Review of The Intruder

The Intruder (1962)
One of the best films on the subject of racism ever made
7 March 2003
I first took interest in searching this film out after reading brief

descriptions of the plot in film magazines such as Filmfax, if for no

other reason than to witness a strange and lost acting performance by a

young William Shatner. William Shatner, Captain Kirk himself, an

otherwise ridiculed actor infamous for his choppy delivery and over the

top hamminess, playing a white supremicist?! Produced and directed by

Roger Corman?! The description was too good to be true, and after

locating the recently released DVD I was prepared to view some fun,

campy, unintentional low budget laugh-riot. What a got was much much


This is easily the finest film Roger Corman's ever made, not to mention

the finest acting performance of William Shatner's career. Anyone who

makes fun of Shatner's acting ability should see this film, not to

mention most of his early-pre Trek performances in the Twilight Zone and

other early television roles. The man's a superb actor! The film is jaw

droppingly shocking and daring, especially when you consider that it was

released in 1961. No doubt segregation was a touchy topic at the time,

but few directors would have had the balls to release this film, and it

took a maverick like Corman to do it. There's no sugar coating of the

subject of racism here, this is hard raw drama that pulls no punches

with a superb script by Charles Beaumont. The dialogue is powerful and

biting, with racial slurs sprinkled throughout and the violence and

imposing threat are portrayed in a realistic and frightening manner.

Unfortunately, while society has arguably come a long way since 1961,

our "political correctness" of late has so homogenized our acceptance of

challenging subject matter that we try to sweep it under the rug and

pretend it never happened instead. Given the power of this film, it's no

wonder that a fantastic and thought provoking film like this has little

chance of being seen on network or cable television today. Offensive or

not (it's funny but the people who seem to be most offended by this film

are white), this film represents an important part of our American

history, and thus should be preserved and viewed for generations to come

so that we never forget. But for now, The Intruder will have to settle

for the title, "cult status" until modern society is ready to view
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