Cosmic Princess (1982 TV Movie)
Roddenberry's twisted future on acid
22 September 2000
Ah, I was so fortunate enough to see this on a KTMA MST episode. I can see why it is a made for TV movie which really should have been a made for compost heap. Really cheesy special effects, groovy 70's space clothing, mindless action which gradually distracts the viewer from realizing the mind numbingly stupid plot can all be found in this crossbreed of Star Trek and c**p.

Even a less wrinkly Martin Landau couldn't produce any enjoyment from this. The first half deals with some alien with a really bad hairstylist kidnapping Landau and crew while planning for ruling the universe. Here, we meet Maya (also has bad tastes in salons) who has the ability to change forms through crappy 70's style scene cutting. In the second half of this torture, Landau is separated from the moon base and must figure out how to get back there. Also, to figure out if anyone has been following the storyline. A real hilarious part is when Maya starts tripping out and tearing up the moon base after changing into what looks like a giant mop monster. Lots of bodies flying, slow motion body slams, and crappy studio space sets still cannot save this film. But, to cope with these types of movies, MST3K always helps the easen the pain. Best watched with chips and booze.
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