The Omega Man (1971)
Brilliantly bad and pleasurably painful...
9 November 2001
The Omega Man, along with another Heston film round the same time, Soylent Green, is one of the worst made films I have ever seen in my life. This film can only be regarded as true camp, as the film was taken fairly seriously when it was made, and has strong moral implications, but the results betray the seriousness and implications implied. Even more disturbing than the low quality of the movie itself is the movie's original musical soundtrack score done by Ron Granier. I'm a big fan of Granier's work for Steptoe & Son, Dr. Who, The Prisoner, etc., but his score for The Omega man is simply atrocious; it's as though he was scoring for a completely different film altogether, as well as different scenes.

As a campy, low budget, Sci-Fi B film, The Omega Man is entertaining enough because of its star, Charleton Heston, and because of the interesting story that it tells, but don't expect much more than terrible effects, terrible acting, terrible directing, and terrible music. Of course, some people really seem to revel in low quality films like this, so it doesn't surprise me that this is one of those midnight movie cult favourites that is praised by awkward sci-fi geeks who more than likely peed their trousers in primary school.
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