Review of Project X

Project X (1987)
It's All About Us As The Self-Styled `Lords Of Creation'
18 March 2000
Yes, I agree with all the other positive comments posted on this film; it is a remarkable triumph that not only redeems our emotional sensibilities but makes us again realise that the unquestioning acceptance of `intellectualism' as the yardstick by which everything must be measured, has made us damn and paralyze one of the best parts of our being. With the rise of contemporary secularism, (and, so no one should misunderstand me, I write as an atheist), we have allowed science to become our replacement religion; seems like mankind just has to have something to `worship', but in doing this, we have, (just as we did before with religion), sanctioned diabolical cruelties against sentient beings, whether human or animal, in its name.

As Bernard Shaw, (and, by default, this movie) reminded us, the arguments used to justify vivisection are those which can be used to justify ANY atrocity, and PROJECT X rekindles that spark of humane compassion that materialism and self-regard have almost eradicated from our consciousness with their constant bombardment of `rational', dictatorial, and authoritarian notions. `We mustn't be emotional about these things' the `intellectual' and the `scientist' will retort, but why not?! Why not give animal beings the benefit of the doubt, if for one second there actually were any?

PROJECT X is a modern parable in both ethics and attitude; a powerful indictment of our misuse of animal beings. Mankind can't have it both ways; if, as the scientist argues, evolution is the means, then it is wrong to deny the opportunities this process bestows, (and which have so benefited us), to other species. If it is not the means, as the religionist argues, then it's simply a question of blasphemy, because these people assume rights which are actually denied them in Genesis.

A most worthy film which is well worth watching more than once, and a reminder that love and compassion can also be powerful agents of subversion!
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