I confess that 'Evil Does Not Exist' (2023 - the original title is 'Aku wa sonzai shinai') confused me. 'Drive My Car' was a complex film about art, mourning, human communication, whose main challenge (in my opinion) was its 3-hour duration. 'Evil Does Not Exist' is apparently a simpler film in terms of theme, dealing with the relationship between man and nature, presenting the simple life of a small rural community faced with aggressive capitalism. The beautiful moments are not lacking here either, but paradoxically, the 106 minutes of this recent film seemed to me less coherent and including more moments lacking emotion than the previous film which was almost twice as long. Add to that a more-than-enigmatic ending, and perhaps you begin to understand the reasons for my confusion.

It is not, however, at least on the surface, a very complicated story. The film has four parts. In the first part we get to know the life of a small community at the feet of the mountains (I think we even see Mount Fuji in the background a few times) which, although it is only 2-3 hours driving from Tokyo, leads a simple life, close to an unpolluted nature. Everything is filmed at a very slow pace, like that of nature and people's lives. Among the villagers, the camera focuses more on Takumi, the man who cuts wood and supplies his neighbors with clean water from the mountain rivers, and his daughter, Hana, who is about 10 years old. In the second part of the film the rhythm and style change. We watch a meeting between the inhabitants of the village and two representatives (a man and a woman) of a company from Tokyo that intends to build a 'glamping' (glamorous camping) tourist attraction in the area as a place of recreation for the company's employees. However, the construction will affect the quality of life of the residents. There is the danger of water pollution and fire hazards. In the third part the pace accelerates even more. A video conference is held at the firm's Tokyo headquarters where the General Manager and the project's consultant discuss ways to meet or skip the residents' demands without missing the deadline for the start of the project, which is financed by a post-pandemic fund. The man and woman are sent back to try to bribe Takumi by offering him to be a 'consultant' on the project. On the way, the two chat - a bit in the style of 'Drive My Car' - and seem to have been captivated by the quieter and uncorrupted lifestyle of the village. I prefer not to write too much about the last part. I'll just say that it veers towards 'horror' and is a prelude to an enigmatic ending worth discussing separately after you see the film.

The story seems simple, but it has many layers. Each of the four parts has its own rhythm and the composition is not unlike that of a symphony, with different tempos of each movement. The comparison to musical structure is more than a metaphor. This film started from the music of Eiko Ishibashi, who is also mentioned as the co-author of the script. Ryûsuke Hamaguchi began shooting for a video film to illustrate his music, which in turn was inspired by nature and village life. As the film emerged and developed, the idea of a fictional film was introduced, adding the corporate counterpoint which forms the core of the conflict. Clean water and innocent animals, which are never aggressive unless they are injured, can be seen as metaphors for a way of life threatened by urban and capitalist expansion. The actors are perfect and seem to be playing their roles from life, which is probably what many of them are doing. Ryûsuke Hamaguchi draws his viewers into a narrative that seems simple but hides many symbols and ends unexpectedly and enigmatically. Parts of the film charmed me, nature is filmed with sensitivity and expressiveness, but others left me with many question marks. 'Evil Does Not Exist' is a film that deserves to be seen, but viewers should be warned that they will watch an unconventional film. The ending - unusual as well and contradicting the title - is also an invitation to discussion.
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Good slow-burn story about nature vs. people
chenp-547086 May 2024
Ryusuke Hamaguchi has made some interesting movies in his career like Drive My Car, Happy Hour, and Asako I & II. While I haven't been wowed by his works, I appreciate many aspects of his style and approach.

Throughout, this movie has some wonderful colorful productions, camerawork, sound designs and atmosphere which helped add layers of the nature landscapes and environment. The narrative provides some interesting themes of nature, conflict of interest, humans and humans vs. Nature issues and explores some interesting aspects that are strong. The performances are all pretty good as well.

However, I am a bit underwhelmed with certain aspects as I found some of the themes feeling a little uneven to work Hamaguchi is wanting to express. Especially when it comes to the characters as while I did found some of the characters interesting, I didn't feel too emotionally connected with their personalities and purpose which made it a bit difficult to fully invest at times.

The soundtrack is wonderful and the dialogue is solid. The film does suffer some pacing issues and with an ending that leaves to many interpretations which may be frustrating for some. Overall, despite it's flaws, it's mediative and nature experience made this movie pretty good.
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What is the Title and Story Saying?
christian9429 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Guardian called this movie a "stramge uneasy poem" and seems to frustate many moviegoers. What is the ending scene? Why is thr begining so excruciatingly slow?

The setting is the minimalist village society, linked with nature and mental reality that rewuires a slow pacr to ponder and understand. When the Tokyo tycoons arrive, dialog starts and is very well written. Hamaguchi's directing is potent yet different than famous and endearing Drive My Car (9/10) and even lomger and better film Happy Hour (10/10)! Unlike Wheel of Fortune amd Fantasy (9/10) and Asako I & II (8/10) urban explorations of love, here It takes place in a small village called Harasawa where the theme of loss is explored instead. We do not know why the main character has lost his wife but it obviously affects him and his daughter. We he cut woods or carries water, we can only imagine in retrospect what is in his head.

The duo advertising agency Tokyo infiltrators in the community are stuck between stock return mentally (budget and profits) versus lowkey loyalty to human nature and reasonable community comcerns. They return from their 1st encounter changed. But must return faced with typical careless lip-service (acting agent after all). Will the career con and the ex healthcare worker with a itch for change succeed in career, love and life after their intimate car talk to pursue a coporate mission they do not really believe in?

Potential murder, mayhem, suicidal ideation arise from human nature which is also symbolized by animal nature (deers) and nature... Is there a balance? We all return to the source like the nearly sacred spring water.

Good and evil are human constructs. I know this from a long time. Philosophically, there is no good or bad, there just is. This movie remimds us of that. The greedy corporation, the glamping trend , the goverment covid subsidies or the villagers like deers caught in headlights are not at fault. They all have external and internal forces. No one is the culprit. Life continues.

Beautifully writing and directed. Hamaguchi is a versitile filmmaker and has many more films to come I certainly hope. 8/10.
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Nature vs Neon
steveinadelaide25 April 2024
Ryûsuke Hamaguchi's Evil Does Not Exist is a very slow burn of a film, a character study disguised as an eco-drama. Nestled in the serene Mizubiki Village, a community thrives on a deep connection to nature. Their tranquility is shattered by the arrival of slick Tokyo suits proposing a glamping resort-a luxurious "escape" to nature for city dwellers. What follows is a clash of values, a meditation on the complexities of progress, and the blurry line between good and evil.

Hamaguchi doesn't hit us over the head with environmental messages. Instead, he lets the beauty of the Japanese countryside speak for itself. Lush forests and tranquil rivers become characters, a stark contrast to the sterile, neon-lit world the city reps represent. This visual poetry is amplified by the film's score, a melancholic blend of strings and woodwinds that perfectly captures the tension between tradition and modernity.

The acting is understated, mirroring the film's pacing. Hitoshi Omika, as Takumi, the gruff but conflicted villager, delivers a nuanced performance. We see his internal struggle-the fear of change wrestling with the desire to protect his way of life. The Tokyo reps, played by Ryô Nishikawa and Ryûji Kosaka, are initially portrayed as villains, all smiles and empty promises. However, as the film progresses, their own vulnerabilities peek through, reminding us that there's rarely a clear-cut bad guy in real life.

The plot of Evil Does Not Exist unfolds deliberately, sometimes feeling glacial. There are long stretches of dialogue that, while beautifully written, could test the patience of viewers expecting a more action-oriented film. The ending, too, occurs at a point where there is no resolution to the story, leaving us to scratch our heads wondering what might happen rather than being told. But there is a reason for this. By ending the movie (but not the story) in this way, Hamaguchi forces us to confront our own perspectives on the story, a tactic that might backfire for those seeking easy answers. There aren't any.

This won't be a film for everyone. Forget it if you want a fast-paced thriller. You will be disappointed. However, if you appreciate slow cinema and nuanced character studies, Evil Does Not Exist offers a rewarding experience. While the untranslated credits rolled, I just sat there, reflecting on our relationship with nature, the allure of progress, and the shades of grey that exist between good and evil. If you enjoyed contemplative films like Burning or Drive My Car (I enjoyed Evil Does Not Exist more), Evil Does Not Exist is definitely worth a watch. Just be prepared for a slow burn and an ending that will leave you pondering.
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Slow and obscure
max-4882728 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Had big expectations for this film! However, fell asleep in the first 15mins. And...didn't miss anything. The themes take too long to develop...slow and dreary. I understand what they were trying to highlight but it became dull due to it taking too long and laboursome. The ending was also....confusing. Everybody who saw it with me said what was the point of the ending. I Felt the ending was disconnected and made no sense at all. If I were asked to watch the film again the only improvement I would make would be to politely decline and do some weeding in my garden. Sadly, the film really needed more critics than me. Might be suitable for environmental activists who are familiar with Japanese culture!
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Evil Does Not Exist
CinemaSerf6 April 2024
The initial few scenes here will give you an idea as to the pace of what's to follow. "Takumi" (Hitoshi Omika) is cutting logs for firewood, then he is seen laboriously ladling water into plastic bottles. His is a naturally structured existence that is driven by what's needed to stay fed, warm and watered. It's not quite a rustic life, though, there are plenty of mod cons - cars, electricity and the like, and his curious daughter "Hana" (Ryo Nishikawa) goes to the local school from where he regularly forgets to pick her up! The local planners and a talent agency have cottoned on to the beauty of this unspoilt area and have decided it could be ideal for a clamping site. A town meeting is organised and two city-folks turn up with precious little idea as to the impact their plans might have. Sent away with a flea in their ear, their bosses come up with a very watered down compromise to provide for a permanent caretaker - and they want to offer that job as a sop to "Takumi". What now follows sees the city-folks become more engrossed in his country ways until he, again, forgets to pick up his child and she goes missing. They all have to search high and low for her as the darkness and cold settles in for the night. Oddly enough it's the laconic dialogue and the gentle pacing that make this story a bit more interesting. The reconciliation of progress with nature, the clear clamour for profits at all costs and the power of persuasion all play their part before a slightly mystical denouement that rather emphasises the continuity of nature regardless of man's involvement. The young Nishikawa delivers sensitively as the film offers us quite an unique look at how man and it's environment ought to synergise.
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Time also does not exist
kosmasp29 April 2024
No pun intended - the movie starts off and sets the mood right away. This is nature, this is life here. Do you have the patience to follow, to just watch? The first 10 minutes or so "nothing" happens. Chopping wood, collecting water - but again this is supposed to get your mindset into the tune of the movie.

The english title can mean a few things. As in nothing evil exists in this part of the world. We do not even see a police station or anything of that sort. And while there is no reason for one (no apparent at least), you could argue that once the "intruders" come, it would make sense to have them there - just to show presence or for safety reasons.

So the community seems to work without any higher power - there may not be a mayor either. We do not see a clear leader here. We see different types, a wise one, a hot headed one and so forth. And our main character from the beginning who seems to connect or be connected with most people. And animals for that matter.

We do not get too much backstory for the characters (the viewer has to fill in the blanks for them and a few other story and character beats) ... just one from that community who says at a meeting that she came from the town, but feels like she is part of everyone in that village now.

Nature vs. Men .. and nature within men (and women for that matter of course). The movie may be a slow burn, but it does a great job telling a story and giving us a check. Have we forgotten where we have come from? Is money more important than the well being of others? Because whatever happens at the top, is having consequences to those at the bottom (that come after them) ... yes this is not only true for rivers, but for society as a whole too.

A movie that may test your patience, but will reward you in the end ... speaking of which: while the cinematography does a great job (and may suggest certain things I reckon if you look long and hard at some of the "pictures"), it puzzles us a bit ... what actually happened? What do we believe is going on? This will be in the eye of the beholder. Do our eyes conceive us? I reckon we will see or rather interpret what we want - morally and otherwise ... way more interesting and intriguing than you may think after the first couple of minutes ...
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Very enjoyable film from beginning to almost the end (no spoilers in my first part)
GreenIsTheColor7 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Well paced, well shot, beautiful images, great topic, great characters..

Unusual editing and constant unnerving music throughout, remind us that this is not a feel-good film, something "evil" - since it's in the title - might happen.

However, like many, I take issue with the ending.

It feels like they shot 2 alternative endings and end up using both simultaneously.

However, the movie is still very enjoyable, and the ending might grow on you.


I read many interpretations, including the director's favorite, that the main guy is a deer or like a deer, but even he admits that it wasn't on his mind.

I disagree with all of them. A good person wouldn't kill if they were upset or annoyed with someone. And he wasn't threatened or anything as the deer explanation might suggest.

So the only logical explanation IMO is that he's not a good person, he's some psychopath who's done it before (and the title is a lie!), but there's no evidence of this in the rest of the film.

At the end of the day, there's no point interpreting or rationalising it. It's just a random unexpected turn of events that's been added for shock value I think.

A bit weak but in a way, kudos for the writers for making such a bold move, otherwise, we wouldn't have been talking about it, and it would have been another unnoticeable bittersweet film.
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Interpretation Of The Shocking Final Scene
DamatenOjisan19 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I believe everyone who watched this movie was shocked by the ending. At first, I couldn't understand it at all, and I thought it might be lacking explanation. However, as I began to connect the various clues within the movie, I realized that it leads to a compelling interpretation. I believe this movie can be interpreted in various ways, but I'd like to share my interpretation here.

First, I'll start with the conclusion: "Takumi intended to die together with Hana and incapacitated Takahashi."

In the film, Takumi said "Deer are timid animals, so they never attack people. But a wounded deer might." Considering Takumi as a wounded deer, his sudden act of violence in the final scene makes sense.

So, what does it mean for Takumi to be wounded? Physically, he's healthy, but emotionally, he's deeply wounded by the loss of his wife (likely due to her death). There are photos of his wife in his house, suggesting not much time has passed since her death. Despite appearing to live normally, Takumi frequently forgets to pick up Hana from after-school care and makes other mistakes, indicating his emotional struggle.

The daughter, Hana, is also wounded by her mother's death. Hana doesn't play with other children at all; she walks through nature. While at home, Hana tries to get Takumi's attention but is treated coldly. Hana is not only unable to interact with other children but is also rejected by her father.

One of the reasons Takumi decided on murder-suicide is to relieve himself and his daughter from suffering. The other reason is to restore balance between nature and humans.

The developer planning to build a glamping facility along the deer path may seem like destroyers of nature, but in reality, the local residents, including Takumi, are doing something even more terrifying-they are killing deer with guns. This fact is starkly presented through the image of the wounded deer. Paradoxically, Hana's innocent approach to the deer further emphasizes that both she and Takumi are none other than destroyers of nature.

Therefore, Takumi might have felt that they shouldn't be alive. Takumi said, "Balance is important." A double suicide to save both from suffering might restore a bit of balance between nature and humans.

Takumi's decision to strangle Takahashi is to prevent interference with his intended murder-suicide. There might have been a thought that if the deer attacked Hana, it would be restoration of balance, since humans had shot the deer. Takumi didn't intend to kill Takahashi; he just incapacitated him. This is evident from Takahashi standing up at the end. Of course, there's a possibility Takahashi might die if left out in the cold.

Hana is lying on the ground, bleeding from her nose, likely attacked by the injured deer. From Takumi's action of wiping Hana's nosebleed, it seems that Hana is not dead. If the intention were to imply Hana's death, it would be more natural to have blood flowing from her mouth, suggesting internal organ damage.

Takumi picks up Hana and leaves the scene. Here, Takumi walks in a different direction from the way they came, strongly supporting the interpretation of a murder-suicide.

Lastly, regarding the meaning of the title, the director mentioned in an interview that the audience is prohibited from simply seeing the eruption of violence in the ending as evil because of the title.

The "eruption of violence" likely refers directly to Takumi strangling Takahashi. However, in my interpretation, murder-suicide, namely Takumi killing Hana, is also implied. The anguish we feel from being forbidden to see Takumi's act of killing Hana as evil is, I believe, one of the true meanings behind the title.

If you're interested in a more detailed analysis, please click on the link in my bio.
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Evil Does Not Exist-An Ecological-Drama
MovieAnalysis11 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
After his critically acclaimed 2021 Oscar-winning film 'Drive My Car', writer-director Ryûsuke Hamaguchi is back with his latest outing "Evil Does Not Exist". An uncanny ecological-drama, set in the Japanese village of Mizubiki, where locals' lives take an unexpected turn when they are approached by two agents from a Tokyo-based talent agency for the construction of a Glamping Site. The film revolves around a widower named Takumi (Hitoshi Omika), who lives with his daughter Hana (Ryô Nishikawa) and calls himself a jack of all trades-the local odd-job man. He is so attached to nature that he keeps forgetting to pick up his daughter after school (nearly every day).

The opening scene takes us on a 4-minute contemplative walk through a serene forest path while all this time, the camera is continuously glazing up. Hamaguchi spends a hefty amount of time showing Takumi's daily routine. The purpose of both shots here is to immerse the viewers in the beauty of nature, allowing them to observe and embrace what they see. This is enough to realise what a fine work of art the film is. Eiko Ishibashi's music plays a huge role in driving the narrative, as much as setting the mood. In an interview, Hamaguchi credited the musician as his inspiration behind this film.

Back to the story, in one of the most memorable scenes, the PR agents present their proposal of setting up a Glamping Site on the top of the mountain to locals during a town hall meeting. The locals fiercely oppose the idea because it threatens the town's water supply. "Any activities upstream will add up, leaving a huge impact downstream," says the village chief. The agents soon realise that these villagers are not the country bumpkins they ha assume, leading them to reconsider their stand. During one of their chats, one of the agents considers taking the job of caretaker at the Glamping site.

In dramatic final moments, the story takes a cynical turn that leaves the viewers astonished but more in a state of confusion. It's a culmination of reality and imagination. On the surface, it seems to be a social commentary about how humans are continuously spoiling nature which is causing an imbalance. It tries to demonstrate the importance of the delicate balance between nature and humanity, and too much interference in one can lead to drastic effects on the other. After a little bit of thinking, you will find that there's so much subtle imagery and symbolism in "Evil Does Not Exist" and hence there's a lot to pore over. Conversations are key to deducing the secrets of this film.

Ryûsuke Hamaguchi's "Evil Does Not Exist" asks for patience but with a sluggish pace and a lack of tension, it's too hard to peer through the mist. Even with all the experimental achievements, fantastic cinematography and outstanding musical score, the story seriously lacks engaging elements. Hamaguchi leaves too much for the audience to interpret. Its open for interpretation ending continues to unspool long after the closing credits have rolled. One thing is clear, this is a film that qualifies for the label "Not for Everyone". Also, it is not a horror film as its metaphorical title suggests. It's up to you, how you wish to interpret this film.
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Unique, complex and artistic by a master
martinpersson9715 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This incredible film, which is what some may consider an "art house" film, indeed - by the reknowned and acclaimed director Hamaguchi, is definitely another gem from the master - and perhaps his most somber, unique and artistic expression as of yet, which is by no means a faint praise, given his ever impressive track record with Drive my car and Temporarities and imaginations, to name just a few.

It is a very slow burning tale, deliberately so, and focusing a lot on every day life, conveying a quiet, dialogueless and low scale kind of drama in ever interesting and unique ways. What lays underneath is a dark, satirical and immensely well written commentary on society and humanity, difference between classes that few have tackled so well. The actors are all incredible, and it is a very career defining and beautiful piece.

The cinematography, cutting and editing is incredible, very authentic to Hamaguchi's style, and very low scaled and unique, befitting of the film. Very beautifully put together.

Overall, definitely one of the, if not the best, films of the year, and an artistic expression that I would highly recommend for any lover of film and fans of the director!
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treywillwest14 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
"Evil Does Not Exist" offers a profoundly unique movie-watching experience. It's hard to imagine a work with more radically different narrative tones flowing into one another. It's almost miraculous that it manages to seem a cohesive whole but it does just that.

The only previous work I'd seen by writer-director Ryûsuke Hamaguchi had been "Drive My Car", an undisputedly good and "prestigious" movie that predictably won the Oscar for Best Foreign Film. As much as was admirable about that piece it felt forced and restrained. Hamaguchi, I suspected, was holding back his creative impulses and surrendering to a conventional theatricality (which, to be fair, is part of that film's theme) for the sake of wider recognition.

Except for a few echoing images of unbridled nature, no one would suspect the same filmmaker was at work with "Evil Does Not Exist" if they hadn't been informed. Here Hamaguchi unleashes his vision in an uncompromising, at moments ferocious manner.

If one is determined to define this movie in terms of genre, then it would be considered a work of magical realism, a style that I often struggle to appreciate. The closest comparison I can make is to the cinema of Apichatpong Weerasethakul, though that Thai master's magical realms are far more benevolent than that of "Evil".

Having said all that, for most of the film the tone is one that I can only describe as dry humanism. Almost a comedy, it straight-facedly pillories two of the main characters, yuppies representing a Tokyo developer trying to build a resort in a rural community, but then gradually humanizes them. Indeed, the tone grows increasingly affirmational until a sudden, unsettling turn that leads to a vaguely terrifying finale.

Composer Eiko Ishibashi, who co-conceived the story with Hamaguchi, can be considered a co-autuer with the director. The only film I can think of that owes as much to its score as does this one is "In the Mood for Love". Ishibashi's music begins and ends "Evil", sometimes reimposing itself on it assertively, almost clumsily. But the narrative comes to feel almost secondary to the score, as if it were the music's accompaniment, or perhaps an attempt to adapt this wordless music into human narrative.

One of this film's obvious themes is humanity's relationship to the natural world and its secrets and wonders. Cinematographer Yoshio Kitagawa's camera graces the terrain of the forrest and village that is the film's setting with a kind of religious reverence. Largely static images grace these rural landscapes waiting for them to reveal their secrets- or not- at their leisure. To call Kitagawa's work here cinematography feels almost wrong. This is great nature photography as captured by a motion picture camera.

My only reservation about "Evil" comes from its very uniqueness. This world is perhaps a bit too magical to seem like a commentary on our own. This, for me, is part of what makes magical-realism a tricky genre to pull off. In "Drive My Car" the performances Hamaguchi coached were very method-theatrical. Here, the director's approach to his performers is positively Bressonian. This has the effect of leaving the characters to seem, despite mostly naturalistic dialog, like ideas more than figures in which we emotionally invest (much as with Bresson's characters). In the work of Bresson, however, we are at least able to situationally relate to the characters as the events are essentially naturalistic. The combination here of monotone and mysticism does not leave room for the emotional impact the film might have had. However, if the experience of "Evil" is somewhat academic, it is also unforgettable.
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A Cure For Insomnia
barbaravannorde3 April 2024
Let me start by saying that I am always openminded when it comes to arthouse. In my experience there is no grey are with these types of movies, they are either very good or a total miss.

In this case it was the latter.

This movie relies on excruciating long scenes. There is little to no sound, and hardly any talking. This doesn't have to be a problem, but in this movie it was.

One definitely appreciates the scenery in which this movie sets.

For me, it was also intriguing to learn a bit about Japanese social norms.

The music was also good. However, overall this movie is just incredibly boring. I fell asleep for about 15 minutes.

There isn't much to take away from it all, so my advice would be to skip it. Appreciation for nature can be found in many other movies that are not as slow and dull as this one.
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City slicks fail to harmonize with rural life/
maurice_yacowar26 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Od course i paid admission hoping there's a guaranty. (There isn't.) Evil does not exist. Nature exists. Mankind exists. What evil there is - or isn't - lies strictly among those elements.

But nature is nature. Outside the moral arena. The deer are timid, avoid humanity, but can be prompted to harsh reactions that may seem evil but - they're natural. They are self-preserving reflexes not calculated actions. Even at its bloodiest nature remains innocent in its primitive stirrings. "Red in tooth and claw," nature remains innocent of evil.

Not so humanity - "man" as non-gendered. Man has moral awareness, moral responsibility, so there lurks and springs the evil. Evil does not exist - except in man. So if there is evil it is in man, not nature.

That's the point of the opening and closing scenes. They open with a lengthy meditative view up through tree-veined skies, ennobled by the score. The first ends abruptly with little Hanna staring up at the skies. The end closes with her dead. As her handyman father, Takumi, bears off her corpse they disappear into the dark forest. They have returned to nature, dust to dust, leaf to leaf. They achieve a greater non-materiality than the skeleton of the gut-shot fawn.

Not so the city slick, the former talent agent is now touting the corrupt company's greedy plan to spoil the region and the village by developing a sophisticated camping site on the hill above them. The sewage like the water (and like modern corporate urban man) will inevitably run downhill. The moral antithesis to gravity.

At the meeting the company's two PR touts fail to win the villagers trust. The two are genuinely moved to pressure their boss to remake the project. Sent back with a hollow pretence to compromise, they decide to convert to the village life.

The woman is the likelier to succeed because she has a more realistic and honest sense of herself. She also survives her violent encounter with the greenery - a sliced palm, like another culture's stigmata.

Not so the man, who is still seeking a role he can play in life. He began as a marginal actor but converted to talent agent. Now one happy stab at log-chopping persuades him to take an even more dramatic life change.

But his instincts betray him. The climactic scene is harsh and elliptical. His and Takumi's search for Hanna seems to have reached a happy conclusion. But then Hanna walks toward the majestic stag. Takumi hangs back, trusting to the deer's natural gentleness. The city slicker panics and rushes to "save" her. That panics the deer, who fatally gores Hanna.

Takumi trying to restrain the hapless transplant wrestles him to the ground, even leaving him possibly dead. But he's too late to save Hanna so he carries her off, dissolving into the field.

The city guy seems to struggle back to life. But then he stumbles and falls, even now unable to merge himself into nature. Dead or alive he hasn't the self or sensitivity to be the "at one with nature" he deluded himself he could become. The loner in the human world remains isolated in the field.
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good movie for napping
frsgtxpv24 March 2024
It felt like a meeting that could've been an email. Soundtrack is great, so I would recommend taking a nap with it playing in the background, apart from that it was like a rollercoaster for babies - a bump there and there, but nothing actually happens.

I get the gist of it, but everything was just taking so long for no reason, long shots of the forest and chopping wood - pretty, but way too long. I thought maybe its just me, but after checking what other people wrote i realized it's actually extremely boring. Like another review said - very snobbish. I'd rather watch frozen in japanese at this point.
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Boring, snobbish
girosgamo26 December 2023
I had quite big expectations about this movie but I found it boring (even if I usally like "slow movies" like those of ceylan etc): there are interminable sequences of filmed nature with a heavy soundtrack interrupted by few two-words dialogues. I think is also snobbish (it pretends to be intellectual and profound) but actually it is just a nonsense. The best part is the meeting between the people of village and the company, I thought I would have started to depart but it quickly landed again.

The final scene has no clue and the link with the whole story is hardly appreciable.

I gave 4 for the try, but play it again director!
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Utter nonsense from one end to the other
plupu6614 September 2023
A bit of background about me- the person who writes this review.

I have been attending the Toronto Film Festival for about 30 years. I like "festival"-type films: the "artsy" ones, the multilayered ones, the slow ones (within limits). I admire (most of) Japanese cinema and I have seen (and enjoyed) many Japanese films.

Having said all that, this film is totally snobbish nonsense. Starting with the title (that has little to do with what is going on there), continuing with loooooong scenes where a fellow chops wood and carries water to a SUV and ending with - well - the final images - nothing has any rhyme or reason.

I was looking forward to this film as it was advertised as having an ecological theme, but, if anything, it does the ecological movement a great disservice: it portrays the ecologists (and their movement) as a bunch of weirdos.

I gave it 2 stars rather than 1 because somewhere in the film it explains where a septic tank should and should not be placed. (I learned something)

(To add insult to injury, at TIFF, the film was "presented" by a young lady who was (mis)reading form a slip of paper a text that she did not write and had no idea what it meant.)
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Absolutely dreadful
olejanssen15 April 2024
I've seen the German Synchronisation in a sneak preview in a cinema today, and I'll have to say burning the money would have been a better investment.

The movie has literally no plot. Whatsoever. Often, there's literally ten minutes of cinematic shots with no dialog whatsoever. When there is dialog, it has literally nothing to do with anything that has been seen beforehand.

The ending isn't satisfactory either. Not only is it the first time anyone actually does anything within the movie, but also because it was absolutely unforeseen. And that's not because the script is well written, but because it is at best vaguely related to the rest of the movie.

The only reason this movie deserves at least one star is because it is in fact a movie, even if that slideshow of a frame rate might indicate otherwise.
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