Ten reasons why this film is memorable *POSSIBLE SPOILERS*
23 March 2003
Warning: Spoilers
(1) The song (Don't wanna go where theres no Coca Cola indeed).

(2) Eric Roberts's manic, amusing performance where he acts like a hyperactive child on valium half the time.

(3) "Give me churches..schools..houses."

(4) Kangeroos being rescued from planes on their way to the vet.

(5) The ultra-sexy Greta Scacchi shower scene where nothing is left to the imagination.

(6) The super-sexy Greta Scacchi's seduction of Roberts involving a Santa suit, a shoe that keeps coming off and feathers. Lots and lots of feathers.

(7) The tour of the McDowell factory, the Willy Wonka of the drinks Industry.

(8) Gay parties with Roberts dancing with the most unconvincing drag queen this side of Priscilla.

(9) An impromptu sing-along of that perennial Australian favourite, Waltzing Matilda, with backing vocals provided by a group of dancing Santas.

(10) The ending text, something about the world ending and the US declaring war on China (you what!?)

Apart from those, there are plot holes big enough to drive a double-decker bus through and the whole film undertakes annoying changes in tone from time to time. There is some good stuff here and it certainly earns the tag "original" but I cannot in all good conscience give this heroic faliure a:


Take care now!!
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