Good Ol' Mountain Madness Part II
19 January 2002
Warning: Spoilers

H.G. Lewis fans weren't disappointed when they saw that this, his second moonshine movie, was every bit as corny, over-blown and downright bad as MOONSHINE MOUNTAIN (1964). Rotund Jeffrey Allen dominates the picture as Reverend Roscoe Boone; more than one writer has noticed similarities between Boone and Foghorn Leghorn. This backwoods man of the cloth has no problem with folks taking a drink, as long as it's provided by his own illegal corn likker racket. FBI agents and city slickers invade his territory which leads to enforced drunkenness, blackmail, death by stoning and a double crucifixion. The passage between the crucifixion and the final death by shotgun is real long and boring. Tim Holt, who once co-starred in TREASURE OF THE SIERRA MADRE and other good movies, makes his final screen appearance as a G-man. He was reportedly fed up with Hollywood at this point, and THIS STUFF is about as far from Hollywood as one could get. Fans of DARK NIGHT OF THE SCARECROW and DARKMAN will have no trouble spotting big Larry Drake in one of his earliest roles. After appearing in this flick, he couldn't help but go on to bigger and better things.
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