24 November 2002
I don't understand why this movie is so highly praised. It's really nothing special. There are clear-cut bad guys represented by the mob, and clear-cut good guys represented by the few. This is not a novel concept, it wasn't then, it isn't now, and it wasn't 2000 years ago. The movie itself has no originality or courage, it splits good and bad into black and white and shamelessly sides with the good guys. So what? What is so original or powerful about that? The comments listed here suggest a very powerful and important film. It's not. Setting up the bad guys as targets and then shooting them like fish in a barrel isn't courageous, it's self righteous. This movie is not daring or challenging. It takes no chances, it takes the easy path, the path of the morally superior, the way of the majority, the way of the mob. Maybe they were trying to be ironic.
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