Let's boogie!
4 November 2003
Hello lady! House on the Edge of the Park (1980) is a starring vehicle for David Hess. Hess is reprising his sadistic psycho role from Last House on the Left. He's good in this movie. Playing a grease monkey that has a hankering for raping pretty young ladies. Well, that was in the past. He and a buddy from work are off to go boogie the night away. That's until a couple of socialites hire them to fix their car. After they complete the job, they ask David and Ricky if they want to come along. Angry about it being "too late to boogie", Hess and Ricky take off to party with the couple. Before they go, David brings along his trusty straight razor. Later on they arrive at a nice house outside the city limits. An hour into the party, David doesn't like the idea of him and his friend being brought along so the guests could have some "entertainment". David Hess goes Krug on the party goers. This is when the fun begins! The next hour is one hell of a joy ride. If you loved Last house on the Left then you'll dig this flick. Watching David Hess go Krug on a group of rich socialites is loads of fun.

Highly recommended.
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