Dancing in Heaven
18 June 1999
If you didn't first see this movie between the ages of 8 and 15, you probably won't experience the same joy and nostalgia as those of us lucky enough to have seen it in those golden years of our lives.

Today I found out that two girls in my office also love this movie, and it was like finding two kindred spirits. My sister and I used to watch this movie over and over again on cable. Yes, it's predictable and cheesy, but that's what's so fun about it! And was 80s pop culture (cheeseball pop music, teased hair, Velcro, loud clothes and dance TV programs--think "Solid Gold") ever so well documented on film?

Yes, you can watch Helen Hunt in her Oscar-winning performance in "As Good As it Gets"...but wouldn't you rather watch her become "Miss D-TV"?

Ah, the memories...
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