not the best
7 July 2003
Full of awful humour and irritating characters, 'The Target' (what I saw it as) isn't a highpoint in the career of Jackie Chan, Samo Hung, and Yuen Biao.

I have to wonder at how the 'lucky star' series that this is a part of managed to become so popular, going by 'The Target' and the other one I've seen ('my lucky stars')

Besides the couple of final battles, there are only two good scenes, one featuring Michelle Yeogh teaching Judo, and the other involving the main girl pretending she's blind to avoid being killed as a witness. jackie's only in a few scenes and is generally wasted. If you want to see Jackie, Samo, and Yuen Biao is a good movie, watch Dragons Forever, or Project A if you haven't already.
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