Under-rated classic
31 October 2001
The posters have been accurate, but there are a couple of points to make.

1) When Graham Kennedy made this, it was well past his crow imitating days - he was trying to crack into movies (and doing generally quite well)

2) The original novel was based on the experiences of the author. That is how he saw his experiences in the SAS. The movie is an excellent adaptation. So when you ask if these guys would have stormed Kosovo, the answer is 'YES!' There is a very well done scene where they clear out a temple (i hope). This shows the true level of professionalism in the SAS at that time, despite all the nonsense they carry on with....

3) What most war films don't do is the extreme boredom felt by soldiers between combat ... this film does do that. Even Saving Private Ryan didn't quite make it...

4) Apart from those minor quibbles, I agreed with the reviewers... Find this film and watch it. While it is flawed, it is possibly the best Vietnam film, and the one with the least political baggage...
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