Life Itself (2018) Poster


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2-hour 'This Is Us'
madisonharwell19 September 2018
I was hesitant to invest the time in this film after reading critic reviews but I can absolutely say they were truly too harsh with Life Itself. No surprise but it's very reminiscent of 'This Is Us' and instead of an episodic narrative it's condensed to a two hour multi-chaptered film. While it did feel closer to three hours at points, there's a clear disconnect between the current reviews and the actual film performance. It was very emotional and most of the movie I had a lump in my throat. The way it's structured it's almost like three movies in one but the way it all comes together was so fascinating to watch as an audience member. My vote is you give it a shot, it's a really creative story.
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I know the critics say it's crap. I love a movie filled with emotions. Sue me. I'm an emotional guy.
peterp-450-29871613 March 2019
So, what does that tell us? That the only truly reliable narrator is life itself. But life itself is also a completely unreliable narrator because it is constantly misdirecting and misleading us and taking us on this journey where it is literally impossible to predict where it's gonna go next.

Occasionally I come across such a film that knows how to surprise me. At first, I wondered what it was all about. Usually, I take a wait-and-see approach and see where it's going. If there's no improvement in terms of story and it remains quite uninteresting, I'll give up. Fortunately, this rarely happens. And certainly not in the case of "Life itself". As the film progressed, it became (at least for me) more fascinating. Before I knew it, I was looking at the credits with astonishment and I thought to myself: "Wow, what the hell was this". A film that succeeds in making me quiet and paralyzed. That's quite an achievement.

In retrospect, I was somewhat surprised at the negative comments regarding this film. I do understand there are people who are allergic to tragedy, drama, and sadness in films. But the bursts of tirades being fired at this movie, are rather exaggerated in my opinion. Or is it my anarchist nature that is rebelling? Calling "Life itself" the "Worst movie of the year", is a bit shortsighted and slightly simplistic. I suppose those who did, only watched the crème de la crème of films that year. I dare to admit that I've seen much worse last year. Again it looks like a snowball effect after the appearing of some reviews of prominent film critics. And expressions such as "semi-intellectual", "philosophical ramblings" and "overly melodramatic" are copied excessively so that it resembles a we-against-them situation. Or is it an acute case of navel-gazing? Or are they all male critics who, just like Dan Fogelman said in an interview, hate films with emotions? Maybe a defense mechanism so nobody would say that their tough torso contains too many female hormones. Oh well. If you focus on the correctness of timelines and the correct layout of the different time sections only, you may lose sight of the larger picture.

I am convinced that among those notorious critics, there are some who unknowingly believe in certain things that would fit perfectly into the context of this film. Isn't it so that people speak of a soul mate who exists somewhere on this planet? That there's this one special person somewhere who's a good fit for you? And isn't the term karma used all the time? Does coincidence exist? Or coincidentally not? And then the pinnacle of mysterious power that millions believe in. The divine power that watches over us and directs our lives. I bet some of those opinion writers have used these terms before? Or that they want to save their soul every week by solemnly entering a church somewhere? Well, not me. Am I too realistic? Too suspicious? Could be. But I believe that a combination of circumstances and destiny can form the basis of a story such as "Life itself".

Without a doubt, the first chapter is the one with the most impact. A chapter full of confusion, psychological distress, and trauma. But also a chapter about eternal love. Finding that one specific person who fits you unconditionally. Will (Oscar Isaac) and Abby (Olivia Wilde) are such a couple. The living proof of the well-known saying about the pot and the lid. Until one day Abby leaves Will, and Will's life immediately becomes a mess. A ruin that needs to be restored with the help of a psychologist. It's a chapter in which the storyline wraps itself ingeniously around Will's past and present. With and without Abby. With and without the will to live. A chapter full of flashbacks. A chapter introduced by Samuel L. Jackson who represents the "unreliable storyteller". The subject of Abby's thesis. But at the same time, he plays a character from a script that Abby and Will wanted to write together. "A husband and wife Tarantino". That's why Samuel L. Jackson uses his "Pulp Fiction" intonation. And then there are some who claim that his contribution adds little to the story. well, you just have to want to see it, I guess.

The chapter ends shockingly. A blow of a sledgehammer, as it were. And from then on the story begins to spread intercontinental. From the rebellious Dylan (Olivia "Me and Earl and the Dying Girl" Cooke), the end result of the wonderful love between Abby and Will, whose life is dominated by death. To Spain, where the rich olive oil manufacturer Mr. Saccione (Antonio Banderas) tells his life story to one of his workers, Javier Gonzalez (Sergio Peris-Mencheta). And although these two different family trees initially have nothing in common with each other, the two storylines melt together in a bewildering manner. But you have to discover for yourself how it all gets connected.

The only flaw I could think of is the predictability at a certain moment. At first, you don't have a clue what's going on. Once you've passed that point, you can already see where it's going. If I were a nitpicker, I would use this to criticize "Life itself" harshly. But the inventive story and the sometimes excellent acting of a group of well-known actors make this a side issue. Perhaps it all seems doom and gloom. As if real life only produces sorrow and misery. Where you experience one setback after the other. Everyone has bad periods in their lives and emotionally difficult experiences. But perhaps the message is also that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. I don't believe in coincidence or destiny. I don't believe in a heavenly power that determines our lives and sets out the route in our lives. But admit it. The way the story developed here could actually also occur in real life. Unfortunately, sometimes life is indeed an unreliable narrator.
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Not a romantic comedy.
singerc-8217626 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There is quite a bit to like in this movie, but there are a couple of things that really bothered me. The acting is really good. I loved watching these couples fall in love and their relationships grow. I loved the flashback and narrator devices that were used to tell the stories.

I was very fond of both the male characters in the first part of the movie. But then both of the men make extremely devastating selfish choices to abandon their children. Even if I sympathized with their reasons, I could not forgive their actions. The women in these two couple really shine. They are the real heroes.

I can't really recommend this for anyone who is sensitive or depressed. It is not an uplifting movie. This is not a romantic comedy - more like a romantic tragedy with an ending that tries to gloss it all over.
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Much more than what you'd expect
eseptember3 October 2019
At the time when I watched this, the rating was 6.6. I hope it gets higher after people discover more of Dan Fogelman thanks to This Is Us, because this rating is just not fair.

I do not agree with the reviews that say this movie is "This Is Us in 2 hours." Though I do love the show, this movie is something else in itself, and it deserves to be recognized for it.

What it tackles is 'life itself' with all its ups and downs, and believe me, I'm no mushy romance lover. It's far from being sappy, it's so on point, subtle and down-to-earth that I have difficulty defining it as just another romantic movie or a typical drama. There were parts that I literally cried out in awe, covered my eyes in fear, or sat on the edge of my seat like it's one of those almost-frustrating thriller movies that slap you in the face at every turn. Of course it has its bittersweet moments, but I think this movie deserves a chance--and a higher rating--even from the harshest critics and cynics.
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cross-contient ripple effect
ferguson-621 September 2018
Greetings again from the darkness. The theory is that heavy dramas find it challenging to attract an audience during times when real life and newscasts are filled with daily downers. One need only tune in to the local news to see that we are in just such a "downer" period right now, and it would be difficult to argue that this latest from writer/director Dan Fogelman ("This is Us") is anything but the weightiest of heavy dramas - with an emphasis on the preciousness of time and life.

It's highly likely that this film will fall into the love it or hate it category. It's a sure bet that many critics will bash it as pretentious and overly melodramatic. It will be labeled a manipulative tear-jerker with outlandish coincidences. I won't debate the merits of that criticism, and instead will remind all that creative fictional storytelling can often seem fantastical and improbable, but that doesn't mean it can't also be entertaining, thought-provoking, and carry a worthwhile message.

Because of the overlapping and intertwining stories, characters and timelines, filmmaker Fogelman breaks the film into 5 chapters. This should allow most viewers to keep track. Chapter 1 is entitled "The Hero" and features Samuel L Jackson as the unreliable narrator - a recurring theme throughout. It's also in this chapter that we meet Will and Abby. Will (Oscar Isaac) is an emotionally unstable man who has been in a mental institute for the 6 months since his wife Abby (Olivia Wilde) left him. He is despondent and attending required sessions with a therapist played by Annette Bening, and we get cutesy flashbacks to the Will and Abby courtship. See, Abby and Will are the kind of couple who see themselves as Tarantino characters, argue about the merits of Bob Dylan (poet or Chewbacca noises?), and come up with the worst dog name in cinematic history.

Chapter 2 is where we meet Dylan Dempster, daughter of Will and Abby, and granddaughter of Mandy Patinkin and Jean Smart. She is named after the poet songwriter, not the Star Wars character. There is a cool effect that evolves Dylan's face from a child surrounded by death and tragedy to a just-turned-21 year old played by Olivia Cooke (THOROUGHBREDS), who also happens to front an atrocious punk rock band and flashes quite the temper. Chapter 3 shifts from New York City to Carmona, Spain where we are introduced to "The Gonzalez Family" of Javier (an outstanding Sergio Peris-Mencheta), his wife Isabel (another excellent performance from Laia Costa, VICTORIA), and Javier's boss Saccione (Antonio Banderas). Javier works Saccione's olive orchard, as he and Isabel start a family. Chapter 4 focuses on their son Rodrigo (Alex Monner) as he grows into a talented young man while his beloved mother suffers with a debilitating disease. Finally, in Chapter 5 we meet Elena Dempsey-Gonzalez (Lorenza Izzo) and the story comes full circle ... or all the dots are connected. Even the identity of the narrator who took Samuel L Jackson's place after Chapter 1 is revealed.

Filmmaker Fogelman seems to be better suited as a writer (CRAZY STUPID LOVE) than as a director (DANNY COLLINS), and his script here is extraordinary in its ambition. While there may be some developments that seem contrived, there are also some terrific moments throughout. We see a cross-continent ripple effect that makes this the CRASH of family dramas (the 2004 movie, not the one from 1996). Who is a hero and who is a villain is one of the key elements here, but Fogelman seems intent on making the point that traumatic events and tragedy shape who we are as people. The message is that our ability to bounce back - to "stand up" after being knocked down, is really what defines the human experience. For those who keep an open mind, the emotional jolts provided here will likely resonate.
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It will make you smile while you are crying
franceskamehmeti22 September 2018
Unpredictable, emotional, well- written dialogue, heart felt performances. When I read the bad reviews I was in shock. How can anybody not love this movie ? It touches on the essence of relationships, from the happy moments to the tragic moments. Please ignore the bad reviews and give this movie a chance. It deserves it.
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Trailer Doesn't Match Movie, However...
setgetsiin7 August 2022's a surprising film. I went into it thinking it would be a fun ride. It sort of started out that way but WHOA. It's NOT. The trailer made it seem it was going to be sunshine and daisies, which is what I was needing. There may be sunshine and daisies within the film but it was more like vinegar and caskets. Not what I needed this particular day.

That doesn't mean the movie isn't excellent. It's really a great story (stories?) You just have to be one of those people or in one of those moods where you find beauty and all the good things in absolute devastating tragedies. I can be that wasn't one of those days for me.

I typically watch Olivia Wilde because she resembles my murdered daughter. August is a very difficult month for me, and this movie just pushed me further into my depression. I do not regret watching the movie, but I wish I had watched it while I was not already in an abyss.

Great cast, VERY unique style and blend, insanely surprising (good and definitely bad), it's really very good.

Just go into it when you aren't feeling suicidal or depressed, you may enjoy it more.
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shailee-7143229 December 2018
I went out of my way today to review a movie. Something I have never done before in my life, but I felt I had to. I saw a review after watching the movie that made me upset. A reviewer said it was sad people called this movie entertainment when they didn't even watch the first five minutes of the movie. I was upset by this because I experienced this movie in a completely different way. This movie does an amazing job of portraying how life is terrible and wonderful and unexpected all at once. It shows how so many lives marked with tragedy can lead to something beautiful. I'm sad for anyone who is too small minded to understand and appreciate what this movie is trying to do. Amazing cast, great director, beautiful camera work and a captivating story. I loved this movie.
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Great movie, dissapointed by the ending
hnhnyc27 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
While this movie had its flaws, the storytelling and acting were powerful, moving, and the screenplay was, at times, pretty darn original. I would lie if I said I didn't shed a few tears. The writer in me loved watching how this movie's notion of an unreliable narrator played out on screen. However, for something that attempted to be as original as it was-and quite successfully at first-I was really dissapointed when the movie ended with a cookie cutter, tied in a bow resolution that I called from the second I saw that small boy on the bus shown alongside the "now 21 year old girl" sitting at the bus stop. I was really hoping I was wrong, but the ending was extremely lazy and predictable compared to the first hour and forty minutes. And then the reveal "reading" at the very end there went on and on, dragging out the point it had very clearly made. Worth watching if you want them to put a band aid on your bruised heart after this movie is done dragging it through the trenches.
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Pretty much as the critics say
downhill-dude11 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Talk about having to suspend belief... I've seen some pretty amazing 6-degrees of separation situations, in real life, but this movie asks you to accept some pretty long odds for the connections between the various characters in this movie. Ultimately, after all the dominoes fall, it turns out to be all Antonio Banderas' fault. Does the final result, of a loving couple and their child, justify all the tragedy brought to 8 or 9 other lives? I'd say "no", but we're asked to accept that it is, in the final scene of the film. Narration is so overused, while simultaneously being analysed by the narrator(s) (O-o-oh! So deep!), it's insulting to the audience.

A lot of people viewing this movie talk about the situations pulling at their heartstrings, and finding themselves crying a lot. I'm one of those guys who cries at just about everything. There are TV commercials I've seen 3 dozen times, and I cry every time I see them. I think this film made one of my eyes well up a bit, once, and that was it. The characters are so contrived and overly emotional, that I just couldn't buy in. Did not have a single tear roll down my cheek. In some cases, I actually laughed out loud, at moments that were supposed to be tragic, as the situations were just too ridiculous.

It is not the worst movie of the year, but it won't win any Oscars, either. There are movies that you just know you won't watch again, no matter how bored you are. This is one of those. Thankfully, I didn't have to pay for tickets, or I would have been angry. I took my wife, thinking she might like it, but she found it too depressing. If it had had a few more uplifting moments, she may have been ok with it.
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Wow! What a Surprise!
oneill242426 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Saw the previews when it came out and I had absolutely zero interest in seeing it because I thought it was a typical Hallmark lovestruck type movie (yuk)... WRONG! Don't listen to the cold-hearted critics because they're WRONG! I loved the performances, the writing, the locations. I love movies that keep you guessing and go back and forth to cause a little confusion, and then, BAM, it all comes together! I didn't see many of the twists coming and the last moments of Rodrigo with his mother took my breath away. Her words mean so much to me because we are going through that same thing in my own family. See this movie. Take it for what it is and be prepared to feel. We all need to do that once in a while, don't we?
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wonderfully sad, tragic and beautiful.
lostyears20 September 2018
The first few minutes you will laugh but then put on your seatbelt because you are going to go for a ride on the emotional train. Very cleverly written and original.
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sad, sad, and more sad
kmboot-9981915 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This was one sad, tragic story after the next. Nothing but sad events and heart break. I was extremely frustrated watching this. I understand the ending and how even when life knocks you down that you should get back up and carry on for the people you love. BUT COME ON. Nothing but sadness and then the last 5 minutes is a life lesson as a character is dying?! NO THANKS. Don't watch unless you love watching complete tragedies.
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Ignore the critics and the soulless...
ari_nelson25 December 2018
...because I'm glad I did!!! For some baffling reason this has low IMDB rating...I almost didn't watch because of this and boy I would've missed out on yet another brilliant Dan Fogelman story. Crazy, stupid love happens to be a go-to movie of mine and This Is Us is one of my favorite tv shows. So my husband and I gave Life Itself a whirl hoping for something similar in style. I'm pretty sure my heart exploded with the best possible way. I LOVE movies that make me emotionally vulnerable (like opening montage scene of UP!) and this movie nabbed at every emotion humanly possible in 90 minutes. My combat veteran husband (who keeps his emotions on reserve, mind you) said, and I quote, "Next to A Star Is Born, this is the best movie I've seen all year." On top of that, the acting is superb. Grab some tissues and enjoy.
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Hated then loved it
ciscomontijo20 June 2020
I'm not into depressing movies and this movie started off just that when my girlfriend threw it on. I was done watching it until chapter 3 when Antonio Banderes grabbed me. He is the reason I watched the whole movie and loved it. In my opinion this is hands down the best acting I've seen from him and I really hope he gets the praise he deserves with his acting in this role.
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Life Happens
questl-185926 February 2020
This is a charming movie. Wonderful performances all around. It just lacked a sense of cohesion to the narrative, jumping all over time and space in a way that... I had a hard time keeping my attention on this. Charming as it is, it never drew me in enough to hook me on the story and really want to keep track of everything going on.

So, despite how much I liked everyone in it, the fact that it couldn't keep me engaged really hurts it and unfortunately drops it down to just an above average movie, great for background noise because whenever you look up there will likely be something pleasant there, but it's not strong enough to command attention throughout.
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Watch it first... then read why I gave this a 10
gemleighc4 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is my first film review. I never write reviews because I don't really agree with the ones I read. This movie had bad reviews but I knew in my gut I wouldn't agree with them, and I was right! As I sit in my house in silence, straight after watching Life Itself, I think about my own life. I'm 35 years old and married to my true love who I met only 6 years ago. A few years before that I would pass this house regularly, not knowing the family that lived inside whilst I was in a toxic relationship that would turn into an even more toxic marriage. 7 years ago, on this very day, I left that marrige not knowing that I would end up in that house, loving the man that owned it and the children that eventually would become like my own. Coincidences happen, even bizzare ones like the one that ends this movie. Life Itself is a BRILLIANT movie. It moved me to tears. It made me laugh. It entertained me. It broke my heart. It left me with questions. It gave me answers to questions I'd not even asked. Just like life itself.
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Give It A Chance - Bunk the Critics
angmck200924 December 2018
The critics hated this movie but I actually liked it. It's definitely a 'watch-it-twice' type of movie because after you figure out what's going on, you realize you may have missed some things but I think because I'm already familiar with Fogelman's writing style from watching and loving "This Is Us" that I get it...and I know how his stories appear to be 'all over the place' in the beginning but end up as Patinkin's favorite word, "connected" in the end.
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The unreliable narrator
jaimemedina-3628819 May 2021
Once every 10 years or so a movie like this comes along and reaches into your chest and rips your heart out. It shows it to you - bloody and still beating. It is brutal, relentless, and beautiful, and it is a work of art.

There is so much going on, I honestly don't have to words. Breaking down the narrative would be a crime.

I can only say that it's almost gothic in form. Though sentimental, it's never naive.

I loved every minute of this movie.
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Weird and beautiful at the same time?
badurinamarta10 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Read after watching.

Okay, I really liked some parts of the movie. The movie really does have a lot of layers. Some of them are beautiful, heart-warming, and really make you cry. I liked the parts when Will is talking about Abby to his psychiatrist, and when Samuel L. Jackson is a narrative, when the Spanish couple falls in love, etc, let's say those parts were well made.

So actually, the movie really started promising! And I liked the chapters idea, and how diverse they were. Especially the whole chapter in Spain was beautiful, and honestly probably my favourite. HOWEVER, once we are getting closer to the end, the worst movie becomes... Dylan's and Rodrigo's daughter telling their story, was somehow cheesy and as if I was watching a blogger trying to be inspirational. In my opinion, the last scene looks like a bad Shutterstock images from a motivational speaker video!! The end is just disappointing.

Why I still think it's worth watching - Because whenever I keep thinking about a movie after watching it, it is somehow an indicator that it did leave an impression. So yes, weird, disappointing and beautiful at the same time.
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Glad I didn't pay for it
tinasiragusa22 August 2021
First, know that I did not know it was the same creator for "This Is Us". I found out while looking to see if others agreed with my review. As a side note, not a fan of This Is Us either. I do t like movie who use cheap tricks to get an emotion. It's like Nicholas Sparks of books -make them cry and they will think it's amazing. Back to the movie-I gave it 3 stars just for Annette Benning. I was otherwise bored and felt like it was experimental theater. I came for the actors but left because of the writing.
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Screw you cynics
rileyrobinson-8740729 September 2018

I have incredibly mixed feelings on this movie.

On one hand, ya, I see why it has a less the 15% score on rotten tomatoes. No spoilers, but there's a major plot point near the end that you really need to suspend belief in reality to believe, within a movie that is so incredibly grounded in its graphic portrayal of reality, both mundane and intense. Additionally, it's pretty sappy, and essentially a 2 hour version of This is Us.

On the other hand, I've been buying up all available stock in Oscar Isaac ever since Inside Llewin Davis, and in Olivia Cooke ever since Thoroughbreds, and this movie only cements them as my first round picks if there were ever a fantasy football style league for actors. And also this: this movie did to me what really all movies are aiming to do. It gripped me intensely for two hours, it made me feel deeply, and here I am 6 hours later, still thinking about it. So really what else matters. Sometimes I get caught up in making sure my opinion of a movie lives up to what I think a movie should critically be without looking at what the movie actually is. I refuse to do that with this movie. I liked it and the people in it. Screw the rest. 9/10
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At Times Beautiful, others Painfully Manipulative
ThomasDrufke3 October 2018
While some would say it's far too sappy and convoluted, I found some of Life Itself to be charming, even though it's admittedly manipulative in some frustrating ways. From the creator of This is Us (aka, the most manipulative show on television), Life Itself takes the same sort of massive cast & story premise, with a more grandiose approach. I would say about half of it lands and half of it really doesn't. It's certainly manipulative, and since I expected that going in, I disappointingly new exactly where a certain storyline was going, and sure enough that's right where it ended up. I didn't particularly mind any performance, but I really loved Mandy Patinkin, Sergio Peris-Mencheta, and Laia Costa's roles. Those were the 3 that resonated with me the most in the ensemble cast feature. And overall, I liked that the film was trying to say about ripple effects and how unknowingly, the world is changing every second with every subtle (or not) move every person is making. I like when movies comment on those broad ideas and such, but you can do it without being manipulative and shoving a certain idea in your face over and over again.

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WHBower14 September 2018
Take everything good abou Crazy Stupid Love - remove it, and you'll get Life Itself.

An overwrought, self indulgent, formula gone wrong.
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The critics are wrong!
gwunmac29 September 2018
I fell in love with this movie. The characters, the stories, the landscapes were enthralling. I'm not sure what the critics who panned this movie were watching but it wasn't what I watched unfold on the screen. Big thumbs up from me!
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