Very bad film
26 July 2002
I had high expectations on this sequel to James Glickenhaus' ultra violent and hyper nihilistic vigilante classic The Exterminator (1980). The sequel, Exterminator 2 (1984), is directed by Mark Buntzman, who produced the original Exterminator film. Both films star Robert Ginty as The Exterminator, who cleans cities of scum and dirt, like pimps, violent youth gang members and other criminals. There's no plot in this sequel. It has Mario Van Peebles as X, the main villain in some gang which has some ridiculous rituals and kills people without reason. Exterminator happens to wipe out some of the X' gang's members, and now X wants to kill the Exterminator. This is the "plot" of this film which has nothing to offer but stupid situations and dialogue. Damn was I disappointed!

The social commentary and nihilistic atmosphere of the first and original The Exterminator is very strong even today and the film hasn't lost its power during all these years. The Exterminator 2 however is very inept technically and in any imaginable cinematic level. The characters are stupid and irritating, there's laughing, screaming and running without any reason and there's also stupid love affair between Ginty and his girl friend, a dancer. Their love making scene is totally horrible as it tries to be romantic and emotional. This film fails perhaps in every level and maybe I feel it even more since I love the first film so much. This time Ginty uses his flame thrower which was on the cover art only in the first film. Most of his killings are committed by this fire weapon, and the overall nihilism in the form of graphic violence and gritty urban settings from part one are totally missing in this sequel. I love vigilante films, but this I cannot love even if I wanted to. This film has nothing to give and it is also very stupid and also boring so it cannot be recommended even as a piece of trash.

The Exterminator 2 gets 2/10 from me and that's only because of some unintentional turkey elements, which I found amusing. Still, I would like to love this film as I love the first, classic Exterminator film. Track down this sequel ONLY if you're very curious to see this (as I was), but don't expect anything from the film, even if you get the uncut version. I watched the uncut and pretty rare Greek tape, and also Danish tape (among others) is uncut. The old Finnish and British versions are cut. But then again, I don't know would the cuts really harm this piece of crap?
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