Moon Zero Two (1969)
Loads of fun, sexy 60s outfits and hair styles
11 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I taped this film when I was still at school in 1990. I loved it then, and still haven't taped over it, though of course, the quality of the tape is degrading. The very day it comes out on DVD (please God) I'll be at my local outlet happy to pay full retail. Moon Zero Two has to contain some of the most Far-out-man!! Yeah-baby!! ladies fashion and hair sculptures of the late 60s. This point alone demands the film be brought back to life on DVD. The story itself is an adventurous romp (it doesn't try to be deep) and has been billed by many critics as being the first Space Western. What struck me the first time I saw MZ2, was the fact that all the actors appeared to really enjoy playing in this film. This is just one of many reasons why the film immediately endeared itself to me and continues to do so. As for the special effects?


Well, they're not too bad. There's a scene in a moon canyon where a moon buggy's driving along and it's obvious beyond reason the buggy's a Tonka Toy. But really, there's a lot of impressive attention to detail in this modest budget film. Some of the sets are truly fascinating.

Overall, I'm very surprised that this film has received such low ratings overall. MZ2 is a unique science fiction film which I believe would be included in serious sci-fi fans DVD collections (when it does come out on DVD, please God). The story is original (how many of todays sci-fi films can serious claim this??) and - I have to say it again - the ladies fashion and hair sculptures are so good they take on a life and personality of their own.
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