Blood Mania (1970)
A movie to appeal to nobody
21 June 2003
This attempt at a psychological horror film fails on literally every level. The acting is atrocious (even Alex Rocco acquits himself fairly poorly, though he's head and shoulders above anyone else here), the cinematography is pedestrian at best, the score is appalling and annoying, the thing is padded mercilessly, the sound is muddy and horrible (and I don't think it's all the fault of the video transfer), and the director's attempts at Art merely point up his hideous incompetence.

The video distributors try to capitalize on BLOOD MANIA's obscurity by marketing it as an exploitation flick, even assuring prosective viewers on the box that it is rated R for nudity and gore. In fact, there is none of either, and it mystifies me how the thing did manage to get an R rating. Perhaps the ratings board heard the title, saw the ultra-low-budget production values, assumed it deserved an R and just didn't pay any more attention to the thing. In a desperate effort to drum up interest among exploitation fans, they also mention rape and incest, which have nothing to do with anything in this movie.

Whether you like Hitchcock or TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE, stay away from this one.
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