6 January 2002
Strange as it may seem, the '60s didn't end in the '70s, as is evident with "Angel, Angel, Down We Go" and neither did empty symbolism nor whacked-out stories.

Seems poor little rich girl Tara (Near) is bored with her poor little rich life and spices it up after meeting decadent rock star Bogart Peter Stuyvesant (Christopher) and his equally decadent pals, who make it their mission in life to teach all a downbeat, yet mod, lesson in life. That lesson? I wasn't tripping out while watching this, so I missed it.

Too bad they had to involve names like Jones, McDowell and Rawls (!!) in this insipid, drugged-up mess. Maybe they figured that would draw attention away from such story points as Jones jumping out of a plane (sans parachute) to save her thrown-out jewelry or Tara's daddy (Aidman) being whipped on a pool table or "rock sensation" Stuyvesant singing that all-time hit "She's Fat" to Tara or everyone taking time out from the story to stare blankly into space and mouth dialogue that probably sounded good to the writers when they were dropping whatever they dropped to write this or....

Forget it, baby. I'm Austin Power-less to be further incensed and peppermint-ed at this psychedelic shack of uncool aura.

No stars. Not even good for laughing at. This "Angel" will make you feel like the devil.

Un-groovy, baby.
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