Review of Network

Network (1976)
Devastatingly Good
14 September 2002
It takes some work to watch this movie. I would recommend

seeing it in a theater, because it demands all your attention. But

wow, is it good.

A strong argument can be made that Paddy Chayefsky was the

best screenwriter of all time, simply based on the risks he took

and the issues he tackled. Ned Beatty's "There is no God -- only

Business" speech in Network is an absolute tour de force of

writing and social commentary, and it's truer today than it was

twenty-five years ago.

NETWORK actually becomes more contemporary as it gets older.

It is a truly prophetic work -- only Chayefsky was willing to take the

culture of media to its logical endpoint. To say that life and the way

we experience life through the media are two separate things is

preposterous. Just as we think of politics in terms of Democratic

and Republican, we experience a world that has been crafted and

shaped for us by CNN, NBC, HBO and CBS. Mafiosos watch "The

Sopranos." Pop stars are addicted to "American Idol." We define

our own self worth by saying, "At least I'm better off than Anna

Nicole Smith."

Faye Dunaway's character remains one of the best roles ever

written for a woman.

I'm glas that this movie remains on the Top 250 list for IMDb. One

question: why in the world is it listed as a comedy? Yes, it's funny

at points, but if this is a comedy, we're all in trouble.
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