Blake Edwards first masterpiece, fallen on hard times.
28 July 1999
Blake Edwards and Henry Mancini teamed up in 1963 to produce a truly unique motion picture. It is an unabashed spoof of the Alfred Hitchcock thriller of a decade earlier, "To Catch A Thief." filled with adept comic characterization and subtle wit, "The Pink Panther" has suffered in recent years by comparison with the eight or so sequels that Edwards and Sellers have made to capitalize on the slap-stick market. It is a shame. "The Pink Panther" is in a different class from what has followed. If you are after a quick laugh, tune out now.

"The Pink Panther" may be the best genra spoof ever made. It gives the concept of "perfect production" a whole new meaning. It is what "Murder by Death" and "The Cheap Detective" couldn't quite manage. It is sophisticated and smooth and absolutely charming. The story line is fanciful, but tight and complete. The charactors are well rounded and full, albeit somewhat bizaar. The music is marvelous Mancini, and the production is Edwards at his best. Not until "Victor, Victoria" does Blake Edwards even come close to this levea again.

If you love classic films: If you love the sophisticated "caper movie": If you want to know how to be funny without being foolish: then watch "The Pink Panther," but remember, this one's for when you grown up.
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