One of cinema's least lovely characters.
8 June 2000
Although from his great mid-period of domestic murder mysteries, UNE PARTIE DE PLAISIR is closer to Chabrol's later L'ENFER in its study of repressive, destructive male egotism. This virtually plotless film is almost impossible to watch, as we follow an unappealing, 'cultivated', bully humiliate and grind down his lover. His dictating of her life and sexual activity is a sublimation of his flagging power as he reaches middle-aged impotence. Engimatic treatment of class and professional status too.

Very much like Varda's LE BONHEUR, as a real-life couple in charming pastoral settings set to civilised classical music play out nasty fable. Whether the story turns into a Bressonian study of redemption is unclear.
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