Rich on good acting and story twists, lacking on most everything else.
14 March 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I must admit to a fondness for made for tv psychological thrillers as long as they are done well. In the case of Blood vows, I watched it for a couple of reasons. One being I very much like Melissa Gilbert and two, the story sounded like it could be interesting. This was an interesting experience, watching Melissa play the woman who falls in love and gets more then she bargained for. There are not alot of comments on this movie so I have to assume it wasn't a real popular tv movie. I can understand why for a few reasons.

This is a pretty depressing movie to sit through. There is alot of violence and though the storyline IS intriguing the violence kind of overshadows the basic plot-yet you keep watching. The best way to describe this tv movie is, it's one of those movies you know as you watch it, it isn't real good and you maybe don't like it that much but for some unfathenable reason you keep watching anyway. Now that said-there are two things that stand out in this, that makes it memorable and made me want to review it and those are: 1)The acting-very impressive for tv-especially the husband who was INCREDIBLE. I have to say the story sneaks up on you and makes it tough to turn off-that's probebly due to the acting. ENDING SPOILER COMING UP: 2)There is a twist at the end that shocked me-it was done in a very brutal way and stayed with me so I guess the movie makers did their job in that respect. After this "twist" you kind of wish you hadn't watched the whole thing in it's entirety.

I would rate this, mostly around a 5.5 but as far as having the ability to shock and having plot twists I'd give it higher marks.
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