Review of Wizards

Wizards (1977)
Only the 70's could have spawned this turd of a movie.
9 November 1998
When I first heard of this movie, I thought it might be good. Since this was considered among the better and tamer of Bakshi's works, I decided to check it out. Upon renting it, I found perhaps one of the worst movies I have ever seen. The story TRIES to be funny but only comes off as stupid- I mean everything can be summed up as the Nazis Vs. the Keebler Elves- who thought that up ?!?! The animation is so truly awful, even the rotoscoping comes out as blurred masses. The movie is an incredible waste of time. By the ending, nothing matters anymore- the message was completely screwed in favor of a cheap joke. The only way I'd watch it again is if it were to be shown on Mystery Science Theater 3000, getting the treatment it so richly deserves.
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