Above average comedy
11 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen this several times and it loses nothing with re-viewing, as long as you don't overdo it, I guess. Basically it's a story of Glen Ford going native, seduced by Marlon Brando, Machiko Kyo, a horde of Okinawan villagers, with Eddie Albert as a closet hydroponicist who gets sucked in along the way.

It has its weaker moments when it becomes a little cute, the way sitcoms are cute, and the ending is a feel-good addendum that tries to graft a happy ending onto an unhappy situation. The ending is less organic than Eddie Albert's vegetables.

Marlon Brando -- well, he's not Japanese. He's too tall and too hefty, and the role was really beneath him. The guy at the time was a fantastic dramatic actor, not a comedian. Paul Ford as Colonel Purdy is fine. No one has expressed disbelief better while on the phone. Albert doesn't have to do much. But Glen Ford couldn't be improved upon as Captain Fisbe, the abject schlemiel who always flunks every test of wits that's thrown in his direction. I couldn't stop laughing at some of the scenes -- Kyo wrestling with Ford while she struggles to remove his clothing, and Colonel Purdy on the phone, asking him, "What are you doing about physical education?", as Ford flops gracelessly on the floor. Ford doing a fine imitation of having a manic episode when Albert visits him -- "This is my cricket cage," and then adding quickly, so as not to be misunderstood, "I haven't got my cricket yet."

The script is full of yoks. Colonel Purdy demanding an explanation from Ford of exactly what he's been teaching the villagers. "Well, Colonel, you know, from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs, share and share alike --" Purdy: "That's COMMUNISM!"

Alas it falls apart after the show at the opening of the teahouse. But that's nothing much, a wasted ten minutes. It's worth seeing, not only for the many successful gags but for Glen Ford's superb performance as well.
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