Red Meat
26 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers herein.

I'm interested in the history of redheads in film. It is pretty remarkable, I think and one of the purest stereotypes - or collection of them - in all filmdom. That effectively means in all life.

Ms O'Hara had just made the film that defined her - and reinforced a specific type of redhead - in 'The Quiet Man,' with John Wayne. You know, the feisty, fiery, sexy, stubborn, furrowed brow Irish lass, capable even of physical anger.

Problem is that Maureen is a pretty unskilled actress. Other than the red hair and a torpedo bra, there isn't much there.

Here we see an exploitation of all that, in technicolor so that we can see the hair. And yes, we have rough ridin, shooten, stubbornness, and sexiness (at least so far as the code allowed). There are a few scenic shots as well. Other than that, its as empty as Wayne's head.

Ted's Evaluation -- 1 of 3: You can find something better to do with this part of your life.
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