It's the cheeziest!!!
15 May 2000
No, Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo will never win any awards. It'll never even come close, but for some strange reason I still enjoy it. I'd much rather spend a night watching it than some pretentious Hollywood garbage like Armegeddon. Let's see if I can find a few reasons why.

This movie is sort of like a Scooby Doo episode-you know the plot already, and can predict it easily. Oh no! The youth center's in trouble! How much you wanna bet that the Breakin' kids will come through with the money just in time to save it? How much you wanna bet that'll involve an inordinate number of spontaneous dance scenes, and supa-dope fly moves? Yep, you might be able to guess the answers.

It's just fun to see these people play it out, because they're obviously having fun. Yeah, even the straights like Kelly's parents finally get on the train. And watch for the scene in the hospital. Yes, the miraculous power of break dancing can bring your loved ones back from the dead!

Oh well, maybe I can't defend this intellectually, but this movie's still great. Watch it, and just try to do the robot as well as Turbo or Ozone...just be careful, or you might actually have fun too...
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