Gloriously Judy
17 September 2004
As a Judy fan, this movie epitomized and helped me appreciate the full range of Judy's incredible talent. There are many memorable moments, both musical and dramatic. However, there is so much controversy and opinion surrounding this movie, that it would be impossible to cover all bases.

I have always found Judy's performances almost hypnotic. Whether singing, dancing, or acting, she has my eyes & ears riveted on her. "A Star Is Born" would be the best example of this happening to me.

I only want to comment on one section that was cut then recently restored. In my opinion, cutting the "Lose that Long Face" number was wrong, because it provided a much-needed lift during the heavy second half of the film (if they had to cut, I wish it had been to shorten the exceedingly long "Born in a Trunk" sequence, but that's just my preference). Moreover, it was an excellent and ironic contrast to the emotional scene Judy does with the studio boss in her dressing room in between takes. The contrast and irony of the situation are epitomized when she dries her tears, hastily reapplies makeup, and finishes the number all smiles and sparkle.

I know the movie has been picked apart, chopped up and put back together as best as possible (I have only seen a VHS "restored" version - not in widescreen). All in all, I feel Garland & Mason were superb in their performances, as well as the supporting cast. If you love Judy Garland, it's a must-see. It truly is, gloriously Judy.
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