Torso (1973)
Bodies bare traces of carnal BOREDOM!!!
1 June 2001

There's no point in giving Torso a sensible review. Torso is a hack of a movie, produced by famed producer Carlo Ponti only capitalize on the Giallo trend (gory, lurid Italian thrillers) of the 1970s, started mainly by the little gem of a movie, Bird With The Crystal Plumage, directed by Dario Argento. There's so little worth mentioning about Torso, the makers of the movie having failed to achieve anything they set out to do. The end result of Torso looks more like a big budget Herschell Gordon Lewis flick (with its inept acting, story, gore, nudity, etc) than a stylish work by Argento or even Luici Fulci. Unlike Argento movies, Torso is crass and worthless and is nothing more than cheap and boring producer's end product disguised as a giallo.

The "film" is a complete patchwork of nonsensical scenes strung together with the flimsy excuse to titillate, and it fails to do even that. For instance, during the opening credits, we see a threesome. What does this scene have to do with the rest of the story? We only learn about the meaning of that scene at the very end and if you blink, you'll miss the reason. In other words, it's completely trivial. The "story" starts with two murder scenes, which ends with three young folks being dead. Their mutual friends, 4 beautiful women, traumatized and shocked by these gruesome murders decide to go to a secluded villa, to drink, dance, sunbathe in the nude and have lesbian "sex"!!!!

Yep, that makes sense!

Funny enough, if the four babes wanted to go into hiding, as inconspicuously as possible from the killer, they totally failed as we see the women, dressed in next to nothing, attract the attention of EVERY men in the village, including the village idiot. Of course, with everyone in town knowing the girls are at the villa, the killer arrives there on the same day! As the girls enjoy their blissful rest at the villa, we are treated, amongst other things, to a "hot" lesbian scene that's witnessed by the village idiot AND the killer. With so many witnessing what goes on behind closed doors, who needs walls? The lesbian sex scene is hilarious. It's obvious the two women were very uncomfortable with the whole thing. Anyway, the killer goes after the terrified village idiot and kills him in the most unconvincing way. This scene is long and utterly pointless. So, that leaves the four hot babes at the mercy of the "psychosexual" killer! We should see tons of action with murder, mayhem, violence, more nudity, right? NAW!

Our heroine (played by a too old and bored looking Suzy Kendall) wakes up the next morning only to find all her friends butchered! What? You mean, we don't see how the three babes were killed? No protracted and gratuitous murder scenes? Eh, didn't we pay to see these type of scenes? Why did we get to see the village idiot killed and not the hot babes??? So, now our heroine is trapped in this piece of, is unable to leave the secluded villa with the killer busy sawing the three babes into pieces (he's never done that to the other victims. This murderer has no pattern whatsoever). Wait a minute! You mean the killer doesn't know Kendall is the house? Huh? Eventually, the killer finally realizes Kendall is in the house and there's a cat & mouse bit and when the conclusion finally arrives, it is *truly* lame and the reason why the murderer is a "psychosexual" killer is unbelievably inane and laughable!

The only good things in this "film" are, first, the original title, "Bodies bare traces of carnal violence". Second, some of the music is good. And third, all the actors are really beautiful. Unless you really like Eurobabes, do not buy the DVD. It's a rental and you'll be glad you rented it.
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