Reasonably entertaining tosh
25 September 1999
A previous reviewer has taken this film to pieces, and while many of his criticisms are well-made, I can't go along with the overall rating.

If you're looking for plausibility, then this is certainly one of the worst movies of all time, but it wasn't actually intended as a documentary, unless I miss my guess completely.

This is a silly action adventure, mostly set in North Africa. There are good guys and bad guys, and they have personalities rather than well-rounded characters. There's some slapstick humour. Danny de Vito is cutely irritating, Michael Douglas is brave and rugged. We even have a scene in a tribal village compete with tribal dancing.

In other words, it's an updated version of the Stewart Granger/Rod Taylor African adventure type movies.

What makes this film worth watching, though, are the chase-type scenes, the specific likes of which I'd not seen before. Suffice to say that they're unusual.

If you can accept a plot with more holes than a tuna net and just let it flow by, this is a fairly jolly way to spend a couple of hours.
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