read the book
15 September 2000
As soon as I watched this movie, I ran to the bookstore to purchase Julia, by Peter Straub. I had several reasons. The first being that the movie was decent, but some parts were far too strange to be understood. When I read the book, it all became clear as day. This movie follows Julia Lofting, who recently lost her only daughter (and the only thing holding her shaky marriage together). After purchasing a new house in a wealthy London neighborhood, she begins to feel that her daughter is haunting her. After her sister in law convinces Julia to have a seance, and Julia looks into the matter a little more closely, she realizes that it is actually.......well I can't give that away, now can I? I suggest that you read the book after you watch the movie. It allows you to understand some of the sketchier details of the film. It also gives you a better understanding (or misunderstanding, depending on how you interpret it) on Olivia's character. The ending makes much more sense in the movie than in the book, but otherwise the details really help you appreciate this already decent thriller.

6 out of 10: Confusing at times, film quality is poor and really distracts the viewer at times.
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