21 May 1999
It seems like the movie people who made this thought that seven horrid directors could equal one mediocre director...wrong! Imagine the worst possible movie you could ever watch. Now imagine something a million times as bad. You now have a movie that is about half as bad as The Dungeonmaster. Maybe I'm exaggerating. This film had some merits to it, one of which being one of the easiest movies that I have ever given the MST3K-treatment. Its extremely funny. The villain is an odd hooded individual named "Mestema". I kept saying "Cool-from Nestea---ma!" during his scenes. There was a rather gruesome scene when he was alone in a darkened room and appeared to be doing something..uhh...well, I'd rather not say. The "hero", a computer nerd who jogs in pink boxer shorts and changes Don't Walk signs and makes illegal bank transactions with his wrist computer, is apparantly having some sort of sexual relationship with his computer. (They dont show it, thank God, but its implied somewhere along the line in the beginning of the movie...)Anyway, he's transported to a computer dimension to fight the villain (why I don't know). Along the way he meets bearded midgets (hobbits?) killer wax dummies, bad fraggle rock-style monster puppets, zombies that bear a striking resemblence to Marty McFly and Doc Brown from Back to The Future, and some stupid "Star Wars" robot rejects.He is an incompetant whiny idiot, in other words. I truly had a field day riffing this movie, and it is truly one that Mike and the 'Bots should have on the show as well.
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