Review of She Demons

She Demons (1958)
the wrong kind of classic
6 June 2003
The top grade on my nostalgia meter doesn't help this film's overall rating very much. Until recently, I had not seen She Demons since it was televised often when I was a kid in the early sixties. It was much more watchable then. Although made in the late fifties, this film's villains are Nazis, feared more in the forties, complete with a gestapo-protected disturbed doctor bent on restoring his wife's face to its former beauty using a not-yet-perfected procedure which involves transferring the pretty pusses of his inventory of captive wild women (oops - that's another epic of the era). Nice thing about it, however, is that - aside from permanent memory loss - one's looks return in a few days, allowing for repetitive service. The scientist inhabits a volcanic island used for bombing practice and terminates any accidental visitors, the latest of whom is a trio from a hurricane-capsized boat. It is typical of the decade's low-budget (black-and-white, short running time, dialogue-dependent, cheesy make-up) tactics. Don't misunderstand my use of the word "classic" here: As a noun, my definition contains nothing but good-ness. A synonymous ADJECTIVE, however, is "total", as in "This movie is a classic example of how to construct a classic, inferior product."
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