7 November 2000
To look at the other reviews, one can see that many don't appreciate this film. It is understandable why someone may not like it. No one dies. No cities are destroyed. It has a hopeful ending. Baby Godzilla is overly cute and cuddly. The list can go on, but I feel that these attributes as well as the setting, the story about scientists on an island trying to change weather patterns, and the overgrown monsters of a spider and several praying mantis, along of course with Godzilla enhance the film and make it one of my favourites of the series. Not one of the best, however. Baby Godzilla is a real hoot to watch, and seeing Godzilla practice fatherly ways with him is fun to watch. We get to see a human side to a killing machine. Don't get me wrong, the film is hokey - but for me it brings back memories of my childhood when on many a summer day I would be camped in front of the television watching a Godzilla film.
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