But exactly where was GOMORRAH?
3 August 2004
Well, we went to Sodom, full of Sodomites, but where were all the Gommorans? And if it is a location of TWIN cities, where was Gomorrah? All we saw was the one mudbrick city. There weren't two or a sprawling double-burg. All everyone did was be a Sodom person and live in Sodom-ville. Nobody at any time said "oh He's from Gomorrah, it's over the wall" or anything like that. In fact nobody mentioned Gomorrah and it's inhabitants at all. I especially liked the after-interval renovation Sodom palace enjoyed, fresh striped paintwork and snazzy new outfits for everyone, and even a dance of the seven veils dance number to settle everyone down after we plundered the foyer candy bar. The Lesbian Queen getting flattened by a massive phallus pillar in the last reel caused a mighty laugh. Stewart Grainger in Moses-hair was a treat, all suntanned and en-un-ci-at-ing his lines like he was on Safari in Kenya (like he probably was the week before). Very gruesome pillage and torture and several excellent battles (one with lots of burning oil) makes S&G a real treat. As the Queen said to the visiting horde in reel three: "I'd like to welcome you... Lot" . Fantastic for all the right and wrong reasons.
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