Not bad. Not bad at all...
12 May 2003
(aka: The Bloodstained Shadow)

As far as giallos go, this one isn't too bad. It's got a fairly good script that doesn't insult my intelligence, although it does give away too many clues in the last 15 minutes, right before the climax which has a nice touch to it.

And it's a fitting end for the perpetrator that comes totally unexpected. Unfortunately the perpetrator falls into predictable giallo cliché that if you see enough of these films, it won't take long to figure out who the killer is. I only wish these 70s giallo films had a little more imagination in this regard.

The plot consists of a teacher from Rome visiting his priest brother in a town near Venice. There is a small séance group there that consists of unsavory townsfolk who are periodically being murdered off around the time our hero arrives in his brother's home town.

The murders aren't particularly bloody or use too many cheesy special effects, which in and of itself is surprising considering other films of this genre. I'm glad they showed some restraint here.

The Anchor Bay DVD is up to it's usual high standards using a pretty clean widescreen print along with a 12 minute commentary by director Bido.

I give it a 5 out of 10 for being predictable yet having a decent touch at the end.
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