Rent this and you'll wish you hadn't.
7 September 2001
If you truly are a Jackie Chan fan, you will clutch your stomach in pain at the truly epic monstrosity that is this film.

This is a film about banquets. It begins with what you are lead to believe are WWII generals, such as Abraham Lincoln, being captured by the Japanese in Luxumborg. So the Chinese allies, who are so outraged by this eventuality, enlist the aid of, among others, a ratty asian in a top hat who opens the movie with a song and dance number, a psycho chick with a hypercolour bazooka, and our beloved Jackie Chan, who has a chicken.

After one person escapes from a prison camp, to be met with a banquet in the middle of the road, the band of merry mercenaries find themselves attacked by ribbon wielding amazon chicks, sleep in a chinese vampire infested house, and kill seemingly endless amounts of Japanese American muscle car surfing Nazis.

There is so, so much blood, and death. And a fight involving a chicken. To be honest, I had more fun reading other people's comments than I did watching the movie. Viva la Imdb.
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