Project U.F.O. (1978–1979)
Project UFO: -- No X-Files-- No UFO cults -- fun 70's tv!
6 December 2001
After reading the comments on the IMBb site related to the 70's tv series 'Project UFO', I'd wonder if they saw the same show. The Project UFO characters were US Air Force officers investigating UFO sightings. Much like a Project Blue Book tv series(they just didn't want to use the name). X-Files is something completly different, it's a show about two FBI agents that investigate real wierd cases, and once in a while you'll see a captured UFO/alien or a UFO/alien related plot. But nothing right to the point about UFO sightings like 'Project UFO'. A typical X-File episode is about a strange monster/person living in the ducts of a building with slime and newpapers all around him -- sewer monsters -- bad government medical experiments -- strange government experiments that look like their aliens but turn out to be mutations or something of that nature. Mulder is a huge UFO fan and believer but X-Files is a modern Kolchak:The Night Stalker. I'm not putting down religion, but the entertaining Project UFO is a Harve Bennett Project Blue Book tv series and has nothing (other than a Nun sighting episode) to do with religion or UFO cults. It has to do with the US Air Force investigating UFO sightings -- It was just aired 11/01 on the TV Land Network (USA), it was a great episode called 'Sighting 4011:The Doll House Incident'. It starred David Hedison (Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea), Marta Kristen (Lost in Space) and had an excellent plot with a full scale UFO! It (Project UFO) was no 'flag waving' government sponsered show;some cases were classified 'unexplained', not all explained hoaxes, it was a try at making money by Harve Bennett the king of 70's schlock tv. I guess TV1 in Australia has been airing the series and people sell VHS tapes of it on e-bay.
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