Really, this was extremely bad
11 September 2002
If you have watched such a movie as "Ator, the invincible" directed by Joe Damato and you think that was bad(and it was)just wait to watch this. I can assure you that this was twice worse than that. The pace of the movie is always slow as a turtle and the battles are all filmed using slow camera, even when the guy is running sometimes they use the same slow camera, What´s the reason for that? Apart from this, special effects are very cheap and the funniest thing about this disaster is that the plot tries to show Gunan as a kind of Christ antecedent and they even say that his word was later used by a very brave king in Camelot(King Arthur, as you can suppose) so Excalibur was a long time ago the sword of a guy called Gunan, what an interesting revelation... But I prefer not to comment anything more about this turkey, in Spain i think it is impossible to find and if you live in other place and you see it at the video store, just avoid it. I give it a 1, and because I laughed sometimes.
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