Very Sick, but Funnier Than it is Sick!
8 August 1999
I don't know how this plays in Italian, but boy does the dubbing do a number on this one. A woman hits the door of a car with her bike and apologizes by saying, "I'm sorry, I was thinking of Boston." A man reveals why he's so smart by admitting: "I eat oodles of carrots." And the killer went mad because, in the professional words of a doctor, "it was the duck that snapped in his brain." This film alternates between revelling in sleaze and the upper limits of graphic violence, and playing out some of the funniest dialogue scenes this side of "Troll 2." My favorite was the anti-American speech one character stops the film to give about how "if you're not the best in America, you're nothing!" In reality only about 10 minutes were shot in NY, the rest in reliable old Cinecitta. And like my fellow commentators I have absolutely no idea why Fulci thought a killer who uses a Donald Duck voice would be scary, but it isn't, and in fact is one of the funniest things I've ever seen, no doubt robbing the Zucker Bros of a good idea for a future horror spoof. (Carrie 2 paid homage to it in one scene BTW.) Once upon a time in a very good film Fulci warned us not to torture ducklings, presumably because they'd end up as adult killer-ducks in hilariously awful movies like this.
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