Review of Harlow

Harlow (II) (1965)
This Is The Better Of The (2) 1965 Harlow Bios !!!
20 October 2000
Definitely better than the splashy Joseph E. Levine version with Carroll Baker, this biographical movie was released in the same year and stars CAROL LYNLEY. Though neither version was particularly accurate regarding the life of JEAN HARLOW, this one is more on the money. LYNLEY evens looks more like the real HARLOW. Most of the actual players in the life of HARLOW are represented here, although EFREM ZIMBALIST'S character called William Mansfield is no doubt apparently supposed to be WILLIAM POWELL. HURD HATFIELD is effectively creepy portraying JEAN'S second husband PAUL BERN. GINGER ROGERS is quite good as MAMA JEAN, who cares about her daughter, but not as much as she does about her shady husband MARINO BELLO. LYNLEY does an excellent job showing the angry side of HARLOW, but never conveys any of her appeal or vulnerability. The way that she carries on as if she's in a constant state of fed up irritation, you wonder why anyone actually cared about the real HARLOW. Still, this is an interesting film, and in B&W it has an eerie slightly morbid aura . Look for HERMOINE BADDELEY in a brief scene portraying MARIE DRESSLER. TRIVIA : This was the first movie that NOLAN MILLER designed the clothing for.
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