Review of Rituals

Rituals (1977)
Above average horror fare packs a few shocks.
25 December 2002
The predicament of five doctors targeted by an unknown stalker while vacationing in Canadian mountains is gripping, and this unknown film, filmed on gorgeous natural locations, proves that you don't need expensive special effects to deliver shocking moments, just good camerawork and an emphasis on human reactions. The video version I saw was pretty speckly (but at least it ran 100 minutes, which means it was uncut), and the climax was too darkly filmed, making it hard to understand what was happening in the film's most crucial moments. Even under these circumstances, however, the cinematography had moments of breathtaking beauty; a remastered version would probably be dazzling, but it's not likely to come around in the next, say, 30 years, so if you run across this neglected little film, pick it up. (**1/2)
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