Review of Creation

Creation (1931)
O'Brien's special effects are the highlights
6 April 2000
This is a 1931 dinosuar movie that takes place in an island off South America. The special effects for this film were done by Willis O'Brien, who had already done the special effects for "The Lost World" and would also do them a few years later for "King Kong". His work in "Creation" is probably his best animation prior to "King Kong". The humans and dinosaurs seem to interact in a more vivid and personal way than they do in "The Lost World". O'Brien's stop motion animation in general was without a doubt the greatest of his time and can still be impressive even today. The best part is the scene where a triceratops chases a man, with the action viewed from on top of the dinosaur's back, a neat effect. This film was hampered by Depression area budget troubles and I don't believe it was ever fully released.
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